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Dog Parks- What Is Acceptable?


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Do you find it acceptable:

- when people allow their dogs to bark non stop at the dog park? I live next door to a big offleash park and it does peeve me when people let their dogs bark in the park at unreasonable hours- like before 7am on weekends.

- when people spend the whole time yelling at their dog, but not actually doing anything about the bad behavoiur?

- When people sit in their cars and let the dog run around in the park?

- When people let their dog jump all over you?

- When people hit your dog, or yourself when throwing the ball for their dog?

- when people let their kids run around the park screaming ?

- when people let their dog try to hump your dog or attack it and then think its funny?

- when people let their dog take your dogs ball or toy and destroy it and then think its funny or not even offer to replace it?

- when people let their dog steal your dogs ball/toy and are then not able to get it back from their dog?

Just some of the seemingly minor things that frustrate me but perhaps I should relax more.....

Unfortunately I live in a built up area and off leash areas are the only option for my dog to get really good exercise. I do enjoy them most of the time and my dog does have some really nice, friendly and well behaved dog friends who she adores playing with, which I think is really good for her.

Edited by aussielover
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I don't mind the barking usually, although I see your point about not letting dogs bark at unreasonable hours.

I don't think any of the other behaviors are OK, which is why we go to very few dog parks & select the ones we go to very carefully, since there will always be people out there that think all those things are OK.

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Well, given my previous post you probably know what I think! I think they are all unacceptable and it annoys (because I don't want to swear!) me to tears.

You know what, some parents are the same! I have similar complaints about playgrounds/play centres for children - irresponsible parents who don't control their children, watch their children or mediate their childrens inappropriate behaviour. My kids end up getting hurt because of stupid parents raising stupid kids.

I think I'm becoming a grumpy old woman early, but man it peeves me when people just don't take responsibility!

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Do you find it acceptable:

- when people allow their dogs to bark non stop at the dog park? I live next door to a big offleash park and it does peeve me when people let their dogs bark in the park at unreasonable hours- like before 7am on weekends.

- when people spend the whole time yelling at their dog, but not actually doing anything about the bad behavoiur?

- When people sit in their cars and let the dog run around in the park?

- When people let their dog jump all over you?

- When people hit your dog, or yourself when throwing the ball for their dog?

- when people let their kids run around the park screaming ?

- when people let their dog try to hump your dog or attack it and then think its funny?

- when people let their dog take your dogs ball or toy and destroy it and then think its funny or not even offer to replace it?

- when people let their dog steal your dogs ball/toy and are then not able to get it back from their dog?

Just some of the seemingly minor things that frustrate me but perhaps I should relax more.....

Unfortunately I live in a built up area and off leash areas are the only option for my dog to get really good exercise. I do enjoy them most of the time and my dog does have some really nice, friendly and well behaved dog friends who she adores playing with, which I think is really good for her.

To me you've just pulled together a list of all the bad habits that occur in the parks - so I doubt anyone would find any acceptable.

I don't like when Boonie tries to join in on someone elses game of fetch so will pull him aside and let the other dog go alone (unless the owner of the other dog specifically says not to and it's ok) - funnily enough I don't mind if we are playing and another dog joins in.

I cannot stand people who go and sit in their car.

I know that we used the park as a place to teach recall with distractions - so I give some people yelling at their dog a bit of leeway. you can tell the genuine 'trainers' and the 'lipservice' callers.

So far we've had two threads all negative about dog parks so I'm going to have to defend them - they are great little socialising, exercising areas if used properly (this may mean staking out a few of them to get the right one, may mean going at certain times, may mean ... you get the idea). We have had 99% great experiences down our dog parks and the 1% are used as learning experiences (being a new owner - learn to read dogs and people).

Most bad experiences can be avoided by being vigilant yourself - assume everyone else is an idiot and make sure you're in control of your dog. If they turn out not to be idiots it's a nice surprise.

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I think all of those behaviours are unacceptable - and intervene with most. There always seem to be a couple of kelpies who bark almost constantly. The owners seem displeased but not moved enough to actually anything about it, so I just try and stay on the other side of the park. The worst was when my dog was a puppy, he got 'herded' a few times by kelpies in pairs or threes, and there were a few occasions where he got really scared.

The little dogs in particular always jump on people, but I've been jumped on by several labs too. We've been sitting on a park bench and had large and small dogs (labs and beagles seem to be the worst offenders) jump all over us.

I've had people's kids climb all over me too, and to be honest, that annoys me more than the dogs - and the worst part is you really can't say or do anything about a child, you kind of just have to take it.

The only one I'm kind of ok about is the toy. I wouldn't bring a good toy to the dog park, because I almost plan to lose it. Same as a few times, my dog has gained stuff from the dog park lol. Of course you return it if you can, but if no-one seems to want it/own it and my dog likes it well, the park gives and takes...

I can make my dog drop something, and a lot of people can't and I do think that's a bit dangerous.

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The little dogs in particular always jump on people, but I've been jumped on by several labs too. We've been sitting on a park bench and had large and small dogs (labs and beagles seem to be the worst offenders) jump all over us.

I've found this too - and it really irks me as a lab owner (it gives us bad names) because it's so easy to stop if you had put the effort in at the start.

I had one lab the other day kept jumping up on me - I was telling him NO! DOWN! but his owner was standing there laughing, I said "don't think it's that funny mate - what if I was a four year old kid? your dog has just knocked me on my arse! plus it's rude as all hell" being 6ft4in and weighing in at 120kgs with a look of death on my face stopped him smiling pretty damn quick.

I'm pretty lenient as well - I go down the park expecting to be jumped on - but not to be laughed at whilst their dog repeatedly does it. Take a hint bozzo I've told him no and down already.

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Do you find it acceptable:

- when people allow their dogs to bark non stop at the dog park? I live next door to a big offleash park and it does peeve me when people let their dogs bark in the park at unreasonable hours- like before 7am on weekends.

Yes. It's a dog park! If they can't bark there, where can they bark? We live in a constant state of noise vigilance because our neighbours are liable to blow their top at us if our dogs bark. The dog park is a release for us as well as them. It is THE ONLY place we can relax and let them be as noisy as they like. I assume anyone who lives near a dog park doesn't care or they wouldn't live near a dog park.

- when people spend the whole time yelling at their dog, but not actually doing anything about the bad behavoiur?

I wish they wouldn't, but it's not my dog. They aren't breaking any laws.

- When people sit in their cars and let the dog run around in the park?

Don't get it and think it's irresponsible, but they don't usually last.

- When people let their dog jump all over you?

I'm understanding. It's annoying, but given Erik is very easily provoked into jumping on someone regardless of the fact he has actually been taught manners and doesn't do it to us, it is something we often struggle with and so I understand that it can be difficult. Most people apologise. That's fine by me. We apologise as well, and mutter about dogs that act as though they haven't had a minute of training their whole life. It's a bigger deal if it's a large dog that throws itself at you and cracks its head into your face. I had one scratch and bruise my leg when it cannoned into me quite deliberately. An apology would have been nice.

- When people hit your dog, or yourself when throwing the ball for their dog?

:) I'm sure they didn't mean to. If they did, that is bizarre behaviour.

- when people let their kids run around the park screaming ?

:p It's their kids, not mine. I keep my dogs away from them and consider my responsibility upheld.

- when people let their dog try to hump your dog or attack it and then think its funny?

Never seen it happen.

- when people let their dog take your dogs ball or toy and destroy it and then think its funny or not even offer to replace it?

Well, this is why we don't let other people's dogs play with our toys.

- when people let their dog steal your dogs ball/toy and are then not able to get it back from their dog?

I think it's funny when that happens. Again, we don't let other people's dogs near our toys. Every now and then one gets hold of something of ours and runs off with it. I have always found this funny.

I think you should relax more as well. Not many things in the dog park get me fired up. People who don't pick up after their dogs do. And the folks that think they picked up the poo but they can't bear to carry it around with them, so leave it on the ground, bagged. I mean, come on, just put it in the bin. We get tired of picking up soggy bags of other people's dog poo. I don't love the dogs that stick their heads in my treat bag, but I can live with them. I just don't find it that hard, you know? You go in with low expectations, you manage your own dogs, and you practise predicting potential problems so you can avoid them before they occur. Sometimes it can be frustrating, but it is what you make it. If you refuse to accept that most people won't have the same ethical guidelines as you, then you will be continuously annoyed and disappointed. If you assume these annoying little things will happen, then you are prepared and can manage your dogs so the impact is minimal and all of a sudden it just doen't bother you very much.

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Do you find it acceptable:

- when people allow their dogs to bark non stop at the dog park? I live next door to a big offleash park and it does peeve me when people let their dogs bark in the park at unreasonable hours- like before 7am on weekends. in play, I have no problem. constantly - not on.

- when people spend the whole time yelling at their dog, but not actually doing anything about the bad behavoiur? BIG peeve, but it doesn't only happen in dog parks..

- When people sit in their cars and let the dog run around in the park? TOTALLY irresponsible

- When people let their dog jump all over you? VERY out of line.

- When people hit your dog, or yourself when throwing the ball for their dog? Part of the reason people go to dog parks and a large part of the reason why I don't.

- when people let their kids run around the park screaming ? As long as they don't mind their kids being rounded up or bitten - no problem.

- when people let their dog try to hump your dog or attack it and then think its funny? They don't tend to think my response is funny so they change pretty quickly, but again, why I have not been to a dog park in 3 years.

- when people let their dog take your dogs ball or toy and destroy it and then think its funny or not even offer to replace it? Again - why I don't go to dog parks. Everything is public proper to some.

- when people let their dog steal your dogs ball/toy and are then not able to get it back from their dog? See above.

Not really a fan of dog parks or people who can't stop their dogs running off to say 'hello' to others full stop - dog park or not. If you don't have control over your dogs don't let them off lead. Simple.

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I think you should relax more as well. Not many things in the dog park get me fired up. People who don't pick up after their dogs do. And the folks that think they picked up the poo but they can't bear to carry it around with them, so leave it on the ground, bagged. I mean, come on, just put it in the bin. We get tired of picking up soggy bags of other people's dog poo. I don't love the dogs that stick their heads in my treat bag, but I can live with them. I just don't find it that hard, you know? You go in with low expectations, you manage your own dogs, and you practise predicting potential problems so you can avoid them before they occur. Sometimes it can be frustrating, but it is what you make it. If you refuse to accept that most people won't have the same ethical guidelines as you, then you will be continuously annoyed and disappointed. If you assume these annoying little things will happen, then you are prepared and can manage your dogs so the impact is minimal and all of a sudden it just doen't bother you very much.


Sure, I get annoyed by things people do at dog parks, but that's no different to anything in life. I do hate kids running around screaming (I just leave if that happens). I think that toys in dog parks are pretty much fair game (I bring toys but they ONLY come out if we're the only ones there, too much potential for conflict). Jumping up and barking don't bother me unless they're excessive - I always wear clothes I am prepared to get dirty to the dog park :p

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I don't agree with people taking balls/ toys to use in dog parks especially when they're busy. There will always be dogs who resource guard or fight over toys. It just adds in a whole extra dynamic which can lead to fights.

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The little dogs in particular always jump on people, but I've been jumped on by several labs too. We've been sitting on a park bench and had large and small dogs (labs and beagles seem to be the worst offenders) jump all over us.

I've found this too - and it really irks me as a lab owner (it gives us bad names) because it's so easy to stop if you had put the effort in at the start.

I had one lab the other day kept jumping up on me - I was telling him NO! DOWN! but his owner was standing there laughing, I said "don't think it's that funny mate - what if I was a four year old kid? your dog has just knocked me on my arse! plus it's rude as all hell" being 6ft4in and weighing in at 120kgs with a look of death on my face stopped him smiling pretty damn quick.

I'm pretty lenient as well - I go down the park expecting to be jumped on - but not to be laughed at whilst their dog repeatedly does it. Take a hint bozzo I've told him no and down already.

Part I find most amazing is that you try and tell these dogs to stop, say no in a firm no-nonsense type voice, and it doesn't even register, like they've never even heard the word before and it holds no meaning :s

ETA but yep I totally agree, I go to the dog park prepared to interact with lots of dogs. But I do find having a beagle trying to like jump onto my shoulder when I'm sitting on a bench unacceptable. You end up having to shove the dog onto the ground which looks bad, but I certainly wouldn't expect anyone to put up with that from my dog. And labs may be cute but they're pretty big and strong so it can actually hurt if they jump on you.

Edited by jacqui835
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Maybe I have no dog park etiquette

I agree stop jumping dogs, but it is a public park and

the dogs go there to interact and play with other dogs

If u choose to get a toy out then I would think you would realise that

other dogs might want to join in and play with that toy also. If u dont want

them to share a toy, then dont get it out

If I sit on the ground at the park and my dog and another dog he is

wrestling with end up on my lap, then I send them both away, but

It doesnt bother me in the slightest.

If mine gets over zealous I will go and get him and try and give him

a few mins to calm down, but generally I just let him enjoy his time

with the other dogs.

I take water to share with the other dogs and I pick up his pooh

As for the ppl who get there early, maybe their dog doesnt get on with other dogs,

so that is the best time to run them.

Maybe they are a shift worker and that is the time they are awake.

I agree it would be annoying, but again it is a public park and not really sure

anything can be done about noise.

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I think you should relax more as well. Not many things in the dog park get me fired up. People who don't pick up after their dogs do. And the folks that think they picked up the poo but they can't bear to carry it around with them, so leave it on the ground, bagged. I mean, come on, just put it in the bin. We get tired of picking up soggy bags of other people's dog poo. I don't love the dogs that stick their heads in my treat bag, but I can live with them. I just don't find it that hard, you know? You go in with low expectations, you manage your own dogs, and you practise predicting potential problems so you can avoid them before they occur. Sometimes it can be frustrating, but it is what you make it. If you refuse to accept that most people won't have the same ethical guidelines as you, then you will be continuously annoyed and disappointed. If you assume these annoying little things will happen, then you are prepared and can manage your dogs so the impact is minimal and all of a sudden it just doen't bother you very much.


Sure, I get annoyed by things people do at dog parks, but that's no different to anything in life. I do hate kids running around screaming (I just leave if that happens). I think that toys in dog parks are pretty much fair game (I bring toys but they ONLY come out if we're the only ones there, too much potential for conflict). Jumping up and barking don't bother me unless they're excessive - I always wear clothes I am prepared to get dirty to the dog park :)

:p I have to agree here. We tend to chill out and enjoy. If it gets too full on, we just leave ;)

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You forgot one, when owners actually drive thier car through the off leash dog park while thier dog runs off lead beside the car ;)

At our dog park this is my biggest peeve, all the while there are other dogs runnings around the park!

None of what you have stated in the OP is acceptable but there is bogan ferrels out there that just don't care!

I had a guy yell out to me one day from a distance with his dog off lead, "don't let your dogs come near mine because they will come off second best" now to me he is saying he has an DA dog off lead in an off leash dog park, what idiot does that!!

I just wanted to add for the most part we are lucky we don't live in a big city and mostly the people that frequent our parks are good and pretty relaxed and so are thier dogs it is only on occasion that you come across what I have mentioned above.

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You forgot one, when owners actually drive thier car through the off leash dog park while thier dog runs off lead beside the car ;)

At our dog park this is my biggest peeve, all the while there are other dogs runnings around the park!

None of what you have stated in the OP is acceptable but there is bogan ferrels out there that just don't care!

I had a guy yell out to me one day from a distance with his dog off lead, "don't let your dogs come near mine because they will come off second best" now to me he is saying he has an DA dog off lead in an off leash dog park, what idiot does that!!

I just wanted to add for the most part we are lucky we don't live in a big city and mostly the people that frequent our parks are good and pretty relaxed and so are thier dogs it is only on occasion that you come across what I have mentioned above.

There is another one.

The people who panic and scream at their dog to come back when it gets away from them and runs towards you, but then get upset when you ask them to move their excitable, out of control dog from the situation.

Huh????? if you are worried enough to scream at your dog, why should I not be worried enough to collect mine and ask you to come and get yours?!

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Do you find it acceptable:

- when people allow their dogs to bark non stop at the dog park? I live next door to a big offleash park and it does peeve me when people let their dogs bark in the park at unreasonable hours- like before 7am on weekends. No, parks are provided for recreation purposes unless there are rules about when they can/can't be used, I don't think there's anything wrong with it.

- when people spend the whole time yelling at their dog, but not actually doing anything about the bad behavoiur? I haven't seen this before, but if I knew of any training tools that might help them, I'd politely suggest it to them. I imagine it's just as frustrating for them

- When people sit in their cars and let the dog run around in the park? Yes, they should be there as they are responsible for their dog, which includes cleaning up after them

- When people let their dog jump all over you? No, it's a park. If I'm bothered by dogs playing, I can always remove myself from that situation.

- When people hit your dog, or yourself when throwing the ball for their dog? Do you mean they hit myself or my dog with their ball?? I'd assume that was an accident. If not, yes I'd be ticked off.

- when people let their kids run around the park screaming ? No, again it's a park for recreation

- when people let their dog try to hump your dog or attack it and then think its funny? Definitely not acceptable

- when people let their dog take your dogs ball or toy and destroy it and then think its funny or not even offer to replace it? It would probably be a bit annoying if they broke it and didn't even apologise or anything, but realistically I would never take anything of value into a public park and expect others to look after it

- when people let their dog steal your dogs ball/toy and are then not able to get it back from their dog? Again, it was my decision to take balls/toys into the park and I should be prepared that something may happen to it. I wouldn't personally take toys into the dog park, but if I did, I'd make sure they were old/cheap etc

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- When people hit your dog, or yourself when throwing the ball for their dog?

I would assume it was an accident ..... but it makes me laugh thinking of some random person in a dog park pegging balls at people!!

Actually, I threw a ball for Max the other day and this poor chap on a mobile phone looked up just in time and stood to one side to miss copping it *blush* I was VERY apologetic and he laughed and said no worries .... I think he knew it was an honest mistake and realised, after watching my subsequent 'throws' that I am a somewhat challenged thrower at the best of times and couldn't have hit him if I was actually aiming !

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One of my dogs is a ball/toy stealer, more that he wants to join in the game.

I have to put him back on lead to stop it which annoys me a bit.

People keep throwing the ball each time i get it out of my boy's mouth and give it back.

I have kids who love squealing anywhere including the park.

My home backs onto an off lead dog park (a really large one) and we don't have a problem with barking noise. The noisiest it gets is when there are a large group of people there trying to play some sort of team sport.

Or the idiots who let of firecrakers there at night.

Or my dogs barking from the back gate because they want to say hello to the other dogs in the park...lol

My peeves are people who think they can hit golf balls there and people who think it is the place to bring quad bikes.

One of my dogs loves joining in the soccer practice there too (again he usually ends up back on lead poor boy).

Sowhat's the etiquette?

Do I have a right to say to the people playing with balls or other toys (either with dogs or just say kicking a footy back and forth)

that they should either let my dog join in (many do)

or put the toy/ball away while we are there,

or at least don't throw the ball again untill we have had a chance to move on?

Or should my dog have to stay on lead and not get a good run because he's a dog who likes to chase balls.

Perhaps, somewhere in the middle so that he gets a run but doesn't piss everyone off with his love of balls.

The thing that gets me is people continue to throw the ball even though they're getting shitty with my dog, even when I tell them I'll put my dog back on lead.

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Do you find it acceptable:

- when people allow their dogs to bark non stop at the dog park? I live next door to a big offleash park and it does peeve me when people let their dogs bark in the park at unreasonable hours- like before 7am on weekends.

Yes. It's a dog park! If they can't bark there, where can they bark? We live in a constant state of noise vigilance because our neighbours are liable to blow their top at us if our dogs bark. The dog park is a release for us as well as them. It is THE ONLY place we can relax and let them be as noisy as they like. I assume anyone who lives near a dog park doesn't care or they wouldn't live near a dog park.

Sorry - but I don't think it is reasonable for a dog to be allowed to bark all the time before 7am on weekends. Would piss me off too, and I would be calling the council.

I live next door to a park (not a designated off-leash dog park, but a park where dogs are allowed off lead) and we don't get this kind of inconsiderate behaviour. If we did, on a regular basis, I would be calling council.

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