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Unsure What Is Wrong With My Girl.


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Got any wandering jew in your garden? Hair loss around the eyes is the main thing that happens when my lot stick their heads in wandering jew!

No wandering jew JulesP in our yard anyway, but Miss Stella, Sonny & myself walk lots around the place & being a puppy as they do she is pretty much got her nose into everything. I do try to supervise all the time but it doesn't take a second for them to be into something so that may be food for thought too. :)

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are you already using a spot on produt like revolution or advocate? It can mask the mite numbers in cases of Demodex etc.

put a cone on her head and see if it grows back. Sometimes dogs can habitually rub hair away.

Just watch with BC's the vet doesnt use Ivermectin or other mectins on her if she has never had them before.

I am using Advantix on her once every 3 weeks as we live in an area which is very bad for tick's pretty much all year round.

My bet would be demodex with the Advantage keeping the mite numbers low enought that the scrapings are not detecting them, but not low enough to get rid of them completely. Demodex, just locallised just around the eyes is very common in young BCs. Sometimes it disappears on it's own but if it does they sometimes get another outbreak later in life. A change of diet could possibly boost the immune system up enough for the hair loss to cease. The demodex mites live on the skin of lots of healthy dogs without causing a problem but any stress to the immune system can cause them to increase, resulting in hair loss. Times it is most likely to show up are after vaccination, during rapid growth stages or during pregnancy.

I haven't had a case for years but the few I did have were all treated, all over, weekly for 4 weeks with Ectodex and it never re-occured in any of them.


These were all pre spot on treatment days so I'm not sure how it works if you are using a product like Advantage as well.

BTW Border Collies can be sensitive to Ivermectin and there is a simple DNA test to find out but to my knowledge, no Australian BCs have ever tested positive to Ivermectin sensitivity, so it is very rare.

Edited by dancinbcs
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Forgot to add that she was given by my vet a course of skin anti-biotic's as it looked like the hair loss might be starting in the other eye area,mirroring the left eye. :confused: That has cleared but the left eye hasn't improved really.This is doing my head in :noidea:

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My older BC had a patch of hair loss above her eye around 14 months and at the time we used the demodex wash stuff because that is what was suggested. She has had a few outbreaks here and there over the years and now I just use a couple of treatments of Advocate and it seems to resolve it.

Edited by ness
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My older BC had a patch of hairloss above her eye around 14 months and at the time we used the demodex wash stuff because that is what was suggested. She has had a few outbreaks here and there over the years and now I just use a couple of treatments of Advocate and it seems to resolve it.

When you used the demodex wash at 14 months, did you rinse her all over or just use it on the face ?

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Just used it on the patch on her face. The stuff we got we were told to dilute in water and then apply using a cotton bud to the bald patch.

Everyone I know that just treated the affected spots with the wash, always had further outbreaks during the dog's life. Treating them all over seems to get rid of the problem permanently. I opted for this because the most likely time for a further outbreak is during pregnancy and the wash cannot be used then at all or when they are feeding/raising a litter. If a bitch has an outbreak when raising a litter, some of the puppies will also get it and then have to wait until 12 weeks to be treated. Not an issue for a desexed bitch but a real problem if you intend to breed.

Not sure what the success rate for Advocate is these days or if it can be used on pregnant/feedign bitches, but it may be a better option than the old wash solution.

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Just used it on the patch on her face. The stuff we got we were told to dilute in water and then apply using a cotton bud to the bald patch.

Everyone I know that just treated the affected spots with the wash, always had further outbreaks during the dog's life. Treating them all over seems to get rid of the problem permanently. I opted for this because the most likely time for a further outbreak is during pregnancy and the wash cannot be used then at all or when they are feeding/raising a litter. If a bitch has an outbreak when raising a litter, some of the puppies will also get it and then have to wait until 12 weeks to be treated. Not an issue for a desexed bitch but a real problem if you intend to breed.

Not sure what the success rate for Advocate is these days or if it can be used on pregnant/feedign bitches, but it may be a better option than the old wash solution.

I have just had Stella desexed 2 weeks ago now. I did notice a slight hair loss previous to that & when she was at the vets getting desexed he did her first skin scraping then. Didn't find anything. Then when I took her back to get her stitches out in 10 days the problem had not improved so he did another scraping & again found nothing. :confused: I think I might swap her over to Advocate maybe it may get rid of it, rather than washing her in Dermadox as it seems very toxic.

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Yeah I think if it was mine I'd try the Advocate and see if it helps. Despite only treating the spot with the wash Ness only has had 2 more outbreaks in her 11 years but I certainly use Advocate now when I see a bald patch. She normally only needs 1 or 2 months of that and she is fine again.

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Just used it on the patch on her face. The stuff we got we were told to dilute in water and then apply using a cotton bud to the bald patch.

Everyone I know that just treated the affected spots with the wash, always had further outbreaks during the dog's life. Treating them all over seems to get rid of the problem permanently. I opted for this because the most likely time for a further outbreak is during pregnancy and the wash cannot be used then at all or when they are feeding/raising a litter. If a bitch has an outbreak when raising a litter, some of the puppies will also get it and then have to wait until 12 weeks to be treated. Not an issue for a desexed bitch but a real problem if you intend to breed.

Not sure what the success rate for Advocate is these days or if it can be used on pregnant/feedign bitches, but it may be a better option than the old wash solution.

I have just had Stella desexed 2 weeks ago now. I did notice a slight hair loss previous to that & when she was at the vets getting desexed he did her first skin scraping then. Didn't find anything. Then when I took her back to get her stitches out in 10 days the problem had not improved so he did another scraping & again found nothing. :confused: I think I might swap her over to Advocate maybe it may get rid of it, rather than washing her in Dermadox as it seems very toxic.

If it is demodex, the desexing surgery would be enough stress to have increased it. Advocate recommend 2-4 treatments so this is probably the best option for a desexed dog.

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Just a quick update with Stella. Her eye area is looking slightly better today than it has of late. I have some Advocate on the way. Will put her on that for a few months & see how she goes. Was going to put Sonny on Advocate as well, just in case he has caught what ever Stella has although he is showing no signs of mites / mange but I don't think I am able to as I have him yearly vaccinated for Heartworm at the vets & I noticed that the Advocate covers Heartworm as well. Thought it would be unsafe to double dose him, so I will just keep him on Advantix. Hope I am making the right choice with him. As I am unsure what is really wrong with Stella exactly it makes it hard to know.

Thank's everyone for your help with Stella so far. :)

Edited by BC Crazy
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Just a quick update with Stella. Her eye area is looking slightly better today than it has of late. I have some Advocate on the way. Will put her on that for a few months & see how she goes. Was going to put Sonny on Advocate as well, just in case he has caught what ever Stella has although he is showing no signs of mites / mange but I don't think I am able to as I have him yearly vaccinated for Heartworm at the vets & I noticed that the Advocate covers Heartworm as well. Thought it would be unsafe to double dose him, so I will just keep him on Advantix. Hope I am making the right choice with him. As I am unsure what is really wrong with Stella exactly it makes it hard to know.

Thank's everyone for your help with Stella so far. :)

If it is demodex the other dog can't catch it. The only time it is spread from one dog to another is from mother to puppies in the first few weeks due to the very close constant contact. Definitely don't use Advocate on a dog that has had the heartworm injection. Actually this is a further reason to not use heartworm injections. If you do need to treat mites it severely limits your options. With demodex their are other treatments but if you are unlucky enough to have a dog get sarcoptic mange (scabies/fox mange) then the only really effective treatment is Advocate or Revolution. Prior to their invention, some dogs had such chronic cases of sarcoptic mange that they had to be pts. Thankfully sarcoptic is rare in city dogs but unlike demodex,it is highly contagious between dogs humans and other animals, so is much more serious.

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Just a quick update with Stella. Her eye area is looking slightly better today than it has of late. I have some Advocate on the way. Will put her on that for a few months & see how she goes. Was going to put Sonny on Advocate as well, just in case he has caught what ever Stella has although he is showing no signs of mites / mange but I don't think I am able to as I have him yearly vaccinated for Heartworm at the vets & I noticed that the Advocate covers Heartworm as well. Thought it would be unsafe to double dose him, so I will just keep him on Advantix. Hope I am making the right choice with him. As I am unsure what is really wrong with Stella exactly it makes it hard to know.

Thank's everyone for your help with Stella so far. :)

If it is demodex the other dog can't catch it. The only time it is spread from one dog to another is from mother to puppies in the first few weeks due to the very close constant contact. Definitely don't use Advocate on a dog that has had the heartworm injection. Actually this is a further reason to not use heartworm injections. If you do need to treat mites it severely limits your options. With demodex their are other treatments but if you are unlucky enough to have a dog get sarcoptic mange (scabies/fox mange) then the only really effective treatment is Advocate or Revolution. Prior to their invention, some dogs had such chronic cases of sarcoptic mange that they had to be pts. Thankfully sarcoptic is rare in city dogs but unlike demodex,it is highly contagious between dogs humans and other animals, so is much more serious.

Been reading up on this demodex mange & there was a pic of a puppy with it on his left eye & it looked exactly the same as what my girl looks like. :( but at least it is not contagious I guess,least my boy wont get it too. You have a point with the yearly heartworm vac. thing, it does seriously limit your options for treatments, doesn't it? I have never had a problem with any of my dogs with mites / demodex, Stella is the first. I mainly got the yearly heart vac as it was recommended by my vet & it was one less thing to remember. Thank's again for your help. :) I have been very worried about it all.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi guys

I have just sat and read through several threads on Demodex mites because my little Rosie has been diagnosed with them... Noticed a small bald patch on her chest on the Tuesday nigth, by Friday night there was a second irritated spot and by the time we got her to the vets on teh Monday she had a third spot starting.

Vet did scrapings and nothing showed, I realise now that might be because we had used Revolution on all the dogs about 10 days earlier. But she did have junky ears.... it was deep but the start of something bigger...So antibiotics and a second Revolution... 8 days later not improvement and so the vet did a second scraping and t his time he found some mites.

She is having small doses of Ivomectin daily ... 1ml per 4kg of bodyweigh .... and I have introduced a larger proportion of probiotics into her diet... she does have Anvance Puppy Plus Large Breed biscuits but also has raw chicken and lamb... plus meaty bones...

I found some websites that suggest it be topically treated with either lemon juice or apple cider vinegar... she just sits and licks it all off....

So I am open to suggestions.... has anybody used these


Oh I should add for those who do not know her,,,, she is a 9mth old Clumber

Edited by Joan of Arc
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Hi guys

I have just sat and read through several threads on Demodex mites because my little Rosie has been diagnosed with them... Noticed a small bald patch on her chest on the Tuesday nigth, by Friday night there was a second irritated spot and by the time we got her to the vets on teh Monday she had a third spot starting.

Vet did scrapings and nothing showed, I realise now that might be because we had used Revolution on all the dogs about 10 days earlier. But she did have junky ears.... it was deep but the start of something bigger...So antibiotics and a second Revolution... 8 days later not improvement and so the vet did a second scraping and t his time he found some mites.

She is having small doses of Ivomectin daily ... 1ml per 4kg of bodyweigh .... and I have introduced a larger proportion of probiotics into her diet... she does have Anvance Puppy Plus Large Breed biscuits but also has raw chicken and lamb... plus meaty bones...

I found some websites that suggest it be topically treated with either lemon juice or apple cider vinegar... she just sits and licks it all off....

So I am open to suggestions.... has anybody used these


Oh I should add for those who do not know her,,,, she is a 9mth old Clumber

Hi Joan of Arc, I just swapped Stella over from Advantix to Advantage for a month & her facial hair regrew & she hasn't showed any signs of it again & I swapped her back to Advantix shortly after as we live in a coastal area

where the ticks are bad. I have also always added a 1/2 teaspoon apple cidar vinegar in her dinner of a night as it helps keep the red tones out of her coat. I haven't used any of the other treatments you have mentioned.

Sorry not more help. :)

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Hi guys

I have just sat and read through several threads on Demodex mites because my little Rosie has been diagnosed with them... Noticed a small bald patch on her chest on the Tuesday nigth, by Friday night there was a second irritated spot and by the time we got her to the vets on teh Monday she had a third spot starting.

Vet did scrapings and nothing showed, I realise now that might be because we had used Revolution on all the dogs about 10 days earlier. But she did have junky ears.... it was deep but the start of something bigger...So antibiotics and a second Revolution... 8 days later not improvement and so the vet did a second scraping and t his time he found some mites.

She is having small doses of Ivomectin daily ... 1ml per 4kg of bodyweigh .... and I have introduced a larger proportion of probiotics into her diet... she does have Anvance Puppy Plus Large Breed biscuits but also has raw chicken and lamb... plus meaty bones...

I found some websites that suggest it be topically treated with either lemon juice or apple cider vinegar... she just sits and licks it all off....

So I am open to suggestions.... has anybody used these


Oh I should add for those who do not know her,,,, she is a 9mth old Clumber

Hi Joan,

My girl developed demodex spots after I switched her from advocate to sentinel.

She was on daily ivermectin too, I tried a few things on her spots directly like green tea and a very small amount of tea tree oil. I have no idea if these helped, but I think you'd be fine just letting the ivermectin do its thing. It does take a while but it'll fix it, we are back on just monthly advocate now and no further spots.

Here's the poor little mange-face with bald spots on her forehead (bad photo since it was on my phone, and she has sand in her eyes too from the morning beach trip :( )


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I would just follow the vets advise and see what happens.

By the way it's not an over night cure, it will take some time but it does work.

By the way you can all have a good laugh at this.

Many moons ago before ivomectin I used to treat the surface of the skin with Mortien.

I would spray it onto cotton wool and scrub the area if near and eye, or just spray onto an otherwise non vulnerable area.....always works for me. Hehe.

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