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Litters Due In July


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Our little red boy is my only concern, he's just not feeding quite as strongly as I'd like, gets bumped off the nipple easily. I've just tube fed him to top him up, will see if he picks up. I don't want to try too hard, but don't want him to fade just 'cause he gets pushed aside by big siblings!!

I've got two laundry baskets with hot water bottles, six pups in each. They are next to the whelping box. I'll try and get a pic later. :)

If she has some in with her she doesn't try to get the others out. And if they have full bellies and are warm, they sleep so she doesn't get distracted by them calling. They only start to squeak when they're waking and hungry which lets me know so I can do a change-over.

It's also good for us as Sonya heats up really easily. Wouldn't be such an issue with a smoothcaoted breed but it means that heating our whelping box is a big no-no, she just can't tolerate it. Even heating the room more than the minimum has an effect on her. So this way I can make sure the pups aren't getting cold.

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Hope your little boy picks up soon.

We said goodbye to our tiny boy this morning he just was not gaining weight, despite topping him up. Decided that a trip to the vet was in order to get him injected with some extra fluids however he died on the way there. He was half the size of his littermates.

The remaining 5 pups are thriving.


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Wow, Alyosha - love the photos :love: I've never been able to get my head around the idea of being able to pick a litter of pups without ID collars :laugh: Given that all of ours are identical little black rats when they're born, the first thing that happens after being born is a quick weigh and on goes the ID collar!

Sorry to hear that you lost your little one TB :hug: Good to hear that the rest are all doing well :)

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little red man is much brighter tonight after a couple of tube feed top-ups during the day. Sonya's milk is yet to fully come in. So I've got the smallest six in one feeding group and will top them up if needed until it's flowing. The big boys are in charge of keeping up the suckling, they can't knock each other off either as they're all about equal!

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Hi Guys,

Doesn't look like there is going to be any action tonight either, lots of activity in the belly but Mia is happily snoring away on the couch. I have to go back to work Thursday next week and I REALLY hope we're going to have some pups sooner rather than later.

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ha ha alyosha - I was wondering that today, she's a pretty laid back chick so I was thinking i'll probably just let her out for a pee and she'll pop one out on the lawn!

I'm desperate to know what's in there, how many and what colours! They're so active i'm thinking we're going to have our hands full when they do get here.

Got my fingers crossed for tomorrow - I swear tomorrow is THE DAY!!

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little red man is much brighter tonight after a couple of tube feed top-ups during the day. Sonya's milk is yet to fully come in. So I've got the smallest six in one feeding group and will top them up if needed until it's flowing. The big boys are in charge of keeping up the suckling, they can't knock each other off either as they're all about equal!

Good news. How many niples has she Alyosha??

I would getting the Fenugreek in to her. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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She has 10 BB. But we're feeding pups in two groups of six, which are less stressful for her in the box - she fidgets about too much trying to keep track of all 12! Milk has been a little slow but she retained placentas and was really worn out. Had a shot of oxy today and has brightened up a bit. Some sleep is helping her out too! She was so large she didn't get much for the week before the whelping.

I'm topping up the small ones with tube feeds, they are very bright at the moment. Fingers crossed they stay that way!

Will have to get some fenugreek tomorrow - thanks!

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We're acting very restless here tonight.... lots of messing up the blankets etc!

Tarni isn't due til Sunday, but could be as late as mid-next week.

Hopefully she's just stuffing around tonight... I'd like to see them stay-put for a couple more days at least!

Good news regarding your little one Alyosha... hope he continues to strengthen! :thumbsup:

Sorry for your loss, TashaBailey but great to read the others are doing so well! :)

Edited by jerojath
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Fingers crossed for your bubs hanging in there a little longer Jerojath!!!

I've decided that having 12 must be similar to having two litters at once... It doesn't stop! :laugh: Not that I'd swap them for the world of course. They're so sweet and smooshable... :love:

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She has 10 BB. But we're feeding pups in two groups of six, which are less stressful for her in the box - she fidgets about too much trying to keep track of all 12! Milk has been a little slow but she retained placentas and was really worn out. Had a shot of oxy today and has brightened up a bit. Some sleep is helping her out too! She was so large she didn't get much for the week before the whelping.

I'm topping up the small ones with tube feeds, they are very bright at the moment. Fingers crossed they stay that way!

Will have to get some fenugreek tomorrow - thanks!

Retained placentas are no good as the body still thinks its pregnant and does not release prolactin which is necessary for milk production.

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Well at 4:45am this morning I hear Mia scratching around in her whelping box and licking something - holy crap i'm thinking - how could I possibly have slept through it!! Got in there and she was quite restless (not sure if it was 'hi mum can I come to your bed now' restless or the 'I'm actually thinking about doing something restless'! Anyhow an hour later she promptly puts herelf back to bed in the whelping box after a feed and drink.....I went back to bed. Is definately looking uncomfortable now and is restless again - who knows - maybe we'll start seeing some pups!!

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