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My Dog Is Acting Strangely


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Just looking for any help or advice for my cairn terrier Cal. This afternoon I got home from work to find him hunched, shaking and in obvious pain. I've been to the vet and he has fairly severe localised back pain. This could mean any number of things at this stage and he is booked for xrays monday.

She gave him an anti inflammatory shot as well as a pain relief injection. When I got him home he was pretty zonked and stayed almost perfectly still for about 3 hours. I hoped he would just sleep through the night. But he has since woken up, and is quite agitated and panicky and just keeps doing circuits of the house. He cannot settle and will not let me near him (yelps/growls/goes to bite). Will this wear off? Is it just an after effect of the drug? I am watching him carefully anyway as some of the possible conditions would involve him deteriorating over the next day or so. Is this a bad sign or just par for the course?

Thanks for any help, I am worried about my poor little man :( Oh, I have anti inflammatory tablets to give him from tomorrow evening as well.

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Poor wee guy. :( What drugs was he given? And when were they given to him?

ETA, pending any further info, it could just be the pain meds wearing off, but if you're concerned that he's deteriorating then if it were me I'd be taking him in to the emergency vets if possible.

Edited by Staranais
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Thanks Staranais. I can't remember the name of the pain reliever, but she said it was similar to morphine. He would have had the injections about 7pm my time, which is about 5 hours ago now.

He doesn't appear to be deteriorating as such, he is not vomiting or doing anything strange, but just won't lie down and settle. Being super grouchy and not letting me near him is 'normal' behaviour for him if he is in pain.

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Ok I just let him go outside on a long lead (was worried about him 'hiding' in the garden) and he did a wee then came straight back in. Managed to use the lead to get close enough to pick him up and have placed him on his bed. He is actually now lying down so I'm crossing fingers.

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Was it buprenorphine (Temgesic)? If so that should last somewhere around 4 to 8 hours, depending on the dose, so now would be about right for it starting to wear off.

If he looks healthy & well hydrated but just a bit grumpy, then I'd leave him be. But you know him better than anyone - trust your instincts whether you think there's something really wrong.

Poor wee guy, I hope they can find out what's wrong with him on Monday.

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That may have been it. She didn't mention how long it would take to wear off. He just got up again because my other dog did, but I've got him back on the bed and he is lying down again. I think he seems ok apart from the obvious, but as you say I am the one that will know if it really isn't right. I might have to try and get a bit of sleep myself soon, but at least Finn should wake me if Cal gets agitated again.

Thanks so much for your replies Staranais, it is a stressful business looking after them when they are not well, especially as I'm here by myself. I certainly hope I get some answers Monday too.

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Just an update this morning. We did manage some sleep but cal is still not doing well this morning. He stays on his bed when I put him there, but the two times he's gotten up this morning he has started to go back into the panic mode. He has not had any food or drink :(

I just spoke to the clinic who saw him last night -they are not my usual vets. The vet nurse was very helpful and the actual vet is going to ring me back shortly for a chat and see if he needs to be seen again before Monday.

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Yup that's the trouble pers I don't yet know what is actually wrong. However I am feeling a little more relaxed now, he is still wandering around and not wanting to settle in one spot, but he is MUCH more relaxed and not panicking or shaking. I do also feel better that he has fluids in him.

I'm still waiting on the vet's call, but hopefully he will be ok with the pain medication until xrays and investigations Monday.

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Glad he's more relaxed ... !!!

Will he be happy to lie in bed with a nice hot/warm wheatbag on his back? One of our old house dogs LOVES this when her back ouches .. she almost dives on the HW bottle/wheat bag , such is her delight :)

fingers crossed for him .

Maybe give him some Rescue remedy as well... and maybe burn some lavender oil? Just to keep him relaxed ....

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Good idea on the wheat pack. He seems to wander until I place him on one of his beds then he will stay put for a while - just tried that again then but my other dog got worked up about something so he got up. Shortly I'll try and settle him again and if I can get him lying down might try the heatpack.

Thanks for your help! :)

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I'm thinking a blockage - potentially in the esophagus. Your description sounds like that of Kal (my avatar girl). Kal's no longer with me :angel: (bhcs) but not because of the incident I now refer to. It turned out she'd swallowed a huge (half tennis ball size/shape) bone and it lodged solidly low down in the esophagus. She was in an immense amount of pain - hunched back; agitated.

ETA: You're there - I'm not. Also, you know your dog where I don't. But personally, I would allow my dog to assume his/her own position as it might be that it is the most comfortable.

Edited by Erny
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Thanks Erny. The vet last night did find a spot in his back with acute 'repeatable' pain so I think that is what is causing the discomfort, she couldn't find anything to indicate it was internal but of course will thoroughly check everything Monday. The next question is why the acute back pain. Her main ideas were spinal disease, arthritis and of course an injury of some sort.

The vet did ring me back and was happy with how things are sounding (relatively speaking). I am happy to say he is doing a lot better now, and is actually lying down near me at this very moment. He is still tending to wander around a lot, but the vet said the same thing as you Erny - to just leave him to his own devices and he will find the most comfortable position for himself. He is not agitated or panicky any more thank goodness. Still obviously in a lot of discomfort but it seems to be being managed a lot better now.

He is not particularly interested in food, I'll get him something super tasty for tonight to offer him so that I can give him the anti inflammatory tablet with food if at all possible.

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my bitch went through the same thing ... even after 3 Tramadol and a Norocarp she was pacing, shaking, panting and walking in circles all night. Canine chiro fixed it in one swift hand movement. If you can find a chiro I would take the dog ASAP

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my bitch went through the same thing ... even after 3 Tramadol and a Norocarp she was pacing, shaking, panting and walking in circles all night. Canine chiro fixed it in one swift hand movement. If you can find a chiro I would take the dog ASAP

Can I suggest that this may have been the Tramadol talking? After one Tramadol at the emergency vet Grumpy was off his head for nearly a week. I still can't put him in the back of the car without him going berserk. I had to take the week off work because it sent him so loopy. Same for Kiwioz's dog. I'm betting it was Tramadol.

Edited by Sheridan
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Well I'm not long home after picking him up from the vet this evening after having the xrays (thanks for asking staranais :)) They were (somewhat predictably) fairly inconclusive, however they did rule out several things which was good news. There are no obvious issues, he had a small indication of arthritis but apparently in this particular spot it is quite common and could be unrelated.

Basically I'm continuing with rest and anti inflammatory meds to see if he improves, otherwise he'll need to be investigated further. He is still not himself and quite stiff, but I have noticed an improvement and he is starting to get his personality back which is great to see.

My next challenge will be getting Finn out for a walk tomorrow morning and leaving Cal behind. THAT will be interesting!!!

As for the weird reaction I think now that it was largely due to the drugs and coming off them. He has been far more settled since, just a bit stiff and sore.

Thanks for all the thoughts and advice!

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