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Is This Dog Too Skinny?


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I keep getting told by strangers that she is really skinny and she keeps getting mistaken for a lab cross.

I guess she is smaller and lighter framed than many labs you see these days but her mum and siblings also have this build.

You can't see any ribs on her, I guess if I am being honest she looks a bit "weedy" but not really skinny. Additionally, do you think she will "fill out" more as she gets older- she is currently 14 months old?

Sorry about the photo- it isn't the best but it is the only recent one I have of her standing- It is really hard to get a photo of her not moving LOL\

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It's hard to tell from the photo but she looks OK to me.

Is her spine visible? Are more than two or three ribs visible? If that's the case, then she could use a bit more covering.

Labs should have muscle definition a definite tuck and a waist. She's a dog, not a beef cow. Your average member of the public doesn't seem to realise that. ;)

Tell people she's a working lab! You don't see dogs that retrieve from water and that need to be able to jump a fence with a heavy bird in their mouths shaped like blancmanges. They look like this


Edited by poodlefan
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She looks good to me. She's not too tucked at the waist, just right.

We used to get the same thing from ppl when my son's mixed breed dog was younger. I was told her mum looked the same. She's now 10.5 y/o & still looks the same except for the lack of muscle in her thighs due to arthritis & lack of exercise.

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Labs should have muscle definition a definite tuck and a waist. She's a dog, not a beef cow. Your average member of the public doesn't seem to realise that. ;)

Bahaha that's so true! Most of the Labs I see are pretty darn hefty and overweight. I'm no expert, but from that pic i'd say you Lab is fine :)

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Labs should have muscle definition a definite tuck and a waist. She's a dog, not a beef cow. Your average member of the public doesn't seem to realise that. ;)

Bahaha that's so true! Most of the Labs I see are pretty darn hefty and overweight. I'm no expert, but from that pic i'd say you Lab is fine :)

Most pet Labs I see could afford to lose 10kg. The problem is that being overweight is so common that many people (and sadly vets) seem to think that look is "normal".

And they wonder why cruciate ligament rupture can be an issue with Labs. :(

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Most pet Labs I see could afford to lose 10kg. The problem is that being overweight is so common that many people (and sadly vets) seem to think that look is "normal".

And they wonder why cruciate ligament rupture can be an issue with Labs. :(

*Nods* I find my Mother often commenting on the appearance of the fat Labs she sees regularly. She grew up with hunting Labs so knows what they're supposed to look like and she just can't believe that so many are overweight.

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She looks fine to me. Do you have a picture from over the top of her?? over her waist?

I think all bar a few LAbs I have seen are overweight to some degree, some disgustingly so.

The photo PF posted is how they should look. HOnestly I almost get a tear in my eye on the rare occassion I see a Lab in that condition.

Your girl is only 14 months old and she will fill out and muscle up a bit yet.

Due to the fact she is lean and fit she will a whole lot less likely to suffer joint and cruciate issues. Keep doing what you are doing. If her mum and siblings are of similar build then she is alsways going to be a lnakier Lab.

As mentioned by PF if there are more than 2 to three ribs visable and the spine or hips are prominant then yes she could use some more weight.

I saw a photo the otehr day of a VERY overweight Pug (being shown) it's neck was wider than it's head - what are people thinking!

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From the photo i would say she is a great weight. She seems quite a fine boned lab, so you wouldn't want a lot of extra weight on her. She has most likely finished growing up, but at 14 months she will probably still continue to fill out and muscle up some more.

If her mother & siblings are similar shape and condition then I wouldn't be concerned. If she is healthy, active and happy and you know she is eating properly and well then I would just ignore comments as to her being too thin.

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Looks good to me as well. And I know all about the public thinking your Lab is a Lab X because it isn't the usual keg on legs Lab. I've been asked several times what Ruby is, or if she has any Lab in her.

For the first time, I'm actually trying to put weight ON my girls. The change in their new diet has meant I wasn't feeding an adequate amount, and now Ruby is a bit too ribby. Lucky them, they are enjoying the extra lunch time meal when I am home to give it, and the increased dinner portions :D

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My lab boy is skinny too and I get told the same thing..that I am being mean not feeding him enough...i just ignore them now...if he was fat i would get told i am being cruel over feeding him....damned if you do and damned if you dont...his vet is very happy with his weight and condition and so are we....

that's all that matters


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damned if you do and damned if you dont...

That's the trouble with Labs. There aren't many around that the majority would class as just right. In people's eyes, there are groups that say are either too skinny, and other groups that say they are too fat (even if the Lab isn't at the extreme end of either scale). So you're right, damned if you do, damned if you don't. Now I just concern myself with what I think is the right weight for my own Labs :)

Edited by RubyStar
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Your lab looks great in the pictures. Unlike my golden retriever Shelley who is overweight which i'm working on. But then Shelleys sister from the picture i got of her she looks a bit fatter then Shelley,Shelley's mum looks skinnier, But her dad looks just like Shelley.

I don't like seeing overweight dogs which is way i hate myself for letting Shelley get on the porky side. I kinda blame my mum in a way she can't stop throwing Shelley food.

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I think she looks great. I love lean looking dogs and am amazed at how many people think that a fit healthy dog is skinny.

My parents are terrible with over feeding their dogs and were always telling me my previous Dobe was too thin, no doubt they'll say the same thing when they set eyes on Acheron in a few weeks.


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