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Bossington, Gizmo And Rajah


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Hi guys,

An update on my boys. I had Bossington desexed at six months and he is now a year old. He is the perfect dog. Literally absolutely perfect. Originally I was having some problems with Rajah (AKA Razor) and his dominance issues but since desexing and implementing training they are perfect. They have not had ONE fight. They never have any aggression issues with food, toys or possession. They are my perfect pet citizens. So I was just posting this to say POO ON YOU to everyone on this forum who said it was a bad idea to own two male bull breeds and that it couldn't be done. Well all I want to say is it is done and it has been done. I made it my mission that my boys are advocate for the breeds and they are soo much more! Razor is entire and Boss is desexed but they get along perfectly not one incident. I am click training with Boss also and have taught him to die on command. Shall post up a video if I can work out how.

In the photos I saved some kittens from Renbury last year around this time. There was originally three, one I gave to my co- worker and the other two I hand raised we ended up keeping him Gizmo, who is a maine coon cross we found out so very lucky. He is Razor and Boss's best friend they love him.

These were taken some time ago both Boss and Gizmo are huge now I'll try to update.






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Lovely pics!

:thumbsup: Well done on all your efforts with your 2 boys, personally I don't think It's a matter of It can't be done, but more that It Is hard to achieve and keep the peace going without lots of hard work. I really also think It depends a lot on the Individual dogs themselves. I ran 2 male Dobes 1 entire 1 de sexed together without any problems their entire lives, I even used to be able to give all 3 of them a female as well a large marrow bone each and they would sit there all day chomping without any problems... did It for years. My current pack on the other hand Is shameful compared to them :o

Keep up the good work with them, look forward to updated pics :)

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Thanks so much Rott you know I've been a fan of yours since I've joined :p Actually all of the bullie owners here have been great in helping with support and training. I'm bringing the boys to the paws walk if you're in Sydney I'd love to see you and the pooches there :D

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