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Any Ideas


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Kim has cancer and had another op a few weeks back, now it is getting cold ,she is on previcox, and lyprinol . I wormed her with drontal and she only ate a bit of her tea and is heavy panting (does a lot of thaat) and looks positevly ill. Any ideas or maybe the drontal was a bit much.

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It could be any number of things, and if you are concerned I would get a vet check sooner rather than later (ie tonight if she is looking worse).

Panting may be a sign of pain in general, or potentially any kind of gastrointestinal disturbance ranging from something simple (upset GIT due to worm treatment) to more serious causes like pancreatitis, gastric ulceration etc.

There are no specific contraindications for combining the medications you have listed, but you have no provided any information about her medical conditions.

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Yes,I would agree and get her vet checked. Our beloved Kain would pant alot when he was ill with cancer but he was in alot of pain and it had moved to his lungs as well. Best to get it checked as it could be lots of different things as suggested above by Rappie. Hope it's nothing.

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