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Litters Due In July


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Oh crap BB. What a blow. :( I often think the same thing about puppy farmers - how do any of those pups survive?? Poor mum, I hope her one pup is keeping her occupied and she's not stressed. Hugs to you all.

SBT not the washing machine!!! :eek: On the weekend as well!?

We are at three and a half weeks old. Our two shifts of six have been reunited into one big swarm. Mum comes in and feeds them for an hour or two and then has time outside to herself which seems to work well. Pups are all eating well too which is taking some of the strain off her!

See SBT? Wouldn't you love a massive horde of babies like this:


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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So, I may possibly have the last litter of July...shes been fluffing around for 15 hours now, panting, digging, tearing...then sleeping...I have been up since midnight reading with my eyes occasionaly diffting over to her...looks like another long one tonight, luckily OH is home tomorrow!

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Oooo Missymoo!! Sounds exciting!! Nothing worse though than sitting up watching them all night and in the morning they just go to sleep... :D And you don't want to sleep in case something starts... :coffee:

They are amazing aren't they Allerzeit?? And you can only spot 10 out of the 12 in that pic!! The little girls will sit at mum's head for ages giving her kisses. The boys are much less smoochy with her.

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Alloysha as adorable as yours look, HELL NO! 5-7 will be just fine thanks.

Ok, we have a temp drop, (did it 3 times in a row)and bit of nesting, but no puffing/panting as yet. So hopefully the next 12-24hours :D

Good luck Missymoo and am crossing fingers for a troublefree whelping for mum to be and you :)

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Goodluck SBT101!

Keep us posted!

Our litter has obviously been born but not without its dramas. Aida ended up loosing 2 puppies (2 x liver/white boys) - still born :( and had to have an emergency c-section to save the remaining 2 puppies. What a stressful night!

Our total tally is 8, with 3 liver/white girls, one black white girl and one lemon/orange white girl. 2 black/white boys, and 1 liver boy.

Mum and bubbas are doing extreemly well! Shes a pro with the feeding and cleaning and such a relaxed girl.

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Phew Marinapoint you guys had a bit of a rough time! I'm glad Mum and bubs are doing well now. Sorry for the little ones you lost - always sad. :(

Fingers crossed for lots of smooth whelping vibes overnight!! May your pups arrive safely and your coffee cups stay warm. :)

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Good luck SBT and missymoo. I hope you have trouble free whelpings.

Not much happening here. Slight temp drop so far today a little panting and the odd bit of nesting. Sonmaybe tomorrow for us. My mentor has been over to check her out and thinks it will happen inthe next 24 hours otherwise we will move to the August thread :)

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Marinapoint - Such an ordeal, I was wondering how you were going after you disappeared and I had my fingers crossed you were OK. Sorry for the little ones you lost, it's always sad but it looks like you have a good spread of colour across the lovely little ones you have now. Would love to see some piccies!

For those still awaiting litters - I have my fingers crossed that they will still be July babies and they'll arrive soon - safe and well.

Mine are coming along in leaps and bounds. Tomorrow 3 weeks and is the day we start our first solids. I don't think poor Mia will be able to keep up for much longer, she produces great amounts of milk but she's very tired and it's taking a bit out of her. We're making sure she's having plenty of good quality food to eat and getting lots of rest but we don't want her to run down any more. So along with the food comes a sticky mess and plenty of cleaning up! We're starting them on Dr Bruce's vets all natural muesli with some mince mixed in so we'll see how we go!

Alyosha - such a big brood - it must be a releif to have them all in with mum now. I'm very glad that i've been able to keep all mine in together with mum the whole time, it's been exhausting enough without the added work! They are all gorgeous!!

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Hi guys :) Thanks for the support.

I must admit it was a very emotional day when Miss Aida had to have her c-section and we lost those beautiful boys...

BUT I have attached a couple of photos for everyone to have a squizz at!

I think they're gorgeous. I didn't mention our weights of all puppies (including still borns) were smallest 460 to largest 590gm. All puppies except the smallest weighed in excess of 500gm. No wonder poor Aida was HUGE! In our litters prior there have not been such large puppies although most have been into double figures too. No wonder poor Aida didnt want to eat much in her last days! She was just too full of babies!



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Congrats Missymoo.

marinapoint- the puppies are devine, I hoep from here is it gets brighter for you, I can't imagine how difficult it must have been.

Still not much happening here so going to bed to try and get a good nights sleep :)

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