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What Do You Do In The Dog World?


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I am really curious to know what everyone does as a career in relation to the dog world, or whether they are just pet owners.

For example, I am just a pet owner. But I am interested to know what qualifications people have, what jobs they have, what their hobbies are in the dog world. Like are you a behaviourist, dog trainer, breeder, vet nurse, vet surgeon, or just like me, an owner!!


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Just the "crazy dog lady" according to my neighbours, as i am always out walking my dogs :thumbsup:

I am also the first one that gets a doorknock if there is a stray dog around, or some neighbour wants rid of their dog, and wants me to take it immediatley. :eek:

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I don't have any professional/paid association with dogs. Otherwise:

Show a Whippet and dogs for others when asked

Train Whippet in agility

Teach agility

Think about training Whippet in obedience but after a lie down it goes away :eek:

Occasional lure coursing attendee

Qualified at my club to teach obedience to pet dog owners but haven't for a while.

Committee member for local breed club and local dog training club

On health/welfare committee for my local canine control.

Have older/retired poodles with obedience and agility titles

ETA: Have Mini Poodle with ET Title.

Part owner of racing greyhound. Go Errol!

Part time Vizsla wrangler/baby sitter.

Card carrying member of Canberra Sighthound Mafia. :thumbsup:

There are some Dolers here that will make my list look short.

Edited by poodlefan
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Crazy dog person/owner

Should be a qualified/certified dog trainer within a few months

Whenever I have the time and space, sometimes I do rescue (mostly I just temp care)

I should get my butt into gear about getting my JS ready to trial her in Obedience (since she can't do flyball or agility due to bad knees)

I really can't wait till I get my hand on a flyball and agility dog though.

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I have a B App Sci (Animal Studies). In the past I have worked as a vet nurse, in a pet shop and in an animal ethics office. On Monday I start work with Dogs QLD.

On the retail side, I used to make dog collars and leads (but have just stopped).

Oh and I'm starting obedience with Sid next Monday.

Edited by huga
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I have a B App Sci (Animal Studies). In the past I have worked as a vet nurse, in a pet shop and in an animal ethics office. On Monday I start work with Dogs QLD.

On the retail side, I used to make dog collars and leads (but have just stopped).

Oh and I'm starting obedience with Sid next Monday.

And you are a very talented dog photographer. :thumbsup:

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Just the "crazy dog lady" according to my neighbours, as i am always out walking my dogs :thumbsup:

I am also the first one that gets a doorknock if there is a stray dog around, or some neighbour wants rid of their dog, and wants me to take it immediatley. :eek:

hahaha I love that. Sad about the people who come to you to get rid of their dog. I'm sure that would be extremely hard for you :)

how many dogs do you have??

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I have a B App Sci (Animal Studies). In the past I have worked as a vet nurse, in a pet shop and in an animal ethics office. On Monday I start work with Dogs QLD.

On the retail side, I used to make dog collars and leads (but have just stopped).

Oh and I'm starting obedience with Sid next Monday.

And you are a very talented dog photographer. :thumbsup:

Thanks PF - mostly my own though! :eek: People tend to pay more :)

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I don't have any professional/paid association with dogs. Otherwise:

Show a Whippet and dogs for others when asked

Train Whippet in agility

Teach agility

Think about training Whippet in obedience but after a lie down it goes away :eek:

Occasional lure coursing attendee

Qualified at my club to teach obedience to pet dog owners but haven't for a while.

Committee member for local breed club and local dog training club

On health/welfare committee for my local canine control.

Have older/retired poodles with obedience and agility titles

Part owner of racing greyhound. Go Errol!

Part time Vizsla wrangler/baby sitter.

Card carrying member of Canberra Sighthound Mafia. :thumbsup:

There are some Dolers here that will make my list look short.

LOL holy crap! I would love to see the DOLers who could make that list look short!

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Foremost I'm a dog lover

After that I am or have done-

Obedience competitor with one of my old dogs - stopped early when I discovered agility :thumbsup:

Agility competitor with last 2 dogs - one titled

Showing my current dog

Zoology/behavior undergraduate degree

Groomed for 3 years part time while at Uni

Ran puppy schools/adolescents classes

Bought into a training franchise that I'm too embarrassed to say :eek: (starting a business on your own is not that hard- joys of hindsight) got out as soon as I could.

Vet pharmaceutical rep

Which has led to my current job - working in canine (and equine) regenerative medicine- immensely exciting.

Oh and a super keen Herding student and still a sponge when it comes to learning

Edit! Something that I think we all are - professional money spenders on our dogs!

Edited by Jakemon
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I have a B App Sci (Animal Studies). In the past I have worked as a vet nurse, in a pet shop and in an animal ethics office. On Monday I start work with Dogs QLD.

On the retail side, I used to make dog collars and leads (but have just stopped).

Oh and I'm starting obedience with Sid next Monday.

And you are a very talented dog photographer. :thumbsup:

How exciting to be working with Dogs QLD - what will you be doing there? And why did you stop being a vet nurse?

And di you do those photos huga? They are very very good!

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I have a B App Sci (Animal Studies). In the past I have worked as a vet nurse, in a pet shop and in an animal ethics office. On Monday I start work with Dogs QLD.

On the retail side, I used to make dog collars and leads (but have just stopped).

Oh and I'm starting obedience with Sid next Monday.

And you are a very talented dog photographer. :thumbsup:

How exciting to be working with Dogs QLD - what will you be doing there? And why did you stop being a vet nurse?

And di you do those photos huga? They are very very good!

Just an admin role with Dogs QLD :) Registering litters in the database and that type of thing. My first proper job since having my son over four years ago! :eek:

I stopped being a vet nurse because it didn't pay the mortgage.

And yep, all the photos I post are my own.

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Foremost I'm a dog lover

After that I am or have done-

Obedience competitor with one of my old dogs - stopped early when I discovered agility :thumbsup:

Agility competitor with last 2 dogs - one titled

Showing my current dog

Zoology/behavior undergraduate degree

Groomed for 3 years part time while at Uni

Ran puppy schools/adolescents classes

Bought into a training franchise that I'm too embarrassed to say :eek: (starting a business on your own is not that hard- joys of hindsight) got out as soon as I could.

Vet pharmaceutical rep

Which has led to my current job - working in canine (and equine) regenerative medicine- immensely exciting.

Oh and a super keen Herding student and still a sponge when it comes to learning

your current job sounds extremely interesting!!! what does that entail? Like what do you do? Is it completely research based?

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I am now a beef cattle farmer and mum, previously I was a vet nurse and groomer.

I have trained and titled Dobermanns in obedience, the show ring, gained an ET and Dobe Club titles

I train and compete (when time allows) with my Whippets in the obedience and show rings and am about to embark in the jumpers and agility rings. I also have a play with flyball.

I am training one Whippet for his ET title at the moment.

I instruct in agility and obedience at my local club when required

I have an avid interest in many things dog and research and reads lots. Search and rescue, anatomy, behaviour, training and various methods, anything to do with the medical side ie diseases and general doggy ailments.

I have just finished a book on anatomy and why some things are more efficient than others for example angulation etc - very interesting and am going to read it again.

I was known to read the veterinary compendium of continuing education book from conferences etc quite often. I found them facinating.

I also make the odd dog collar and coat for mine and others

I am also the crazy dog lady and I love it :thumbsup:

Edited by OSoSwift
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pet owner.

in past lives I have worked in kennels,worked with breeding labradors, trained dogs to be guides for vision impaired folks, and trained dogs as therapy dogs .I have worked part time as vet nurse/receptionist.have had working sheepdogs on the family property ..

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I have a B App Sci (Animal Studies). In the past I have worked as a vet nurse, in a pet shop and in an animal ethics office. On Monday I start work with Dogs QLD.

On the retail side, I used to make dog collars and leads (but have just stopped).

Oh and I'm starting obedience with Sid next Monday.

And you are a very talented dog photographer. :thumbsup:

How exciting to be working with Dogs QLD - what will you be doing there? And why did you stop being a vet nurse?

And di you do those photos huga? They are very very good!

Just an admin role with Dogs QLD :) Registering litters in the database and that type of thing. My first proper job since having my son over four years ago! :eek:

I stopped being a vet nurse because it didn't pay the mortgage.

And yep, all the photos I post are my own.

well that's good! I think that's an excellent step back into the workforce! Hopefully it wont take too much out of you, because being off work for four years is a looong time! :rofl: (but I am sure it was completely worth it!!!). And Dogs QLD, I'm assuming, is quite a large organisation? Which means there is room to move when you are ready! :(

The photos are fabulous! I wish my dogs would sit still long enough to be photographed!

And in the last day I have heard a lot about vets not being paid very well... that really surprises me, I would assume they would get paid more? The reason being I guess is because I think in SOME respects, being a vet is harder than being a doctor, because animals can't tell you what is wrong with them, and they have a completely different anatomy to humans. And doctors get paid A LOT... so I just assumed vets did to... Thats sad.

I think they deserve to get paid very well.

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I am now a beef cattle farmer and mum, previously I was a vet nurse and groomer.

I have trained and titled Dobermanns in obedience, the show ring, gained an ET and Dobe Club titles

I train and compete (when time allows) with my Whippets in the obedience and show rings and am about to embark in the jumpers and agility rings. I also have a play with flyball.

I am training one Whippet for his ET title at the moment.

I instruct in agility and obedience at my local club when required

I have an avid interest in many things dog and research and reads lots. Search and rescue, anatomy, behaviour, training and various methods, anything to do with the medical side ie diseases and general doggy ailments.

I have just finished a book on anatomy and why some things are more efficient than others for example angulation etc - very interesting and am going to read it again.

I was known to read the veterinary compendium of continuing education book from conferences etc quite often. I found them facinating.

I also make the odd dog collar and coat for mine and others

I am also the crazy dog lady and I love it :thumbsup:

another impressive list!!! This is probably going to get everyone going and I am going to sound completely stupid when I ask this question... but can you, or anyone else, explain to me what the difference between 'agility' and 'obedience' all the other things are? I have never been to a show and don't know what it entails so I don't know much about anything! lol

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I have two part time jobs, and I am lucky as both of them involve dogs. . One is as a track attendant, working at the Greyhound races. The other is as an assessment assistant (plus some other duties) for Greyhound Adoption Program Qld. I love both my jobs! :thumbsup:

ETA Also a pet owner of course...4 greyhounds! :eek:

Edited by New Age Outlaw
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pet owner.

in past lives I have worked in kennels,worked with breeding labradors, trained dogs to be guides for vision impaired folks, and trained dogs as therapy dogs .I have worked part time as vet nurse/receptionist.have had working sheepdogs on the family property ..

Do you mean past lives as in literally or just a long time ago? :thumbsup: I would absolutely love to know how you know what you were in a past life if that is what you actually meant1 :eek:

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