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Mushrooms In Back Yard


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Hi all,

Our 8 month old shepherd recently had a long bout of diarea (spelling wrong) which in the end was treated by vet with antibiotics, drug for giardia and a gut protectent. We also put her on a chicken and rice diet then moved her onto chicken and rice proplan....in the last week I have noticed that she has gone backwards. She's doing cow pat style poos with some more solid at end or beginning. I have been catching her eating some mushrooms that are springing up in the yard am wondering if this is the cause for the stomach upset.

They are small dome like caps which are brownish with cream stems. They do grow larger and get flatter as they do so. I have been pulling them out but with the cooler weather they are coming up still.

Can't seem to find a good site to identify them correctly and does anyone know how to kill them off from the areas they are coming up.

Any other suggestions would be appreciated too.



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I think the only way to kill them would be to spray an anti-fungal (if there is one available), and that might be questionable too. As they reproduce by dropping spores when they are mature you might be stuck with plucking the young ones so that there are no mature ones to drop more spores.

As for identifying them maybe take one to the local plant nursery and see if they can help you. Thye'd also be able to give you information about whether or not they can be killed off.

Not sure if it would be the cause of pup's upset tumtum, but always good to be able to eliminate unknown factors!

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Yeah, spores are a problem. I've taken everything out of her diet except her proplan food and roo mince and we will see how we go slowly bringing things back in. Checking daily for new mushrooms sprouting.

Has anyone had dogs react to pigs ears? That's really the only major treat she gets as she's off bones until she's consistent on the stomach. I used to get her lamb bones but have kept her off since being treated incase it was the fat content upsetting her.


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Okay have been removing the mushrooms by hand.

I have a question. Does anyone experience raw hide chews upsetting their dogs stomach....She was getting better poos then I feed a raw hide as she was bored due to rain and since she has been soft again....it's really the only extra thing in her diet at moment? Just wondering what other people find with these.

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