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Ear Mites - Treatment?


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What do people use to treat ear mites?

My girl is showing signs of having them and while I have no hesitation in taking her to the vet, if it is just a matter of buying something and applying it myself, I'd be happy to do that.

Thanks :)

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Hi pennyw74 the two dogs I own at present dont have any problem with ear mite, touchwood, but I am trying to keep their imune system in good order, so they don't get them.

Try olive leaf extract for the imune system.

The other day though,our daughter who has a Staffie that suffers badly with ear mite, and hot spot, was told by an indian lady, she met at a vets, who also has a Staffie that she uses a mixture of teatree oil, lemon juice, with a couple of drops of pineoclean added, daughter has tried it just wiped around the ear with it and she said it has helped, I dont know if she actually used it in the ear though.

I hope you find a solution its a pain when they keep getting earmites all the time.


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