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Recommendations For A Pet Transport Company?

Zug Zug

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My daughter is trying to make arrangements to bring a 13 week old Rottweiler pup across from Perth to Adelaide.

Any recommendations for a good pet transport company to deal with?

Please either reply or PM me if you prefer.

Thanks in advance!

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I agree, I would use dogtainers as well

I flew a Rottweiler pup to WA with them and she arrived fine, but I also took her to the airport

myself and crated her.

Edited by Bartok
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Thanks everyone! I have passed these recommendations on to my daughter and her Dad.

Photo of pretty new pup - just because she's so cute. Her name will be Kita. Hopefully she will arrive tomorrow.


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Oh no!!! I have just received a message on Facebook from my daughter. Apparently it was a scam. No puppy - just some dishonest people.

Trying to find out whether she had forwarded any money or not. Poor kid - she was so excited.

(She is almost 18 and living with her Dad at the moment, so I don't have the full story yet. I will post when I do. Maybe this is one of those 'learning about the real world' experiences for her. Hard way to learn.)

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Oh no!!! I have just received a message on Facebook from my daughter. Apparently it was a scam. No puppy - just some dishonest people.

Trying to find out whether she had forwarded any money or not. Poor kid - she was so excited.

(She is almost 18 and living with her Dad at the moment, so I don't have the full story yet. I will post when I do. Maybe this is one of those 'learning about the real world' experiences for her. Hard way to learn.)

oh no how terrible i feel for you daughter. there are a few pups available from wa breeders at the moment though just so you know :)

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She is disappointed but ok. This is how she worked it out:

They rang her at 2am this morning. First warning sign.

They thought Perth was in Tasmania (but didn't make any kind of comment like 'not the Perth you're thinking of') - yes there is a Perth in Tasmania but you can't fly a puppy directly out of there.

They were insisting she use their pet transport company, and would not consider any of the options my daughter was suggesting.

They gave her their email address, which she worked out was from New Jersey in the USA.

Luckily no money had changed hands, and my daughter is a smart kid and stopped it right there.

She is now thinking about going to a shelter and getting a rescue dog instead. So not sure what she and her Dad will decide in the end, but at least they are not out of pocket.

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Your poor daughter. But luckily smart enough to think about things before committing financially. Would suggest the scam be reported. And even publicised via something like talk back radio or something. You never know, it might help to stop someone else falling foul of the scam.

I hope the owner of the scam sees Karma coming and receives the full impact :).

Edited by Erny
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