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Puppy Is Too Excited When Meeting Strangers And Doest Follow My Orders


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This is really confusing me!

My puppy (recently 4 months, been raising for 3 months) is always very excited when meeting new people or strangers.

Usually when I bring him outside, he would just keep looking at strangers and wanted to approach them and ignores me and my command.

I found this really annoying because he never listen to me when meeting strangers.

When I asked him to come, he will just sit there and look at me but when strangers asked him to come, he would just go and looks so happy! (makes me feel bad =( )

Also, I recently brought him to my friend's house for overnight because I have to travel to other places for one day.

When I left, he didnt seem upset maybe whine for few times but just that!

He seems to like other people more than me and my boyfriend, we raise him together.

Although it is not perfect, but I think we had already done our best to raise him, we praise him when he is good and scold him (and we mean it) when he is bad but he just doesnt follow our commands when we're outside, only if we have food or when he thought we have food!

Does anyone know what the problem is?

Thanks so much for helping it would be much appreciated!

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You have a friendly puppy that finds strangers have novelty value and that doesn't stress when you leave him.

Count your blessings.

If you want your puppy to value you more than other people then I strongly recommend you take him to training and teach him that obeying you brings rewards.

These are things that you have to develop in your pup. We all get the dogs we train (or don't)

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You have a friendly puppy that finds strangers have novelty value and that doesn't stress when you leave him.

Count your blessings.

If you want your puppy to value you more than other people then I strongly recommend you take him to training and teach him that obeying you brings rewards.

These are things that you have to develop in your pup. We all get the dogs we train (or don't)

Thanks for the help!

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This is really confusing me!

My puppy (recently 4 months, been raising for 3 months) is always very excited when meeting new people or strangers.

Usually when I bring him outside, he would just keep looking at strangers and wanted to approach them and ignores me and my command.

I found this really annoying because he never listen to me when meeting strangers.

When I asked him to come, he will just sit there and look at me but when strangers asked him to come, he would just go and looks so happy! (makes me feel bad =( )

Also, I recently brought him to my friend's house for overnight because I have to travel to other places for one day.

When I left, he didnt seem upset maybe whine for few times but just that!

He seems to like other people more than me and my boyfriend, we raise him together.

Although it is not perfect, but I think we had already done our best to raise him, we praise him when he is good and scold him (and we mean it) when he is bad but he just doesnt follow our commands when we're outside, only if we have food or when he thought we have food!

Does anyone know what the problem is?

Thanks so much for helping it would be much appreciated!

How do you tell him to come? do you sound grumpy? or do you sound fun and happy? sometimes you really have to think about it, but the dogs can pick up on any changes in your voice, and if you're getting frustrated that he wont come to you...well if I was him Id be going to the stranger too!

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Well, im pretty sure i sounds happy~ i also clap my hands and stuff and sometimes he hesitate for a bit and come...but when strangers are around...he would prefer to go to them first.....how do i know if my baby likes me or not? any idea? I almost sure that he doesnt love me or like me, makes me really sad!

This is really confusing me!

My puppy (recently 4 months, been raising for 3 months) is always very excited when meeting new people or strangers.

Usually when I bring him outside, he would just keep looking at strangers and wanted to approach them and ignores me and my command.

I found this really annoying because he never listen to me when meeting strangers.

When I asked him to come, he will just sit there and look at me but when strangers asked him to come, he would just go and looks so happy! (makes me feel bad =( )

Also, I recently brought him to my friend's house for overnight because I have to travel to other places for one day.

When I left, he didnt seem upset maybe whine for few times but just that!

He seems to like other people more than me and my boyfriend, we raise him together.

Although it is not perfect, but I think we had already done our best to raise him, we praise him when he is good and scold him (and we mean it) when he is bad but he just doesnt follow our commands when we're outside, only if we have food or when he thought we have food!

Does anyone know what the problem is?

Thanks so much for helping it would be much appreciated!

How do you tell him to come? do you sound grumpy? or do you sound fun and happy? sometimes you really have to think about it, but the dogs can pick up on any changes in your voice, and if you're getting frustrated that he wont come to you...well if I was him Id be going to the stranger too!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can I suggest that you don't use a command to your dog when you know it's not going to oblige as you're just reinforcing the dog to ignore your commands.

Although I'm not a fan of head halters, may I suggest the Susan Garret head halter method so you're directing the dogs attention back to you and you become the most re-inforcing thing the dog has.

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I agree about setting your pup up to succeed in regards to recall :heart:

JS apparently also have short attention spans - we use TOT to develop attention towards us. Of course training this with distractions is difficult!!!

Hope to see you on the Spitz thread :heart:

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JS do have very short attention spans! You gotta find ways to get your pup's attention.. I found that playing is the best way to bond with my JS. When we play and run around together, she focus and attention is always on me. Everything about her is always fun, exciting and everything has to be a game with her.

How do you feel when you're around your pup? Happy? Frustrated? Serious? Do you baby it too much?

Also it's a very good thing that he likes people. I have the opposite problem with my JS... she doesn't really like strangers, I'm always encouraging her to go say hello to people and gets pats.

Come to the Spitz thread :heart:

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This is really confusing me!

My puppy (recently 4 months, been raising for 3 months) is always very excited when meeting new people or strangers.

Usually when I bring him outside, he would just keep looking at strangers and wanted to approach them and ignores me and my command.

I found this really annoying because he never listen to me when meeting strangers.

When I asked him to come, he will just sit there and look at me but when strangers asked him to come, he would just go and looks so happy! (makes me feel bad =( )

Also, I recently brought him to my friend's house for overnight because I have to travel to other places for one day.

When I left, he didnt seem upset maybe whine for few times but just that!

He seems to like other people more than me and my boyfriend, we raise him together.

Although it is not perfect, but I think we had already done our best to raise him, we praise him when he is good and scold him (and we mean it) when he is bad but he just doesnt follow our commands when we're outside, only if we have food or when he thought we have food!

You are being too hard on your pup - 4 months old - he is only approx 18 weeks old and you have had him for just over half his life. Even the title of your thread perhaps shows how serious you are taking things "Doesnt follow my Orders". Pups need to be pups - in the first four months I like to get my pups out to meet with at least 100 new people, adults and kids.

First up, relax.... Puppys dont understand about "Orders" You may think that you are being fun and friendly but dogs can feel the underlying tensions and the energy that you might be experiencing. Get out and have fun with your pup and give him the chance to meet with many many people and make this a rewarding experience for spending time with you. Find a training program that incorporates fun activities and I'm sure you will find the answers you seek.

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