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Squealing When Crated


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When i have to crate or kennel my Lowchen she scream and squeals...

I've tried positive rewards, ignoring, putting her with another dog, but she will be distracted then notice she is locked up and will squeal...

She sleeps in a crate of a night, with out making a noise... Its just during the day....

any suggestions, as atm im looking at De-barking, but I really dont want too ...

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Have you tried only putting her in when she's really tired, and then covering the crate with a blanket? My puppy always used to cry in his crate, but putting a blanket over it made a huge difference. At first I had to hang around the crate for a couple of minutes and then sneak out of the room really quietly, but these days I just throw a sheet over the crate and walk out and he's fine.

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How long is she in the crate for during the day? If its most of the day and all night then I wouldn't be surprised if she objects. If its short periods during the day then I would echo the Crate Games suggestion. I feed my 5 month old in his crate and true to the crate games regime he races into it as it has become highly re-enforcing. When he is crated in the car while I train the other dog I will use a good quality sheet (from the op shop) as its lighter and being a close weave he can't see through it...better than a blanket which is what I used to use. Works well :D

Edited by bedazzledx2
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When i have to crate or kennel my Lowchen she scream and squeals...

I've tried positive rewards, ignoring, putting her with another dog, but she will be distracted then notice she is locked up and will squeal...

She sleeps in a crate of a night, with out making a noise... Its just during the day....

any suggestions, as atm im looking at De-barking, but I really dont want too ...

There's your problem....you've tried too many things, you're not being consistant. Choose one method and stick to it.

I reccomend you buy the Crate Games DVD, you'll probably have the majority of the problems licked within a week.

How often is the pup in the crate during the day? Could this be your pup letting you know it needs some mental/physical stimulation?

Edited by MEH
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usually crated/penned during the day for about an hour...

Most of the methods i've tried are just over a month, usually into the net month and there is no improvement i start slowly trying something else...

I can leave her alone in a crate/pen at a show and no issues only at home :/

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Sorry but that doesn't make sense. Dogs do what is reinforcing to them......have a good think about where her reinforcement is coming from to have her continuing this behaviour.

usually crated/penned during the day for about an hour...

Most of the methods i've tried are just over a month, usually into the net month and there is no improvement i start slowly trying something else...

I can leave her alone in a crate/pen at a show and no issues only at home :/

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If you really have to crate her during the day ? try putting the crate in another room away from all the other dogs & where she can't see you. May work.

Your mind should not even be going near debarking for this, assuming her playing this game is just getting on your nerves.

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Em went through a "stage" of screaming the house down once she had finished her food in her crate and wanted to join us again - this is a pup who has a LOT of mental stimulation and sufficient exercise for her age. It was awful but I turned the sound up on the DVD we were watching to drown her out (it was really loud!!!), kept eating our dinner and completely ignored her. I only let her out when she was lying down quietly. She came good, then relapsed a couple of times but came good again. Fortunately her persistence is a trait that bodes her very well in her retrieving training so I don't begrudge it!

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So - she is only crated for an hour? And she screams pretty much the whole time?

Then perhaps she knows that she WILL be let out after a certain time ... scream or not- so she screams.

does she scream straight away?

If not - if she's busy with treats ..for 2 minutes ...THEN make a fuss and let her out! Do it again ..and again ... gradually lengthening the time by a half minute or minute....

Debarking for this should not even be considered by a reputable vet , sorry :(

Edited by persephone
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Her Crate is in another room when she is crated, as soon as i close the door or walk away she will start whinging, leading to screaming. She will quiet down if you come near her (past the door) but if realises your not letting her out she'll start again....

Same if Kenneled, but she will sit at the door whinging and screaming... she could have as many toys another dog in with her, but as soon as she knows im gone or see's some she starts again...

Her Half sister was the same, which in the end she was banned coming her from other family members, but the only difference she lived in a kennel situation...

The only thing now is I give up, i dont lock her up cause it casues to much stress in the house :(

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So it sounds like it's you leaving her there that is so upsetting to her. You could try Aidan's calming yo-yo exercise. It's on this page: http://www.clickertraining.com/node/1556

The idea is to gently counter-condition your dog from you leaving her so she is not longer uspet by being left in the crate while you go off to do things without her. You can put her in the crate and do the calming yo-yo exercise and build up her tolerance of being left.

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