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Fleas On My New Adoptee - Can I Bath Him Tonight Before He Uses Any Be


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I have a 10 mth old Cavalier who is on flea prevention and has thankfully never had a flea.

Today I collected my new family member who I adopted (3 year old Cavalier x Tibetan Spaniel). The foster carer said she'd been having a bit of a flea problem with him and her own dog. First thing I did when I got him home at 11:45am was take him into the bathroom, apply advantage and give him a comfortis tablet.

I just combed him (5pm) and got a lot of dead fleas off him (mainly his bottom half). I also found one still alive in his tail and promptly killed that. (He didn't appear to have any irritated skin so I assume the flea problem wasn't too bad.]

He has a lot of that "dirt" and that they get when they have fleas. I really want to give him a bath with Aloveen before he uses any bedding tonight. [No way is he coming in my bedroom until he is 100% flea free!!! :eek: ]

Can I give him a bath at 8pm tonight? Will that have been enough time for the Advantage to fully absorb and me not to risk washing it off? Or do I need to wait until tomorrow night? :(

Edited by allie181
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i hate fleas with a passion...

Me too. I am quite OCD about fleas. It took all my might to let him into the house. To me fleas are in the same category as lice on children. They make me scratch insanely myself (I know it is all psychosomatic but I can't help it).

Another question - Should I be flea bombing my house? Given I acted straight away when he came in, and that I have pretty much restricted his access to the lounge (which is carpeted) and tiled areas, is bombing necessary or is treating both dogs sufficient? (My house was definitely flea free before he entered.)

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i hate fleas with a passion...

Me too. I am quite OCD about fleas. It took all my might to let him into the house. To me fleas are in the same category as lice on children. They make me scratch insanely myself (I know it is all psychosomatic but I can't help it).

Another question - Should I be flea bombing my house? Given I acted straight away when he came in, and that I have pretty much restricted his access to the lounge (which is carpeted) and tiled areas, is bombing necessary or is treating both dogs sufficient? (My house was definitely flea free before he entered.)

we've had fleas in the past but at such low levels that we managed just by ensuring our pets were dosed and THAT treated the environment...

you might like to quickly run the vac over the carpeted area [get yourself a dog/cat flea collar, cut it up and put several pieces in the vac bag; that [apparently] takes care of those lil buggers that get sucked up]!

as much as i hate fleas, i loathe chemicals also...

Edited by Skruffy n Flea
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If you gave him comfortis and advantage you could bath if you really wanted too as you dont really need both products, washing the advantage off you still have the comfortis. Personally i would bath (im a clean freak), i wouldnt worry about bombing as the comfortis works super fast anyway and would have knocked the buggers that were on him down about 30min after giving the tablet.

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Might be good for him to have a bath, seeing as he's been double chemical'd.

I wouldn't worry about bombing the house either. You've been fairly vigilent and a vacuum will help. I'd only bomb if I knew I had a flea problem.

Congrats and good on you for adopting a 'need of a home' doggy :)

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Thanks everyone. Off to the bath we go. I'm glad, as I wanted him to be able to sleep in my bedroom with me and my other boy and not feel ostracised on his first night.

Thanks again for your help! :D

p.s. attached is a pic of my adorable new boy Charlie and both the boys already best buddies and napping together (hogging my couch) ;)

UPDATE: We just finished his bath (actually shower ;) ). I combed him carefully afterwards and did not find a single flea or speck of "flea dirt" - woo hoo! Also vacuumed thoroughly, so hopefully that is our first and last flea encounter. :thumbsup:



Edited by allie181
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