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Photos Of Mozart My 13 Yo Bichon


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My lovely old Bichon (Mozart) went to the vet yesterday to have some warts removed from his face.

He has lots of warts - at least 20. But we only removed the 2 that were bleeding and causing problems. One of these was quite large and located on top of his forehead. To remove it, the vet needed to remove a bit of skin and bring it all together a bit more tightly than before.

Anyway, here are some pics of Mozart - one before and one after this procedure.



I am delighted (and relieved) to say he has recovered really well from the anaesthetic and seems to be quite comfortable. He'd love to get rid of the Elizabethan collar, but is managing well with it on (including eating and drinking). Blood tests and general checks came back really good. He had some minor issues in his bloods (something to do with his liver) but the vet said that's still pretty good given his age. No diabetes, heart is fine, etc. etc.

Might take a month or two to get his bichon 'do back, mind you!

I really adore this dog. He has been a wonderful companion for many years. Very much looking forward to a few more. I had a nervous day yesterday (I'm a born worrier) but really pleased today.

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Ooh I like his new hairdo! Very cute! LOL! I'm really glad it all went well for him. We do surgery on oldies all the time at my work and 99.9% of the time, they come through with no issues at all. :)

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Guest Panzer Attack!

I'm glad your little one is OK! I adore Bichons, but gosh they tend to get warty as they get older, don't they! His name is aces and he's very very cute. Give him a cuddle for me :) And... I actually quite like the short face!

E x

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Thanks - yep he's a very sweet dog. I don't mind the short face, but the bald top-of-the-head is definitely a temporary state of affairs.

He is pretty warty. Vet says it is the norm for clippered breeds. They pass the wart virus dog to dog via shared blades at the salon. Thinking I might try to avoid that with my next pup by keeping a separate set of blades.

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Thanks - yep he's a very sweet dog. I don't mind the short face, but the bald top-of-the-head is definitely a temporary state of affairs.

He is pretty warty. Vet says it is the norm for clippered breeds. They pass the wart virus dog to dog via shared blades at the salon. Thinking I might try to avoid that with my next pup by keeping a separate set of blades.

I'm not convinced about that, it seems to be the poodles and cockers that get warty but other clipped breeds like my mini schnauzers are not a breed to generally get warts.

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Hi Zug Zug glad Mozart is doing so well after his op, they are tough little treasures. We got our first bichon, Khaila, in 1988 and she lived until she was 16.1/2 we just loved the breed so much we got Candice a year later, and ended up with 4 and only lost our fourth boy, Beau,last year from a stroke at 15.1/2 years. The boy in my avatar is Floyd who we adopted when he was 7 months old. They do have a tendency towards warty type things as they get older, mine had heaps between them. Khaila had one cut from her lower eye lid, and took it all in her stride. Hope you enjoy Mozart for a long time yet.

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