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Yogurt Drops As Treats


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i'm thinking you buy from petbarn!?!?

atm i use small quantities of their yoghurt drops in my two dogs' 'before bed' snack box...

i've sent petbarn an email asking them to apply an ingredient list and nutritional label to their products --- i'm waiting on a reply :)

some months ago i enquired of my local barn's staff the 'sourced' meat and i was assured that it was strictly australian and new zealand product so i'm happy knowing that BUT i want nutritional labels where they've indicated that it's 100% [beef for eg]...


Edited by Skruffy n Flea
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They will be high in sugar and is usually the first ingrediant.

They're really not that healthy and depending on how you feel about t he use of Palm Oil...

http://www.d4dogz.com.au/catalog/drops-strawberry-yogurt-100g-p-512.html say to only to feed 1 drop per 4kgs.


i haven't heard back from petbarn but i didn't ask for an ingredient list [perhaps i should]...

IAE, i crush the drops [both carob and yoghurt] and only provide a few small pieces [no where near equivalent to a full drop] to each of my dogs in their snack box...

still, i'm unhappy about the use of palm oil --- i might source my own recipe, make it myself...

thanks for the link :)

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