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Vern Ryans Pet Resort


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A friend of mine always sends her Lab to Vern Ryan. Says she loves it there, but who knows. She is a very happy dog when I see her.

She has been boarded there quite a few times now.

Edited by dogdog
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If you want good boarding/training combo Tina Button does it http://www.tinasdogtraining.com/, she's the only person I would recommend for it in and around Geelong.

If you want private training her and I both do private lessons on this side of Melbourne, if you want boarding only I highly recommend Elcho Park in Lara. I cannot fault them.

Nehbet, this is not answering the question asked in the thread, saying that you would only recommend someone else implies you do not like the trainer in question. - DOL's need to be careful when commenting in an open forum on professional's online nor is this site for self-promotion. Please all DOL's think before you write.

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Hi folks,

Just wondering if anyone would care to share feedback on Vern Ryans Pet Resort (both as a boarding facility and trainer).

Thanks in advance.


I wouldn't use him again, either for training or for boarding, however my experience was around 14 years ago for the training, and maybe 6-7 years ago for boarding.

When we did our obedience training with him, he was using choke chains and negative reinforcment, neither of which really worked outside the class environment for my girl. However, it WAS a long time ago and probably he has changed his training methods since then.

When I picked my girl up from boarding for 8 days, she was really withdrawn and actually spent the first few days of being home in the very furtherest corner of my yard -- didn't even want to come inside.

However, again, I feel it's a little unfair to compare this with my two other experiences of boarding her, when she had my other dog to keep her company as well.

So I don't think that really helps at all...

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Nehbet, this is not answering the question asked in the thread, saying that you would only recommend someone else implies you do not like the trainer in question. - DOL's need to be careful when commenting in an open forum on professional's online nor is this site for self-promotion. Please all DOL's think before you write.

I said nothing about him or his service. I just said I would automatically recommend someone elses services which I know are extremely professional and worth paying for.

As for not being about self promotion plenty of people have their businesses in their signatures or when someone asks about a service DOLers are automatically recommended to be contacted despite not paying for advertisement here.

There is nothing slanderous in it at all my opinions are my opinions but they have not been posted here.

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If you want good boarding/training combo Tina Button does it http://www.tinasdogtraining.com/, she's the only person I would recommend for it in and around Geelong.

If you want private training her and I both do private lessons on this side of Melbourne, if you want boarding only I highly recommend Elcho Park in Lara. I cannot fault them.

Nehbet, this is not answering the question asked in the thread, saying that you would only recommend someone else implies you do not like the trainer in question. - DOL's need to be careful when commenting in an open forum on professional's online nor is this site for self-promotion. Please all DOL's think before you write.

I actually thought Nekhbet was entirely professional. She didn't bag out any trainers, instead she recommended an alternative. This is exactly how I handle clients asking me for recommendations.

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I worked for him for 3 years, as far as boarding goes, the dogs are well looked after, runs are always clean, dogs are execised regularly, well they were when I worked there :) the dogs are all locked inside at night for warmth and comfort, I do not like elcho park for this reason as they dont lock the dogs in and their dog pens seemed quite cold and dark...

As far as training, I have to disagree that he uses negative reinforcement methods, he uses a combination of both, he teaches correct use of a correction chain and also get the dogs encouraged by lots of praise and positive reinforcement :) I have a dog aggressive dog, I even had a private one on one behaviour lesson with my dog with him (whilst employed) and I learnt lots of valuable information and learnt how to control my dog effectively and for that I am very greatful....

I parted eith my employment not on the best of terms, and can honestly say that he does care about the dogs in his care and is effective with his training techniques, I still use those techniques today and am a much better owner for it :)

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