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Unprofessional Vet Check

W Sibs

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I think I know which clinic you mean, I used to nurse there :D

I know the practice partners would be horrified to hear you weren't happy with the consult as they are a very professional clinic. I tend to just stick to the long termers there, much easier.

Hope his ears get better!

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I think I know which clinic you mean, I used to nurse there :cry:

I know the practice partners would be horrified to hear you weren't happy with the consult as they are a very professional clinic. I tend to just stick to the long termers there, much easier.

Hope his ears get better!

I really love the clinic.. awesome staff and vet. Even if I move far away, I will continue going to them.

Yeah, we will be sticking with the long termers.

We won't be using her anymore.

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I can understand your frustration about having to remind her about the ears and Vax...........but am not sure why someone would be so pissed off that the vet took an interest in his broader range of health issues.

I can't understand why someone would not want to hear another opinion on what could be done to help,improve, or alter your dogs other conditions.

Maybe she was young and wanted to ask the questions to better her knowledge of your dogs condition for future?

Anyway, with only knowing your side of what happened, I feel that she would have been negligent to only have looked at his ear, quick check and jab when clearly the dogs has presented with a range of health issues. The yearly check up is an opportunity to check the dogs progress or deterioration from the previous year. If she didn't check it and make notes, you would have been peeved to come home and see something next week that she should have picked up last week.

Thats just my opinion. Clearly its different to everyone elses here.

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Dasha, charlie has a rare condition that CW EW sees specialists for. I'd be super surprised if a recent grad could offer anything specialists, both here and internationally, haven't already done.

I agree with everyone else, speak to the manager / owner / head vet and address the concerns. It sounds like she saw your consult as an opportunity to see an interesting condition, rather than do a routine check up and vac.

Hopefully Charlie wasn't sore from all the poking she did.

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Dasha, charlie has a rare condition that CW EW sees specialists for. I'd be super surprised if a recent grad could offer anything specialists, both here and internationally, haven't already done.

She sounds as though she was simply fascinated, which I think is fair enough. She's probably got a very scientific mind and was only trying to help. I didn't think there was anything wrong with the consult TBH until she started palpating the dogs hips hurting him, it was unnecessary as the dog wasn't there for that. I've had vets who I just haven't clicked with and have rubbed me up the wrong way, just human nature.

CWEW a friend of mine had a bad experience with a new vet there once and she emailed the clinic to let them know. It helped as it made the clinic aware, as it turns out other complaints started flowing in too and I didn't ever see the new vet there again. I can't even begin to tell you how seriously they take their clients needs there.

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I would say something too, otherwise they will never know.

I had a bad experience with a stand in when my vet was away, he was scared of big dogs, as soon as my dally wriggled away he stood back and told me he would need to be knocked out and have surgery to look at his sore eye( $ 400!), gave me some cream and told me to book surgery in 3 days if it was still sore.

I took him to another vet 3 days later, who opened his eye up to look at him properly, showed me the absess he had on it and gave the right cream to sort it out.

When my other vet came back from hols i told her of my experience, and she said she had had alot of bad feedback from owners with big dogs, and she would never use him again. :cry:

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Charlie does have a rare disease (Bone Vanishing Disease or Gorham Disease)... he has no bones on his lower back and pelvis area. He goes to a specialist just for that condition but with general health (that doesn't involve his back) we go to the normal vets.

I am going to email them, but I have cool down enough that it won't be a full complaint letter. Just a letter saying that I'm unhappy with the service I got from this vet. I don't mind talking about Charlie's condition and vets checking him out, but only after he go his vacs and ear checked. I understand why people will be curious and I'm happy to talk about it, but I didn't pay for a back consult.

Edited by CW EW
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I would be inclined to ring and spoak to someone that way you can be clear about what happened and why you are unhappy. Also it will give you an immmediate resolution instead of waiting and wondering if they got your email.

I hope Charlie is not too sore after all the manipulation.

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Write a letter of complain to the Vet Clinic. Australian's for some reason are known for not making complaints and therefore the service does not improve - doesn't have to be a rude or nasty letter, could just be a heads up.

Really? The service in Australia is friendlier and better than in any other country hubby and I have been to. Our experience is that Aussies complain a lot more than other places too.

But I agree, definitely write a complaint. I would.

I didn't say Australian service was bad, I said Australian's for some reason do not make complaints....well not to the right people....to each other but not to the company.

Have you never worked in retail? ;) I spent 6 months there and grew increasingly annoyed with the people who knew exactly how to complain. Ask for the manager, kick up a stink, they will give you things for free. I would say, "Do we really need their patronage that badly that we reward them every time they make a fuss? We're teaching them to be pains in the butt!" Some people just love to complain. I think Australians complain more than they complement.

Some vets I get on better with than others. Some of them that I don't get on so well with are just not in the habit of telling clients what they are doing and why. I'm learning that if I speak up we all get along better and I get the kind of service I want. I think a lot of it is just accepting that different people have different styles and putting in that little extra effort to understand folks you don't automatically get along with. We go to a large clinic and I definitely have my favourite vets there that I ask to see. One of them spent half a consult asking me about my PhD project. I was more than happy to talk about it! She apologised for bringing it up in a consult and explained that she was really interested in research, and I warned her that if she got me going we could be here all night. Fortunately, there was no one booked in after me. :shrug: My favourite Canberra vet would chat nearly constantly and it was hard to get a word in edge-wise. When you did, he would often start answering your query before you had actually finished making it, so you'd have to ask again because he was going off on a tangent. I sometimes found consults with him a little exhausting, but I didn't mind putting up with his personality quirks because I really liked him as a vet.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that you're not wrong to be cross about what happened, but some people make faux pas without realising it and a formal complaint maybe isn't necessary. That's just my take on it, though. I'd still avoid going back to that particular vet.

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My favourite vet has the bedside manner of a sledgehammer!!! He is an old fashioned, no nonsense vet who really knows his stuff and I've seen him in emergencies and there is no one I would rather have working on my pet. He will sleep over at the surgery and get up every few hours to check on a dog. He is worth his weight in gold but he is not the vet for everyone!

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My favourite vet has the bedside manner of a sledgehammer!!! He is an old fashioned, no nonsense vet who really knows his stuff and I've seen him in emergencies and there is no one I would rather have working on my pet. He will sleep over at the surgery and get up every few hours to check on a dog. He is worth his weight in gold but he is not the vet for everyone!

George Huber??? ;)

Edited by emery
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You got it in one :shrug::o:)

My favourite vet has the bedside manner of a sledgehammer!!! He is an old fashioned, no nonsense vet who really knows his stuff and I've seen him in emergencies and there is no one I would rather have working on my pet. He will sleep over at the surgery and get up every few hours to check on a dog. He is worth his weight in gold but he is not the vet for everyone!

George Huber??? ;)

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Write a letter of complain to the Vet Clinic. Australian's for some reason are known for not making complaints and therefore the service does not improve - doesn't have to be a rude or nasty letter, could just be a heads up.

Really? The service in Australia is friendlier and better than in any other country hubby and I have been to. Our experience is that Aussies complain a lot more than other places too.

But I agree, definitely write a complaint. I would.

I didn't say Australian service was bad, I said Australian's for some reason do not make complaints....well not to the right people....to each other but not to the company.

Have you never worked in retail? ;) I spent 6 months there and grew increasingly annoyed with the people who knew exactly how to complain. Ask for the manager, kick up a stink, they will give you things for free. I would say, "Do we really need their patronage that badly that we reward them every time they make a fuss? We're teaching them to be pains in the butt!" Some people just love to complain. I think Australians complain more than they complement.

Some vets I get on better with than others. Some of them that I don't get on so well with are just not in the habit of telling clients what they are doing and why. I'm learning that if I speak up we all get along better and I get the kind of service I want. I think a lot of it is just accepting that different people have different styles and putting in that little extra effort to understand folks you don't automatically get along with. We go to a large clinic and I definitely have my favourite vets there that I ask to see. One of them spent half a consult asking me about my PhD project. I was more than happy to talk about it! She apologised for bringing it up in a consult and explained that she was really interested in research, and I warned her that if she got me going we could be here all night. Fortunately, there was no one booked in after me. :o My favourite Canberra vet would chat nearly constantly and it was hard to get a word in edge-wise. When you did, he would often start answering your query before you had actually finished making it, so you'd have to ask again because he was going off on a tangent. I sometimes found consults with him a little exhausting, but I didn't mind putting up with his personality quirks because I really liked him as a vet.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that you're not wrong to be cross about what happened, but some people make faux pas without realising it and a formal complaint maybe isn't necessary. That's just my take on it, though. I'd still avoid going back to that particular vet.

oh the glories of retail. Try working in a shop that sells overprices, crappy quality, home products. LOL. lots of complaints. it was ALWAYS fun!

I love the vet I go to. They are in Western Sydney and are so fabulous. There are three male vets there and three or four nurses... All of them have been there forever and they all know Max and Jenna and greet us lovely every time we go in (mostly we go in with Max because he is accident prone). And then when we get in they tell me EXACTLY what they are doing and why.

For someone as paranoid as me, it is lovely to have them tell me what's going on because I never have any idea! And they explain the drugs to me as well - wehen they say a long name they immediately explain what it is and what it does. It is fantastic.

They are also open for me to ask as many questions as I want. :shrug:

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You got it in one :o:):rofl:
My favourite vet has the bedside manner of a sledgehammer!!! He is an old fashioned, no nonsense vet who really knows his stuff and I've seen him in emergencies and there is no one I would rather have working on my pet. He will sleep over at the surgery and get up every few hours to check on a dog. He is worth his weight in gold but he is not the vet for everyone!

George Huber??? ;)

will always reccomend George worked with himn volunteer for three years and he does have a heart of gold but be prepared to cop it too :D he is certainly very blunt :shrug:

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You got it in one :o:):rofl:
My favourite vet has the bedside manner of a sledgehammer!!! He is an old fashioned, no nonsense vet who really knows his stuff and I've seen him in emergencies and there is no one I would rather have working on my pet. He will sleep over at the surgery and get up every few hours to check on a dog. He is worth his weight in gold but he is not the vet for everyone!

George Huber??? ;)

will always reccomend George worked with himn volunteer for three years and he does have a heart of gold but be prepared to cop it too :D he is certainly very blunt :shrug:

George is great - but I won't go to that clinic if I can avoid it now after the last time I went and specifically asked for George and then got some person straight out of school who misdiagnosed my dog (apparently my dog had OCD because nothing showed on the xray :p ). The whole reason I went was because my normal vet was on holiday and I didn't want to see the "straight out of school" vet that was my other choice :)

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You got it in one :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
My favourite vet has the bedside manner of a sledgehammer!!! He is an old fashioned, no nonsense vet who really knows his stuff and I've seen him in emergencies and there is no one I would rather have working on my pet. He will sleep over at the surgery and get up every few hours to check on a dog. He is worth his weight in gold but he is not the vet for everyone!

George Huber??? :laugh:

will always reccomend George worked with himn volunteer for three years and he does have a heart of gold but be prepared to cop it too :rofl: he is certainly very blunt :o

George is great - but I won't go to that clinic if I can avoid it now after the last time I went and specifically asked for George and then got some person straight out of school who misdiagnosed my dog (apparently my dog had OCD because nothing showed on the xray ;) ). The whole reason I went was because my normal vet was on holiday and I didn't want to see the "straight out of school" vet that was my other choice :)

i've had that a few times too :S

cahnged vets but will always use george for emergencies

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My favourite vet has the bedside manner of a sledgehammer!!! He is an old fashioned, no nonsense vet who really knows his stuff and I've seen him in emergencies and there is no one I would rather have working on my pet. He will sleep over at the surgery and get up every few hours to check on a dog. He is worth his weight in gold but he is not the vet for everyone!

George Huber??? :laugh:

I recently had dealings with him, my mum has been the same as you bedazzled and said she wont go to anyone else unless it is an immediate emergency (George is half an hour away from her)

I couldnt believe his bedside manner - but he was absolutely fantastic with thinking of our animals best interest! Thats all i care about at the end of the day - is my pets welfare and he seems to have that at the top of the list! Big tick from me

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George is great - but I won't go to that clinic if I can avoid it now after the last time I went and specifically asked for George and then got some person straight out of school who misdiagnosed my dog (apparently my dog had OCD because nothing showed on the xray :o ). The whole reason I went was because my normal vet was on holiday and I didn't want to see the "straight out of school" vet that was my other choice :laugh:

I believe George only works a few days a week, but has Ross Staddard there when hes not, and he has a good reputation

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Good vets are worth their weight in gold, unfortunately there are some plain bad ones out there and some who I think mean well but, well, just haven't the skills or the confidence to handle animals properly.

I too have had a misdiagnosis and also my poor dog who previously used to pull to go into the vets because he loved being handled so much, now turned into a dog who cannot stand having the ear examining instrument near him after the same vet poked him really hard in the ear with it :laugh:

I changed vets after that.

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Good vets are worth their weight in gold, unfortunately there are some plain bad ones out there and some who I think mean well but, well, just haven't the skills or the confidence to handle animals properly.

I too have had a misdiagnosis and also my poor dog who previously used to pull to go into the vets because he loved being handled so much, now turned into a dog who cannot stand having the ear examining instrument near him after the same vet poked him really hard in the ear with it :laugh:

I changed vets after that.


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