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Crazy Male When Bitch On Heat


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Hi There,

First time writer, long time reader...

I was wondering if anyone could suggest what to do with a crazy male dog, while our girl is on heat, I have tried separating them, but he just barks constantly, non stop and crying.. (I feel so sorry for the neighbors) He is totally hysterical the time he is awake, very excited, panting like he's been for a long walk.. It's driving me crazy.. Is it just a faze? if so, How long does this last? Do different breeds act differently? Please Help..

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Typical male behaviour around a bitch in heat,

Somemales are easy but most will do what yours is doing,the time frame depends on her cycle ,(could go crazy for 1 week or more)

Some people will send there male to kennels if really bad but otherwise with an entire bitch its all about managing this time best

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This is a purebred dog forum, many people with purebreds don't wish to desex. :)

To the OP - yes some breeds can be more highly strung than others, but it also can be an individual thing with males. Some carry on like nitwits being around an in season bitch for the first time or two and get a bit more settled with age and experience. Some always do it.

You really just need to wait it out. With males that get very wound up they can also go off their food. I find getting a little extra weight on them before she comes in can be handy. :(

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  Lindainfa said:
Why would you want a bitch in heat all the time? Desex them! Easy.

My entire boy is going to be a stud dog for his breeder. I had the same problem a few months ago. Telling me to desex him wasn't an answer to my problem and probably isn't an answer to this one.

To the OP, if you have someone who can take him and look after him for a week, your neighbors will thank you. Or look at boarding him, but it's pretty busy in boarding kennels right now.

You have my complete and utter sympathy though, I went through the same back in Feb and it was like the doggy week from hell. I had to keep them separated as I don't want pups under any circumstances.

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Normal & varying according to dog. Experiment & see if he is better in different places. Some settle better staying within sight of owner, some as far away from bitch as possible, inside or outside.

3 girls in heat here & the boys are much better when I am sat in the room with them.

Use the quiet word, whatever it is, a lot & praise for obeying but don't yell at him or get mad, just confusing for him.

Tranquil or calming vitamin paste from your fodder store/animal supply place may help.

He may react less as he gets used to it or next time, my older boy doesn't go as nuts anymore.

Earplugs :vomit:

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Thanks everyone,

Desexing is not an option as she is only 10 months, I think I'll just have to wait it out.. This is my fifth day of going crazy, so it can't be much longer.. hopefully.. It has been 5 days from hell so far..

Sending him away for a week would be dream. I tried to palm him off to my aunt in the country.. Let him frolic in the fields, burn off a bit of energy.. She didn't want a bar of the big crazy dog.. And a kennel would bring him back a ruined man.. (he's a big sook who can't be away from him Ma and Pa)..

He has gone off he's food.. It's as if he wants to eat but he can't get her out of his head.. :vomit: I think he doesn't even know what's going on.. He's on this love drug.. I've never seen him like this before, he's usually a placid, easy going dog, so I am hoping he settles with age, it would be his first time with this intensive smell going on..

I actually bought a knickers for her, hoping it would work as a chastity belt like contraption, she does look quite cute in her sexy knickers, maybe that's too much of a turn on for him.. LOL

Thanks again..

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If he's not and she's not a pedigree dog or bitch, that is not going to be used as part of a breeding program, the desex the pair of them.

If he is a pedigree and is going to be used later, you can have him implanted. I wouldn't suggest giving a bitch who is going to be bred anything.

None of mine are desexed and my boys live happily next to the girls while they are in season. I've found keep them close to each other but not allowed together, is the best way to deal with it. The boys are smart and if there is any carry on, it's just for the couple of days they are ready to be mated.

Get your vet to supply you with some ACE and use that if necessary for the couple of days.

Desexing is the cure for the unwated behaviour ........

ETA: Sanitry items are NOT CHASTITY BELTS, they are there simply to prevent blood getting things.

If she's 10 months old, then desex him

Edited by ReadySetGo
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Just think of you favourite thing in the whole world - and it's just out of reach - tantalisingly close, but you just can't grab it... that's how your boy is feeling right now... *grin*

I used to board my bitch with my local vet when she was in season and I didn't want the boy to get to her. My boy didn't do kennels - like yours, he was a totally big sook!

His behaviour will possibly continue until she has finished her season - about 3 weeks is normal... good luck!


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This is my fifth day of going crazy, so it can't be much longer.. hopefully.. It has been 5 days from hell so far..

only another 10 or so to go :vomit:

Please do NOT let her anywhere near him wearing 'knickers' they will not stop her being mated.

He's on this love drug.. I've never seen him like this before, he's usually a placid, easy going dog, so I am hoping he settles with age, it would be his first time with this intensive smell going on..

No, he won't - rather he now knows what the smell is, and will be quicker to notice it ...and if he smells it around the neighbourhood he may well also try & escape to find the source :vomit:

This experience is one reason a lot of male dogs are much more happy/settled after they are desexed...they don't have all that frustration happening.

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I have found he is more relaxed when in the same room as me, but then she is locked up out the back and scratches/ barks at the back door and sets him off again.. and i am unsettled leaving her out the back in case of rouge dogs that i hear jump fences to get to girls on heat..

I know that her sexy knickers wouldn't work as a chastity belt, just thought a bit of added protection.. :vomit:

What is this implant you can get for him? I had heard giving the girl contraceptive drugs could lead to cancer later on.. I was considering getting ACE for him but went the homeopathic way, to no avail, and being a long weekend, not sure if vet is open (will try to call at 9am) and do they usually just give out sedatives for horny male dogs?

Another question.. How often does hear occur?

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Keep them completely apart for 28 days, even if you think she has gone off & he is not interested.

Sometimes you are not always sure of the exact day the season started, especially at first.

I had one girl once who would not let the male mate her until she was between 19 & 22 days in heat, no matter how much he wanted or what I did. She was right, 3 litters from her. Not the usual but if the timing is not as you think better to be 100% sure. No pants or anything is sure to stop him getting her. Crates or seperate rooms/areas are a must.

Some peoples dogs are not so much trouble & others just are no matter what. Peace will come with the desexing.

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