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Paralysis Ticks


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Can someone please advise me if you can use Advantix spot on in conjunction with Proban tablets. We will be travelling from the West where we don't have these type of ticks so not a lot is known over here. My boy is 23 kilo.

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Another thing to consider is that Advantix KILLS cats as well. Not sure of your situation, but thought it was worth mentioning.

As Clyde said, definitely not both. I use proban for my girls who tolerate it, but Advantix for my boy who doesn't.


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Another thing to consider is that Advantix KILLS cats as well. Not sure of your situation, but thought it was worth mentioning.

As Clyde said, definitely not both. I use proban for my girls who tolerate it, but Advantix for my boy who doesn't.


Tony - what does your boy do and did it happen from the word go??

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Ticks are my biggest worry living on the east coast. But not living in a tick area I don't often use tick preventative. On the rare occasions I've been to a coastal area I've used Advantix & a tick collar. From reading other posts on dol Proban seems to be the most reliable although it's recommended daily examination of the dog.

eta, have you read this yet?


Edited by luvsdogs
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Thanks Clyde. I hate the mess on the back of the neck that you get with the spot on stuff. I'm inclined to put it on a few days in advance and then wash it off so I thought the Proban would help. I have cats (thanks Agility Dogs) so I'll probably just go with the Proban.

Just use one or the other rather than both. Any reason you were wanting to use both?
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If you part the hair and put it on really slowly in three sections down their spine you won't notice it at all. This is how I apply it and you can't tell even on my Stafford (very short hair). I have used both with good results. If you do use Advantix, as the poster above said, you can double it up with a collar but from memory only one of the two main brands can be used with Advantix so check with your vet first (or here as Im sure someone will remember it).

In particular check their heads, behind ears, eye rims, behind their front legs etc - basically from their shoulders forward is the most common spot for ticks. I have however found them everywhere but 80% of the time they are at the front of the dog. :thumbsup:

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What area are you going into ? There are only ticks down the coastal region (up to about 10-30km from the coast) of the eastern states and in odd pockets further inland. If it is a low risk tick area then Advantix or Frontline is usually fine but the Advantix has to be applied fortnightly for a few times before entering the tick area. Frontline works from the first application.

If you are going to a definite high risk tick area then go with just Proban. It is the only thing that works against ticks that get into ears, mouths, etc.

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We'll be around Indooroopilly and Durack.

What area are you going into ? There are only ticks down the coastal region (up to about 10-30km from the coast) of the eastern states and in odd pockets further inland. If it is a low risk tick area then Advantix or Frontline is usually fine but the Advantix has to be applied fortnightly for a few times before entering the tick area. Frontline works from the first application.

If you are going to a definite high risk tick area then go with just Proban. It is the only thing that works against ticks that get into ears, mouths, etc.

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I would go with Frontline with a Kiltix tick collar. Im not a fan of Proban as i dont like the idea of giving my dog an organophosphate pecticide orally.

Edit to add,I live in a high tick area in Brisbane and i only use frontline which is great with ticks.

Edited by melt
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Guest Ams

Frontline is not particularly effective here. Advantix is fine to use around cats if you apply it and let it dry on the dog's coat before allowing access back to the cats. I have 11 cats here and 18 dogs atm (yep waaaayyy too many but no one is adopting rescues). I have NEVER had a cat react to the use of Advantix. I have seen the horrible results of a cat who has but I've been very careful and not had a problem (yet :thumbsup:)

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bedazzledx2 - per the help line at pricelesspets where I get my meds, when I asked about tick preventative for Camp Tailwaggers - Advantix spot on (if no cats) or Frontline Plus together with Proban (every 2 days) - and a tick collar! I haven't used the tick collar, because my two play mouth wrestling - didn't want them chewing the collar. but each time I've been to CT, I've used Frontline (or Advantix more recently) together with Proban - the Proban just for the time I was there, with a couple of days either side. No dramas with any of the 3 dogs I've used it on - though a friend's lab did have a stomach reaction - probably to the Proban. Lasted a few days afer she stopped.

Whatever you use, you still need to do a daily physical search.

There is a strong rinse you can use - it's a "humans in protective clothing" dip, but apparently good for a short term.

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I'm not a fan of Frontline at all, it's let me down way too many times.

I agree with Ams re Advantix and cats - just be sensible and you should be fine. Many years ago stupid me accidentally put a large breed dose of Advantix on one of my cats and went out for the night. Came home to him seizing and managed to get him to emergency in time. Over a week later he was back home but he has never been the same.

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Indooroopilly and many of the Western suburbs in Brisbane is a tick area. Last summer, the vets indicated that they have treated many dogs with paralysis ticks.

I think it would be worthwhile treating. I live in Indooroopilly and give my dog Proban through the summer months which has been effective.

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I would just go with Proban for that area.

We'll be around Indooroopilly and Durack.
What area are you going into ? There are only ticks down the coastal region (up to about 10-30km from the coast) of the eastern states and in odd pockets further inland. If it is a low risk tick area then Advantix or Frontline is usually fine but the Advantix has to be applied fortnightly for a few times before entering the tick area. Frontline works from the first application.

If you are going to a definite high risk tick area then go with just Proban. It is the only thing that works against ticks that get into ears, mouths, etc.

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I would go with Frontline with a Kiltix tick collar. Im not a fan of Proban as i dont like the idea of giving my dog an organophosphate pecticide orally.

Edit to add,I live in a high tick area in Brisbane and i only use frontline which is great with ticks.

I disagree. Dont rely on frontline. My first Kelpie BO was on frontline and we lost her to paralysis tick. Dont rely on anything to be 100%. I dont live in a tick area anymore but if I visit I use proban for a few days before, during and after visit and I check for ticks several times a day.

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have you looked into the side effects of proban? i personally wouldnt use it on my dog, however being that you have cats? that seems to cross off advantix, which mine live on, that and a tick collar through summer i was told thats prob the best and safest protection, as well as a daily check of the dogs is the most important prevention

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I don't know any preventive that doesn't have side effects. IMO the side effects of getting a tick is far worse than any *possible* side effect from a prevention. I used Proban on over 6 pets for many years with no problems. They would be on it all summer and spring, then Advantix over Autumn and Winter. I am sure that there have been side effects recorded but even my vet (well known and accomplished) has not come across any problems with the use of Proban. TBH I know of more reactions to the spot ons. I have lost two dogs to ticks, and almost lost a cat, despite prevention so I know I have a bit of a 'whatever it takes' train of thought. :cheer:

Damned if you do damned if you don't. :mad

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Thanks everyone for your replies, I really do appreciate your thoughts and I have decided to go with the Proban. I used it around 4 years ago for a trip to Camp Tailwaggers on their advice and he didn't have any adverse reaction. I have cats, one of whom is very affectionate and will cuddle up to Brookie and sleeps with him (and me on my bed!) so I just can't risk the Advantix. I agree Clyde...the side affect of losing my boy to a tick is just not acceptable!

I don't know any preventive that doesn't have side effects. IMO the side effects of getting a tick is far worse than any *possible* side effect from a prevention. I used Proban on over 6 pets for many years with no problems. They would be on it all summer and spring, then Advantix over Autumn and Winter. I am sure that there have been side effects recorded but even my vet (well known and accomplished) has not come across any problems with the use of Proban. TBH I know of more reactions to the spot ons. I have lost two dogs to ticks, and almost lost a cat, despite prevention so I know I have a bit of a 'whatever it takes' train of thought. :cheer:

Damned if you do damned if you don't. :mad

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