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R.i.p. Little White Dog


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You ran under the wheels of the car in front there was nothing we could do. There was not a mark on you. There will be a family who will be very upset as you were well looked after and could tell you were truly loved. To the man that stopped and took you body I say thankyou. To the man that ran you over I say it couldn't be avoided and to the man who came from across the road you need to learn some compassion as your comment was not helpful.

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There was a thing on the radio not so long ago about whether people stop or swerve for animals on the road. The majority of people said as awful as it was sometimes it was a matter of staying safe on a busy road and swerving was just putting yourself and other drivers and their passengers at risk. Obviously if people had a safe choice they would swerve.

I still remember being at a friends house when I was in primary school and dad stopped to pick us up. Their little dog was a tyre biter and it went between the front and back wheels of dad's car and was killed instantly in front of all of us kids and the owners. He was actually slowing to a halt at the time. Sometimes you can do nothing and things still end tragically.

I am very sorry little white dog. I hope your parents eventually find out what happened to you so they can grieve.

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RIP little dog. :( I saw a gorgeous Am Staff dead on the side of the road a few days ago. :( It was really early in the morning, so I suspect it escaped overnight, and I felt so sad for its owners who were going to wake up and find it. :(

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