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What Do You Do In The Dog World?


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I'm doing a PhD in dog behaviour. I have a zoology degree. Technically all the time I spend with my dogs is work. :thumbsup:

I really need to stop quoting everyone and do it one big thing... I do struggle when quoting in one big thing though... I start getting confused so excuse all the posts people! I will work it out eventually!!!

And what do you study when studying zoology? I have always wanted to ask someone that... does it mean you have knowledge in ALL animals? Or do you pick one to study? Or.... something? lol

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I have two part time jobs, and I am lucky as both of them involve dogs. . One is as a track attendant, working at the Greyhound races. The other is as an assessment assistant (plus some other duties) for Greyhound Adoption Program Qld. I love both my jobs! :eek:

I have to admit, although I absolutely love my job, I would love to work with animals as well. Particularly dogs. being able to work so closely with something you are SO passionate about I think is an extremely fulfilling experience and everyone on here who loves what they do with animals is blessed!!

You are lucky new age outlaw! :thumbsup:

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I'm a dog owner & an Animal Management Officer/Animal Attendent at a low-kill shelter :eek:

How long have you been working there Maverick? And i love the fact that you work at a low kill shelter! That is fabulous!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup:

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I have to admit, although I absolutely love my job, I would love to work with animals as well. Particularly dogs. being able to work so closely with something you are SO passionate about I think is an extremely fulfilling experience and everyone on here who loves what they do with animals is blessed!!

You are lucky new age outlaw! :)

Yes, I feel very lucky to be able to do this. Fortunately, I can afford to not earn much (cos neither job is on the high end of the pay scale :thumbsup: ) . I did also do a very short stint as a vet nurse, but that didn't work out. I feel blessed to be able to do what I am doing and to really enjoy my work; I have learned so much (and continue to learn all the time). :eek:

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I'm doing a PhD in dog behaviour. I have a zoology degree. Technically all the time I spend with my dogs is work. :thumbsup:

And what do you study when studying zoology? I have always wanted to ask someone that... does it mean you have knowledge in ALL animals? Or do you pick one to study? Or.... something? lol

You learn taxonomy, the basic biology of all the major groups of animals, physiology basics, ecology, genetics basics, often the basics on plant structure, function and diversity, conservation, and a lot about interactions between species and within species. I learnt a fair bit of behavioural ecology as well as that's what I did my honours project in. Behavioural ecology is a way of looking at animal behaviour in terms of evolution. That's what you learn in undergrad. Where you go from there just depends on your interests. I learnt HEAPS about animal ID and ecology and conservation when I worked as an environmental consultant, but my strong point is still birds, mostly because I was into them before I started my degree, and all the behaviour gurus in our department worked on birds. Now I've crossed over into dog cognition and personality and it's so freaking interesting I can barely contain myself at times. Who am I kidding, I can't contain myself at times.

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Im just a fly by the seat of your pants dog owner and

been doing rescue for 8yrs

skilled in ball tossing and poop scooping, along with lead untangling

Worked in kennels for 2yrs that changed how I felt about kennels (hate them)

but generally I wing it and every now and then throw some common sense into the mix

Juice - I dont have a chance to get them at my door. I can genuinely guarantee

where I live I can find a stray each day on the way to work

Edited by Bartok
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I am a 4th year Doctor of Veterinary Medicine student at Adelaide University. Have a Bachelor of Science (Pre-Vet) degree.

Worked in a lovely boarding kennel for several years (until it changed hands recently and the new owner no longer needed kennel hands).

Show Australian Shepherds (my own plus other's), our Irish Terrier and then usually another couple of breeds for other people depending on the day.

Have a prefix and plan to eventually breed Australian Shepherds under it, but won't be for some time - still too much to learn!

Mum has a prefix for Irish Terriers and we had our first litter planned last year but was not to be. Fingers crossed for the end of this year.

So my weekdays are taken up at uni/doing study at home for uni and my weekends by dog shows. :thumbsup: Even holidays are either away to dog shows or placements to do with uni.

ETA: And slave to Poppy, my muttly.

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I don't have any professional/paid association with dogs. Otherwise:

Show a Whippet and dogs for others when asked

Train Whippet in agility

Teach agility

Think about training Whippet in obedience but after a lie down it goes away :eek:

Occasional lure coursing attendee

Qualified at my club to teach obedience to pet dog owners but haven't for a while.

Committee member for local breed club and local dog training club

On health/welfare committee for my local canine control.

Have older/retired poodles with obedience and agility titles

Part owner of racing greyhound. Go Errol!

Part time Vizsla wrangler/baby sitter.

Card carrying member of Canberra Sighthound Mafia. :thumbsup:

There are some Dolers here that will make my list look short.

LOL holy crap! I would love to see the DOLers who could make that list look short!

Stick around. There are people here that are way more qualified and experienced with dogs that I could ever hope to be.

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I have to admit, although I absolutely love my job, I would love to work with animals as well. Particularly dogs. being able to work so closely with something you are SO passionate about I think is an extremely fulfilling experience and everyone on here who loves what they do with animals is blessed!!

You are lucky new age outlaw! :rofl:

Yes, I feel very lucky to be able to do this. Fortunately, I can afford to not earn much (cos neither job is on the high end of the pay scale :thumbsup: ) . I did also do a very short stint as a vet nurse, but that didn't work out. I feel blessed to be able to do what I am doing and to really enjoy my work; I have learned so much (and continue to learn all the time). :rofl:

Thats awesome! I am continuing to learn too through this forum. I have learnt so many valuable things! That's why I am on here every day. It's good to get an opinion that is different to your own and it is so good to actually get proper answers from professionals!

I have a online dog toy business that gives me my dog fix to keep me sane from the boring accountant job I also do :eek:

What is your business name?? I would love to look at some of the stuff you have! :) I wonder why people choose to be accountants, I just assume that you guys love numbers! Apparently you dont? lol :rofl:

Im just a fly by the seat of your pants dog owner and

been doing rescue for 8yrs

Worked in kennels for 2yrs that changed how I felt about kennels (hate them)

but generally I wing it and every now and then throw some common sense into the mix

Juice - I dont have a chance to get them at my door. I can genuinely guarantee

where I live I can find a stray each day on the way to work

What kind of rescue do you do? Like do you work for a pound or do you have your own rescue business? And how come your opinions of kennels have changed? I have never been, or sent my dogs to, a kennel so I can't comment on them :(

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your current job sounds extremely interesting!!! what does that entail? Like what do you do? Is it completely research based?

I work in lab when needed processing cells for dogs with osteoarthritis, did a lot of lab work at Uni. Work with our trial vet a fair bit and mainly manage the vets around Sydney who use us. Its amazing some of the things I see at work, it gives me goosebumps. We still have so much to learn about biology. In the next few months some of the diseases we are going to be able to treat will excite every dog owner. It's tough though breaking through the skepticism but the results will start doing the talking

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Pet owner

Dog photographer [for money and for rescue orgs]

Leather dog collar and leash business owner

Occasional rescuer and/or foster carer

Serial obedience club joiner [i think I've been a member of five. I started to train as an instructor at one but decided I didn't have time.]

We've done some dog sports like agility, lure coursing, sledding, schutzhund and dock diving, but never to a level like some others on here.

I regularly get stopped and asked if I'm a dog walker, but I'm not :thumbsup: My main business isn't dog related, but I work from home, so I'm entertained by our crazy lot all day. 99% of my friends are dog people and that's the way I like it :eek:

Edited by ruthless
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Essentially I'm a crazy dog lady. :thumbsup: I'm a web designer/developer by qualification.

In the dog world I:

Show a Finnish Lapphund

Obedience train two dogs

Agility train a Siberian Husky

Work on a dog parks website that will probably always be a work in progress

Have just started herding with my lappie, will be going to our next training day on the 28th

Have just started sledding with my Husky, next training day is the 15th.

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I'm doing a PhD in dog behaviour. I have a zoology degree. Technically all the time I spend with my dogs is work. :eek:

And what do you study when studying zoology? I have always wanted to ask someone that... does it mean you have knowledge in ALL animals? Or do you pick one to study? Or.... something? lol

You learn taxonomy, the basic biology of all the major groups of animals, physiology basics, ecology, genetics basics, often the basics on plant structure, function and diversity, conservation, and a lot about interactions between species and within species. I learnt a fair bit of behavioural ecology as well as that's what I did my honours project in. Behavioural ecology is a way of looking at animal behaviour in terms of evolution. That's what you learn in undergrad. Where you go from there just depends on your interests. I learnt HEAPS about animal ID and ecology and conservation when I worked as an environmental consultant, but my strong point is still birds, mostly because I was into them before I started my degree, and all the behaviour gurus in our department worked on birds. Now I've crossed over into dog cognition and personality and it's so freaking interesting I can barely contain myself at times. Who am I kidding, I can't contain myself at times.

:thumbsup: There were so many big words in there that I did not understand but it sounds fascinating!!!

And what are still birds? I love birds... my OH does too actually... He absolutely adores Cockatoos and falcons - he's obsessed with them. I think they are beautiful creatures.

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I regularly get stopped and asked if I'm a dog walker, but I'm not :thumbsup: My main business isn't dog related, but I work from home, so I'm entertained by our crazy lot all day. 99% of my friends are dog people and that's the way I like it :)

I get that all the time. :eek:

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I am 'just' a pet owner.

Other than that:

I instruct agility at two clubs.

Play agility.

Play/occasionally instruct frisbee when time permits.

Play flyball.

Am on the ADAA board.

Am president of the Brisbane Agility Dog Club.

Belong to one obedience club where I am meant to go to Doggy Dancing, but sadly never get there.

and generally just love my dogs. :thumbsup:

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I have to admit, although I absolutely love my job, I would love to work with animals as well. Particularly dogs. being able to work so closely with something you are SO passionate about I think is an extremely fulfilling experience and everyone on here who loves what they do with animals is blessed!!

You are lucky new age outlaw! :rofl:

Yes, I feel very lucky to be able to do this. Fortunately, I can afford to not earn much (cos neither job is on the high end of the pay scale :thumbsup: ) . I did also do a very short stint as a vet nurse, but that didn't work out. I feel blessed to be able to do what I am doing and to really enjoy my work; I have learned so much (and continue to learn all the time). :rofl:

Thats awesome! I am continuing to learn too through this forum. I have learnt so many valuable things! That's why I am on here every day. It's good to get an opinion that is different to your own and it is so good to actually get proper answers from professionals!

I have a online dog toy business that gives me my dog fix to keep me sane from the boring accountant job I also do :eek:

What is your business name?? I would love to look at some of the stuff you have! :) I wonder why people choose to be accountants, I just assume that you guys love numbers! Apparently you dont? lol :rofl:

Im just a fly by the seat of your pants dog owner and

been doing rescue for 8yrs

Worked in kennels for 2yrs that changed how I felt about kennels (hate them)

but generally I wing it and every now and then throw some common sense into the mix

Juice - I dont have a chance to get them at my door. I can genuinely guarantee

where I live I can find a stray each day on the way to work

What kind of rescue do you do? Like do you work for a pound or do you have your own rescue business? And how come your opinions of kennels have changed? I have never been, or sent my dogs to, a kennel so I can't comment on them :(

Rescue isnt a business. It is hard work and I would never run my own rescue.

I just foster care. Currently I have dogs for Cattle Dog Rescue

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I regularly get stopped and asked if I'm a dog walker, but I'm not :thumbsup: My main business isn't dog related, but I work from home, so I'm entertained by our crazy lot all day. 99% of my friends are dog people and that's the way I like it :)

I get that all the time. :eek:

If there was money in it and I could be guaranteed that all dogs would leash walk as nicely as mine, I'd do it for sure!

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