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Weeing In The Crate


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My dogs have normally been quite happy to sleep outside. They have a nice sheltered area and a kennel. Amber likes sleeping inside. That is fine and I've been letting her sleep in the crate. BUT she wees in the crate.

I have been staying up later (11-11.30pm) and getting up earlier (6.30am) to accommodate this. Last night I let her out at 12.30 for a wee. At 4.30 she showed no interest in going out and this morning the crate was wet.

The crate is a medium size and I don't think I could go smaller. She doesn't have water in there.

She has about 30 mins outside to do her business before I get her in.

Not sure what else to do??

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My dogs have normally been quite happy to sleep outside. They have a nice sheltered area and a kennel. Amber likes sleeping inside. That is fine and I've been letting her sleep in the crate. BUT she wees in the crate.

I have been staying up later (11-11.30pm) and getting up earlier (6.30am) to accommodate this. Last night I let her out at 12.30 for a wee. At 4.30 she showed no interest in going out and this morning the crate was wet.

The crate is a medium size and I don't think I could go smaller. She doesn't have water in there.

She has about 30 mins outside to do her business before I get her in.

Not sure what else to do??

Vet check first to make sure she doesn't have a UTI because it is really abnormal behaviour for a hosuetrained dog to not make a noise to get out of the crate to toilet.

Make sure she is actually toileting when you let her out before bed. A lot of my bitches have needed to be reminded that is what they are out for, otherwise they look for cats, sniff around and forget to go, then wake me a couple of hours later. It never happens with the males, just the girls. Same if you let her out during the night. She has to go if you say so. Use a command word for toileting on command and praise just like with a baby, when they comply. Mine know they have to go but if they really don't need to, they will squat and do nothing. That is the only time I believe them that they don't need to go because I know they have really thought about it.

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Hi Jules, I have had one dog that did a similar thing for a while.

I removed all bedding and it stopped immediately. Comfy? No! But not wet :thumbsup:

Then after a couple of weeks, I intropduced bedding again and it was all good, no more weeing.

I think if there is nothing to soak up the urine as such, perhaps she might be less likely to wish to lay in it. Possibly worth a shot anyway?

Good luck with it. :)

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Vet check first to make sure she doesn't have a UTI because it is really abnormal behaviour for a hosuetrained dog to not make a noise to get out of the crate to toilet.

Make sure she is actually toileting when you let her out before bed. A lot of my bitches have needed to be reminded that is what they are out for, otherwise they look for cats, sniff around and forget to go, then wake me a couple of hours later. It never happens with the males, just the girls. Same if you let her out during the night. She has to go if you say so. Use a command word for toileting on command and praise just like with a baby, when they comply. Mine know they have to go but if they really don't need to, they will squat and do nothing. That is the only time I believe them that they don't need to go because I know they have really thought about it.

I have a sneaky suspicion that she isn't actually going when I put her out.

I also have to say that I don't think the crate house training has worked half as well as the watch pup and put out when sniffing method. I honestly don't think she is actually house trained. She just never got to have accidents in the house. She did woof at me the other night though when they were all in the house. I wouldn't hear her in her crate.

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Maybe put the crate close to where you are sleeping for a bit, she maybe be giving you some subtle signs that you can't hear. If she barked to go out, that would suggest she probably is house trained, but if you aren't hearing her its working against her. Pop her on a lead and take her out to the toilet for a bit too, just to supervise and really monitor the situation.

She's a BC, she'll get it no worries.

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