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Meaty Bones

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Really depends on the dog and what he/she can tolerate. Some dogs cant handle bones at all and will get diarrhoea.

My kids enjoy: chicken frames, lamb neck, lamb ribs, whole brisket (not the bone only but whole meaty brisket with bone), veal neck, beef neck bones

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As Bubitty said, it depends on the dog.

I assume you have Staffords, so be very careful about bones that breeds like Collies and Labs have no problem with - I have had a Stafford choke and die on a brisket bone (including the meaty part) as he had the jaw strength, determination and greed to force it down his throat before it was small enough for him to swallow. Yes he was supervised.

I know of 2 other Staffords who have choked and died on brisket - it is soft enough to compress and slippery enough to slide easily.

Chicken carcases are much loved here and even the crazed gulpers can't manage to get into trouble with them. 1/2 chickens with some of the meat removed for people dinner are good too - more of a meal than a carcase obviously.

Turkey necks are good for Staffords but avoid chicken necks, they can just crunch and swallow (or don't bother to crunch!)

Whole beef ribs are great if the dog tolerates a lot of bone (and obviously you need to feed some actual meat to balance up the meal)

Mine adore pig trotters & pig heads too!

Start simple and don't give three different types (species) of bone in three days or you'll never know which one the dog is having a problem with if it as one.

Don't use the dinosaur bones/cattle joint bones you can find in some supermarkets. A Stafford WILL try to crunch it up and can break teeth on these things.

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