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Small Puppy On A Busy Road


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On Wednesday we were driving to pick up Chester from the Specialist vet on the Gold Coast after his elbow surgery. We were driving along Beaudesert-Nerang Road which is 100klm/hr zone and a little brown and white beagle puppy was in the middle of the road! OH quickly pulled over and I got out to see pup running toward the other lane, an oncoming 4WD didn't see him and nearly hit him, only cm's from clipping him. The puppy was in the path of his wheels and then jumped back at the last second. The 4WD passed and another car was coming so I waved it to slow down and it did. Then the road was clear and the pup had run over the other side so I crossed and followed him into a front gate where the poor thing was freaking out and hiding in the bushes. I knealed down and coaxed him. First time he came halfway then ran away again, second time he came to me and I scooped him up. I went down the driveway and asked if it was theirs, the man there said no, next property over.

We went into the neighbouring property and found a woman working in the yard. I yelled out "Excuse me, is this your puppy?" She said, "oh he's mine where was he?" I told her what had happened and how he was nearly run over. I mentioned he was so cute and she said, "Oh well you can have him if you want him, I haven't gotten him vaccinated yet so you can have him for free"

If it weren't for having a border collie who needs 6 weeks rest to recover from surgery I might have taken him and rehomed him but I just couldn't take on a puppy when I was so concerned over looking after my own dogs at the moment so I had to say no. But the pup seemed like he would need a lot of work too, or he might have just been extra scared over the ordeal.

She said, "Oh would you like to see where I keep him so you don't think I am totally irresponsible?" I said ok. She showed us a tiny pen around a kennel. The pup had climbed right out. She then explained how she owned the mum, a beagle and some relative visiting owned the father, a beagle cross unknown. Obviously an accident happened and this was the only pup born. I didn't see the mum anywhere.

We had to leave but I still feel like maybe I should have taken him home. I'm so worried he would have escaped onto the road again. I asked her to please make sure he didn't. I can only hope she looked after him and found him a good home. He would have only been about 7 weeks old.

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That would have scared me if i seen that! glad you pulled over and picked him up.

It scared me. I thought I was about to witness a puppy being run over :thumbsup:

Yeah must have been horrible, you shouldnt feel bad about not taking the puppy you have your reasons and you did your best :eek: for you and your dogs.

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That poor little thing! I dont blame u for not taking - i thinku did what u thought was best... but... i wouldnt have left that poor little thing wit that stupid effing woman. Clearly she didnt care what happened to it.

Actually makes me really angry (not u - her!)

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That poor little thing! I dont blame u for not taking - i thinku did what u thought was best... but... i wouldnt have left that poor little thing wit that stupid effing woman. Clearly she didnt care what happened to it.

Actually makes me really angry (not u - her!)

I was mad about it too (and she wanted to prove to me she wasn't irresponsible!) I really wanted to take him, the brown eyes and floppy ears made it that much harder. But with a dog fresh from surgery about to be in the car having to stay calm as well as our other dog and a 6 hour drive home I just couldn't have coped with it. Just had to tell myself he's back where he started and hope she keeps him safe. I did think about him all the way home though, wondering if he'd be ok and what would have happened if I took him. At least he got returned home I guess but I do wish I could have taken him. Then I'd be here stressing over finding him a good home!

Edited by Lollipup
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You did the right thing. I understand how hard it is to just walk away. Yesterday hubby and I were walking when we noticed this young pup sticking it's head out between a gate and then the next thing it came right out onto the footpath. The street we live on is very busy and so I went back to the house and tried to close the gate, but the latch wouldn't work. I wanted to knock on the door, but it was 7 in the morning and hubby said they would be asleep and judging by the closed curtains he was right. I felt bad about leaving the pup, but sometimes you just have to walk away and hope for the best. :confused:

(To be honest, it was such a goodlooking pup, that I would be surprised if someone doesn't take it.)

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You did the right thing. I understand how hard it is to just walk away. Yesterday hubby and I were walking when we noticed this young pup sticking it's head out between a gate and then the next thing it came right out onto the footpath. The street we live on is very busy and so I went back to the house and tried to close the gate, but the latch wouldn't work. I wanted to knock on the door, but it was 7 in the morning and hubby said they would be asleep and judging by the closed curtains he was right. I felt bad about leaving the pup, but sometimes you just have to walk away and hope for the best. :confused:

(To be honest, it was such a goodlooking pup, that I would be surprised if someone doesn't take it.)

i would take it :D and bring it back later when they would be awake.

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That poor little thing! I dont blame u for not taking - i thinku did what u thought was best... but... i wouldnt have left that poor little thing wit that stupid effing woman. Clearly she didnt care what happened to it.

Actually makes me really angry (not u - her!)

I was mad about it too (and she wanted to prove to me she wasn't irresponsible!) I really wanted to take him, the brown eyes and floppy ears made it that much harder. But with a dog fresh from surgery about to be in the car having to stay calm as well as our other dog and a 6 hour drive home I just couldn't have coped with it. Just had to tell myself he's back where he started and hope she keeps him safe. I did think about him all the way home though, wondering if he'd be ok and what would have happened if I took him. At least he got returned home I guess but I do wish I could have taken him. Then I'd be here stressing over finding him a good home!

I know. I cant imagine how hard it wouldve been for you.

Maybe later on down the track u can go past and see if you can see the pup... or not because if something happened to it u would be wracked with guilt even though none of it was your fault.

Its people like her that need to not have dogs.

Ps. I hope ur bub is ok!!

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It must've been the most difficult decision for you to have to leave the poor pup behind. I totally understand why you did -- you have your own woofer to take care of -- but still ... such an emotionally difficult choice.

I really hope things go well for the puppy and that he either gets re-homed or that the current owners become less douch-bagger-y.

All in all I believe you made the best decision because a 6 hour drive for a post-surgery pooch and a little puppy would be very stressful for everyone.

Give lots of hugs to Chester and I wish him a speedy, trouble free recovery! :hugs:

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Thanks all. She said that after she gets him vaccinated she will be sticking a sign out the front to sell him. I'm sure he will sell quickly but I hope to a good home and that he didn't get out again in the mean time.

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