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Very Old Dog With Stomach Problem?

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This has happened on a couple of isolated occasions and I haven't been able to work out what it causing it but today she was worse.

She keeps trying to go, has produced some loose stools but then continues to try and go and just a few drops of poo come out usually. Today she was crying at the same time and straining. I'll be taking her to the vet of course but just wondered if anyone had any thoughts.

She's on a low fat, good quality diet with plenty of roughage, she was constipated when she first came. She'd been fed on no frills canned dog food all her life.

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sounds like an inability to digest decent food. Take her diet back to square one, start the dog on soupy consistency foods and gradually move up from there. I would be doing it over a space of weeks.

Constipation after a lifetime of food that is 90% water is not surprising. I would be surprised if after that long her intestines are able to digest properly ever again. Having the same problem with a dog thats been on a lifetime of rubbish food, good food is taking time to introduce properly.

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IF she is very constipated, liquid faeces will sneak past ..and yes, she will strain, because of a hard dry mass stuck there :cheer:

Vet check is my suggestion ....and if all ok- then feed her a diet with lots of fluid to help move the food on down. A gentle bulker/lubricant is psyllium husk .. soaked before feeding it forms a gel, which both provides some mass,and protects the bowel.... it is gentler than grain fibre or vegetables... IMO...and they only need a little bit :D

Poor old girl :mad

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A gentle bulker/lubricant is psyllium husk .. soaked before feeding it forms a gel, which both provides some mass,and protects the bowel.... it is gentler than grain fibre or vegetables... IMO...and they only need a little bit :mad

Poor old girl :cheer:

I second this, Smooch is on one heaped tablespoon twice daily mixed with food and water, with out it he can't poo due to a spinal stroke a few years ago. the psyllium husk makes everything pass nice and smoothly and without a lot of effort.

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she needds to get to a vet so either the hard mass of feaces can be removed or whatever is causing the problem can be diagnosed. One of my girls, Angel had very similar symptoms...and a history of passing very small stools. to cut a long story short, the problem was eventually dxd as a tumour in her pelvic canal. .. inoperable due to size, position etc. Angel two years later is still here.. we have had four days at the vet getting enemas to clear a blockage.. but so far so good.. small feeds 2 x per day with added oils and an anti inflamatory...

so check it out


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