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Trainer Recommendation, Sydney Area?


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Hey guys. Just wondering if anyone has a good trainer recommendation in the Sydney are? (I'm on the Northern Beaches. Willing to travel if needed.)

I have an approx 5yo staffy/terrier who has been fear aggressive since the day I adopted him. I've had him for three years in May, and while I've done extensive rehabilitation with him (he can now be touched by people other than me, no longer bites, etc) that has taken up most of my spare time...but he has still come probably 70% good I would say. He has developed a wind phobia and he is terrified of doors slamming, shutters on windows. He is fairly good with people now, so long as they kneel down and introduce themselves to him veeeery slowly. He likes my family, best friend and girlfriend but not enough to take food off them, or be walked/picked up by them. I have used my other dog, a really confident Min Pin, to get his confidence up in dealing with people. That so far has worked, but I feel I'm out of my depth now.

He has been abused very badly and unfortunately his fear is a product of that. I have tried all I can think of. I would like to be able to walk at normal hours during the day (he is frightened of joggers, bike riders, kids, etc) and take him to agility and obedience - heck, even just down to the local cafe without having to worry he will bite someone! He is totally normal with me, has a great, loyal, loving personality, but he is just awful with everyone else.

Ideally I'd like a trainer experienced in rehabilitating abused/fearful dogs because he has had enough damage done to him without someone who uses forceful methods. He is very submissive, not dominant at all, respects me as the pack leader and all of that, so he definitely understands his place in the world - it's just his past that's holding him back.

Any ideas?

EDIT: He also had a major storm phobia that has thankfully gone away with the Thundershirt and a bit of training to help him cope. The Thundershirt isn't working for the wind fear, it's a totally different ballgame to the thunderstorm phobia. :laugh:

Edited by halfthewords
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Dr Joanne Righetti from Pet Problem Solved is in the Northern Beaches, I think. I like her. :) She's held in high regard by anyone I know that has had anything to do with her.

Is she a veterinary behaviourist?

k9pro is highly recommended here on DOL and has extensive experience with aggressive dogs.

I know a few other behaviourists on the lower north shore and northern beaches but I am not really sure if they regularly deal with severe fear aggression. PM me if you want details though.

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Dr Joanne Righetti from Pet Problem Solved is in the Northern Beaches, I think. I like her. :D She's held in high regard by anyone I know that has had anything to do with her.

Is she a veterinary behaviourist?

Nope. She has a zoology degree and a PhD in dog behaviour, I think. And some kind of qualification in counselling, which seems eminently sensible to me.

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