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Crate/toilet Training New Pup With Older Dog Around

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Hi everyone,

So we are finally taking the plunge and getting a second dog. Pretty excited! I've been reading these forums for ages but decided I better come on and post and hopefully get some advice.

Situation is:

Current Dog - 8yo Female Lab - 50/50 indoor/outdoor - sleeps inside. If we are away for a weekend she sleeps on our enclosed verandah in her covered crate.

New Puppy: Husky!

I'm wondering about the best way to go about crate/toilet training the new pup given we have another dog here. I’m reading Ian Dunbar’s puppy articles on bringing puppy home etc and would like to follow that routine however just not sure how to manage with another dog around. She generally hangs out with us inside when we are home and goes outside when we are out. She is happy either way and will amuse herself until we get home with no bad behaviour. Pondering when we are out if we could leave her outside with current dog for company, or will that hinder our crate and toilet training progress?

If anyone has any general Sibe training advice or advice on settling in puppies with older dogs that would be great. Our lab is very well socialised and polite, very exuberant but well mannered. It will be really great for her and I'm sure she will take our new girl under her wing and look after her. What is the best way to introduce them?

Thanks in advance!

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Hi, i have a lab and have decided that when we get a new pup it will sleep in a crate from the first night until he/she is toilet trained and is a bit older. When we go out my current dog is outside, he has a lovely patio to be on if he chooses, pup will be put outside too but probably in a puppy pen until I can trust the 2 together 100%

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I have two older dogs and when we added the puppy he was crated for the drive home which was around 3 hours, and then supervised interaction with the older dogs for a bit, then into a large C (no floor) crate in the lounge room. I bought a couple of meters of cheap vinyl to go under the crate in case of accidents and lots of bedding that could be washed easily. Baby quilts and stuff from the op shop work really well.

From day one he slept in his crate which gave the cats and the older dogs a bit of peace. You will most probably have to get up during the night in the early stages to toilet him as baby puppies rarely go through the night without needing to pee. Feed his meals in the crate to associate it with good things.

The crate door is open during the day and there is always a dog in the bed (upgraded now he is older and toilet trained) in fact Zac is having a mid day nap in there at the moment. Crates are wonderful things!!!! :thumbsup: In your situation I would probably invest in 2 and have one on the veranda and one inside.

If you are sure there is no Parvo in your area the ideal is to introduce them in neutral territory. Unfortunately it was rife when I got my boy so I had to err on the side of caution and brought puppy into our property and introduced the older boys one at a time outside at first.

Just give your older girl extra love and attention so she doesn't feel puppy is taking all your attention and be ready to step in and give her a bit of space if the pup is pestering her a bit much. It should all be fine and I'm sure they'll enjoy a great relationship. Ian Dunbar :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: You can't go wrong!!!

We want pics when you get your pup!!!! :D

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Thanks so much, lots of good advice! Can't wait to get her here, plenty to get ready for her first though which will keep me busy :-) Great idea about getting a 2nd crate, would save me constantly moving one around. And yes shall post piccies :-)

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