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Shepherd With Toileting/stomach Issue Possible Epi Advice Pls


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Our german shepherd, 9 months old has been having trouble with her motions. I initially put it down to a change in food but after it didn't improve we started the vet visits. She slowly got softer, with some solid poos, some cow pat ones....some starting one way and finishing then ended up with diaarhea. Took her to the vet, was supposedly treated for giardia, antibiotics and a gut protectant as they found blood when they took a sample. She also had mucus in her poos at this time.

She appeared to bet better for some weeks but has slid backwards again. Started to get cow pats again. Then the other morning after consuming a large end of a beef bone (she got to all the marrow) she was duck squirting everywhere....off to a vet recommended by a friend.

New vet found the drugs previously wouldn't have killed off giardia so represcribed to rule that out. She provided us with a sample during the consult so they tested for another parasite and it was all clear. AFter seeing her motion, the vet is leaning towards EPI. ( insufficient enzymes from the pancreas)

But after reading I'm not sure....she is in good condition, doesn't appear to be dropping weight, coat is good too. She initially presented with a skin allergy very early. I removed all treats at the time and it cleared. She has had the odd infected spot put down to a fungal infection at the time.

Anyway I have to questions:

1. has anyone done the latest EPI blood test that apparently will give you a yes or no result, and if so what was the cost.

2. Does anyone have an opinon on what it may be.

She is currently on proplan with limited additions into the diet, beef, kangaroo meat with kibble. Also has had cheese for training treats, was feeding pigs ears and raw hides for her chewing.

Any help would be appreciated.


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I was hoping someone had some feed back on this issue as it's driving me insane.

Anyway, we have treated for giardia with drontal this week. She has sort of gone to doing firm poos....well that was this morning and this afternoon she has gone soft again but not the runs. I have gone and bought Proplan sensative today to trial her on it to see how she goes.

Would love some feed back from somone.


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Yes, perhaps you were right but I had given it to her as someone suggested bones to help harden up her motions and she had previously never been able to break the bone down like she did. I did think we were going to have a bad reaction once I saw she had consumed it all.

Since seeing the vet she has only had proplan chicken and rice kibble and boiled rice. Today after speaking to the vets the next thing was to try the prescription vet food which costs a bomb. So I thought after reading the ingredients I would try the proplan senastive and see how she goes. If you have further suggestions let me know. Am willing to try a natural diet as well just need good guide lines from some where.


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If you want to feed there are several good books however trialling some raw along with the Proplan Sensitive may be the way to go.

Chicken frames, chicken wings, lamb necks (not lamb flaps as they are quite fatty), roo tail would be my suggestions for additions to her current diet.

It's important to probably pick one thing at this point and see if things become worse (stop) or stay the same or improve.

Obviously it's important to take your Vet's advice, we can only offer suggestions :eek:

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Thanks Aziah, yes that's what I was thinking as well. I've started to introduce the proplan sensative tonight in place of the other kibble (slowly but surely)with just boiled rice added as we have been feeding her. Then hopefully if she is better on the sensative we can start to trial some of your suggestions above....lamb necks I hadn't seen. I don't think I would give her chicken frames as she would gulp them I think. Roo tails might be good as well as the lamb necks.

yes, we will be off to the vet if we can't solve it. Just want to see if it's food related before we go down the EPI road since she seems to be thriving otherwise.


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