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What Do You Do When You Can't Agree?


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We are a long way off getting another dog (if we ever get another) but my husband and I were chatting tonight and we cannot come even close to agreeing on a breed! I love sighthounds, working breeds and Poodles. He likes Dobes, Aussie Shepherds and Rotties. All of our dogs have been obtained by me (except Champa - he was brought home by Glen, which really should veto any right to him ever choosing another dog LOL) and he tolerates them, but he is not really close to our dogs at all. If the time comes, I will probably choose again because I'm the one who does everything with the dogs. :) But part of me wonders if he chose the dog, whether he would have a closer bond with it?

Do you and your partner have similar taste in dogs? If not, how did you decide?

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I chose Benson, but he decided he's my husbands dog. Actually, I chose all the dogs, although Rick had a say in all of them....but I'm the one who does everything with them so I suppose I got the final say. As far as the breed goes, we differed at first then came to a mutual decision and I'm so glad about that. I definitely don't think I could have got so "into" a breed had I gone with my original choice.

Rick really loves the dogs, so I'm lucky there.

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I know Aussies are a working breed, but I don't want to own one. I really like them and I used to really want one, but if I was getting another working breed, I'd prefer a Kelpie or BC. :o

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I think it depends on whether you want a dog, or if it's a case of there being a place in the family for another dog, and you don't really mind who chooses. If that was the case I'd leave it up to hubby to pick from a decent breeder.

I am a sighthound nut, and out of your hubby's shortlist I would pick a Dobe because I think they are more similar than the others.

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We decided together that we wanted a greyhound - a no fuss easy first time owners "clayton" type adult dog. So we got a male, seeing as how if you're going to get a dog it should be a big one :laugh:

Then the second one arrived - just temporarily - she stuck like glue to hubby, that was 6 years ago and I never asked if we could keep her.

Two is our limit, but there is usually a third grey hanging around - a foster - he just mumbles about them. But they are such easy dogs the third doesn't have any impact.

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I came into my relationship with the dogs.. Dylan loves dogs, so that is a plus.

I came into the relationship with two, and the other two I have bred since. He was present at the birth of the second dog.. Long story, I invited him to dinner because I was on "puppy watch", and well, the bitch obliged and decided to have her litter a few days early as after dinner entertainment.

I don't know if it was because he was there for the birth of Faith, but she is really HIS dog.

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Well my OH likes most breeds i love, Although he wants another rottweiler when we move out together i also want a breed i want so we will just get both! ;) i love rottweilers so no worry with that! and i will eventually decide on my breed of choice :laugh:

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See I also think its important to match the dog with our existing dogs, but he just likes what he likes. :) I want a Whippet or another Greyhound or maybe a different sighthound... :D

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See I also think its important to match the dog with our existing dogs, but he just likes what he likes. :) I want a Whippet or another Greyhound or maybe a different sighthound... :D

Borzoi's are gorgeous :D ive always been interested in them :thumbsup:

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With breeds of dogs, the boyfriend doesn't care which breed. He'll end up loving the dog anyway. He does have a say on how many we get though. If he gets to choose one he will rescue though.

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We have both decided that we want Central Asians, we want to honour the breed and they will always be in our home but when Shannon goes I want to have a small dog for the family as the CAO's are not a ball playing, beach going family dog that can be taken everywhere. I want a peke, Ben wants a boston and my OH likes Bostons too but he is not at all keen on another small dog so it will be a challenge to get him to agree. We looked after two bostons for a few months and one was just a clown, the other really stand offish (incredibly spoilt) and the clown fitted in perfectly and Ben adored him so we will have to wait and see

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Hmm, I had Dobes which my OH was not into at all. He tolerated them but that was about it. He appreciated that they were trained etc, just not what he was into.

He chose a Stafford and Brutus fitted his temperment perfectly, and still does :)

I chose a Whippet as I had a list of what I wanted in a dog and shortlist of breeds etc. As it was to be more my dog I got to choose. He is now smitten and we went on to get a second Whippet with a third in the future. he said we will never be without one.

The OH really likes Braccy breeds though and has fallen in love with Frenchies. I do really think they would suit him.

I do pretty much all the day to day dog stuff as in feeding, training, walking etc. He does the snuggling, bragging stirring up etc. I like many many breeds and would be more than happy to one day have a Frenchie so I guess that doesn't help you much at all!

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Hubby and I have always loved our dogs equally. We also agree on dog or breed. Excrpt.....when I wanted a westie. He said a little white thing was not a real dog and there was no way we'd be getting a little happy thing ( he like bigger dogs).

Well I talked to the breeder, she had the perfect puppy for me. I sweet talked hubby's into 'just going for a drive to have a look'. He paid the $900 and brought her home with me :) He adores her! It did take 6 months before he would give her much of his attention though.

My hubby's very involved in the dogs lives. I think your hubby's might be more involved if he chose the dog, but only you would know about the chances of that. Perhaps ask him? I'm sure you will love whoever you guys end up with....that is the nice thing about dogs. Ps I adore kelpies, so intelligent, so loyal, so easy to train and very sweet dogs. Also love the heelers.

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