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What Are The Best Ways To Keep Entire Males And Females Together?


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As many of you will know by now, we have an entire male doberman who we plan to keep entire despite having no plans to breed. I have also started a couple of threads that talk about how my partner has decided he wants his own dog because the dobe is a bit of a one person dog, plus we know our dog will love it (he never looks happier than when his canine friends come over to play - or even new dogs, he's just a social butterfly). We have decided on a female to increase the chances of them getting along long-term. We have even finally decided on a breed and are meeting with several breeders (yay for interstate holidays).

The problem is as our second dog will also be a large breed, we don't want to desex her before 12-18 months. This will likely mean that she experiences at least one season before she's desexed, and therein lies the problem. Sending my dobe off to boarding is not an option, and I'm sure we'll end up feeling the same about the new dog too (ie want her with us all the time). Our yard can be divided and has fencing in place already. But will I be able to have them in the house together etc? The dobe has been around entire females on heat before, and though he's interested he has always still listened to me, but I can't even imagine what it will be like if they're friends - does it make a difference?

Does anyone have experience with this sort of thing? Please don't tell me to desex my dobe - there's no point posting that here as it's as much an option for me as sending my dog away to boarding for a couple of weeks (I'm one of those people who like the increased feistiness of an entire dog and love his personality the way he is).

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Our yard can be divided and has fencing in place already. But will I be able to have them in the house together etc?

I hope it's GOOD fencing - underground/very high,or roofed ..and chew proof material :(

Having them in th e house together is just not fair on either one :hug:, and difficult for you. A full male constantly exposed to bitch scent everywhere he walks is going to find being calm and ignoring his instinct very difficult.

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Jacqui - I started a thread on this a while ago and there was some great advice in there. Do a search and you'll find it.

Have you considered a TL for the female?

Otherwise, as RSG suggested, Suprelorin implant for your boy until you are ready to desex. Might make him easier to manage whilst she is in heat too.

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I keep my bitch in a crate away in quiet area of the house when I'm not home and the males away from her. She gets to play with 'safe' dogs under my supervision in the backyard only. A bit of dog juggling but never had an accident.

I let my dogue and malinois out together when she's on heat (may I say under eagle eye supervision) but only because when he was young she slammed him for showing interest so it fizzled out. Saying that I'm not stupid enough to believe because of this I can leave them together unsupervised.

Personally if you dont want to breed there is always the option of discussing Covinan injection with your vet to delay her season but I'm not sure the minimum age for it.

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I would get a male and dont worrying about the birds and the bees. I disagreeing that the male and female is best getting on, my experiences 2 males is better, they learn whos boss and they learn the respect. The male is good on the female, but the female is the one you cant trust on the male if she is dominant bitch she fight the male no worries and 2 female is worse. Is just my opinion but any day I having 2 male not hesitating for that.


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We had ours in the house when the bitch was in season, but it was very carefully managed. We have a large house with a number of entrances, and the ability to shut off the back area of the house completely. The dog only used the rear door and was not able to access the front area of the house. The bitch came in the front area and stayed there.

During her season, the dog wasn't able to access any areas that she'd been, it would have been too stressful for him.

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