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Gone To Join Mum..


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The end of an era.

Tiy was born around 13 years ago... supposedly to be a star worker. At 4 weeks old, she managed to find the kitchen door (from outside), knocked on it to come in..and she went & sat under Mum's chair. That was that.

She was fiercely protective of anything 'hers' - including us. yes, she would snap at /bite intruders. She was fantastic to have around here,in the isolation.

She was never really great with other dogs - but was fine with cats/chooks ,and anything else. She lived solely for her people. When I was working, she would not move from the back gate until I came home - rain, hail ,or shine. When Mum was away in hospital.. she would look at Mum's chair...

Recently she suddenly aged, became more short tempered, started dragging the legs, and became incontinent. The last few nights, she barked and barked from her bed.

Today the decision was made, and carried out. She had a nice morning - eating bones,and dentasticks,and liver treats, out in a patch of sun..then a ride in teh 4WD.

I will miss her. I hope she finds Mum quickly.


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Gone to be with her mum, to protect and accompany as she always has.

She was beautiful Pers.

Hugs to you, its been a time of huge losses for you.

fifi, danny & hounds xxx

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Thanks folks, it's hard. :)

Tonight is the first night that Mum's room is silent and dark ...For the past few years there was a bright night-light on, and always the radio went all night.... I left both on for Tiy,as well, but have now turned everything off. :laugh: dammit!

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