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How Often Is Often Enough


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I have been wondering, how many times a healthy dog should do a poo in one day??????

I'm sure I have read 1-2 is normal. So what does it mean if it's more?????

Too much food being consumed???? Or is it poor quality food????

My boy is currently being fed Black Hawk holistic, eats about 1/2 a day, plus also about 100gm of homemade barf, which consists of Roo mince, salmon, sweet potato, omega oils, veges and a small amount of brown rice for texture.

And I should add he weighs just under 8kg's. He is in perfect condition for this weight. I can feel his ribs, but has a nice hour glass shape and nice tuck to his tummy, but you can't see his ribs. He is a cross breed.

BUT........................ the bugger will do about 3 poos a day, give or take from day to day. They are good consistancy, not runny, not smelly, not huge, just often ;)

Is this within a normal range? My first thought is no, too much. But I'm only guessing.

I'm not overly worried, but more curious to know if there is something I should change.

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Guest english.ivy

My two [who are also on BH] do about two a day. Sometimes just one.

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I find the boys poo more often when they are being fed more raw meaty bones, but the poos are smaller and harder. I imagine the volume is actually less, but the frequency more. 2-3 a day is normal, here.

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Honey usually does 2 a day- one on our early morning run and one several hours later when I walk her before I go to work.

For some reason this has changed to her doing 2 early in the morning as well as the later one.

God knows why, nothing has changed that I can think of. :confused:

I'm not worried.

The consistency of poo is perfect, she gets fed a small cup of Nutro twice a day (to prevent bloat) plus a dried ear (beef atm) and gets lots of exercise.

I wouldn't worry. :)

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Our puppy poops about 4-5 times - but I'm sure that's because she has a small colon! She is on Black Hawk (usually spread over 3 meals) and a chicken neck. Though today it's only been 2 poops (I was worried since she hadn't gone in 8 hrs - probably crazy first dog paranoia)

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