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Puppy Food


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I have just become the mum tp a Tibetan Spaniel, who is full of life and mischief and loves her food.

She had been receiving three meals a day of Eukanuba Puppy Biscuits, soaked in a little water to soften them up. I have had her for approximately 10 weeks now and as advised by the vet she is still receiving the three meals daily (I'm not giving her huge meals, enough to cover the base of a china mug), but recently she has started being rather choosy about eating her biscuits. I have even started to sprinkle a little liver powder over the top to make them more appetising to her. Where as before as soon as I gave her the cue to eat she was in there in a flash, leaving the bowl clean. Besides this behaviour she is fine, eats her training treats, has a small amout of cornflakes in the morning and her nose is scenting as soon as food comes out of the fridge, so she's not off her food. What is coming out the other end is normal too. So, do dogs get bored with their food? If so, can anyone suggest something I may try (bearing in mind she is still only 16 weeks old) that may perk up her appetite?

Zoom 378

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what did the breeder recommend?

Also, she doesn't really need the biscuits soaked in water unless she has some kind of mouth/teeth problem?

She definitely doesn't need cornflakes! Are you giving that as a treat or meal?

At 16 weeks she can probably go to 2 meals a day.

Giver her a maximum of 30 mins to eat all the food, then take it away.

But mainly, I would go with what the breeder recommends (within reason) and maybe contact them ifn you have any questions.

Edited by aussielover
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In my opinion 30 minutes is far too generous. My pups get 15 minutes at the most and then anything left is taken away.

No need to soften the biscuits. It's better if they aren't soaked as they can help to clean her teeth as she crunches them. Get rid of the cornflakes.

It could just be that she simply isn't hungry when you feed her because she's getting 3 meals a day. My youngest weaned himself off his lunchtime meal as he was just not hungry when it was lunch time so no point putting food down.

One thing you could introduce to her diet is meat. Perhaps start with one chicken neck and monitor any poos or vomiting to make sure it's getting along with her tummy.

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AS the others said - at this age she probably doesn't need 3 meals ..and certainly not cornflakes! :o She does need bones though- chicken wings/necks to start with .... leave whole ... and semi freeze, so she has to chew more. She will possibly be teething very soon- and frozen bones are a wonderful soother/helper :laugh:

edit to add- training treats in any quantity will fill her up - and if they are really yummy ..and maybe used after a meal, she will wait for them, rather than eat her real food ....

Edited by persephone
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i agree with above... be strong puppy will eat eventually it is very important to NOT offer her different meals when she wont eat as u are going to creat a PITA fussy eater!! Put her food down and give her the command after 10-15 mins take it away... only treat when training her.. eventually she will realise not eating doesnt mean she gets someting yummier but means that she will go hungry... sounds harsh but its really not she is just testing the waters

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If so, can anyone suggest something I may try (bearing in mind she is still only 16 weeks old) that may perk up her appetite?

Zoom 378

Yep. Hunger!

I agree with other posters. Drop her to two meals a day, stop softening the food and add some raw chicken necks or wings to her diet.

Allowing a dog to become a fussy eater is making a huge rod for your back.

One possible issue is that she may be teething though - is she starting to grow or lose teeth?

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Guest Panzer Attack!

My pup tried this 3 days after I got him home. I freaked out a bit, but stopped free feeding him immediately and only gave him 10 minutes to eat. He now scarfs down his food. I give him kibble (soaked as he's only 11 weeks at the moment) in the morning and 1/4 BARF patty at night. As soon as I can track down some chicken necks I'll start alternating that with one of his meals a few times a week.

I think puppies are put on this earth to test us! Good luck.

E x

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I will stop softening the biscuits as it seems to be the census that she is able to chew on them without soaking.

I will also set a time limit on how long the food stays down.

The Eukanuba for puppy was the food that she was eating before I got her, she was a Pet Shop pup, but I was given history of the breeders in NSW, (I live in Perth). At my last Vet Check I did ask about cutting her meals down to twice daily, but my Vet said that because she is so little, it is better to feed her 3 small meals, rather than two slightly bigger meals.

I usually do feed my dogs raw chicken necks or wings, but was a little reluctant because of her size. Though she is 3 and a half months, she still is so tiny (10cm in height from the withers) and as far as I can see she is just starting to teethe because I felt a loose one the other day. She still is such a biter and nipper. I am being very persistant in removing my hands and telling her "no bite" or just walking away, but up to now she still has not got the message, but on saying that her bite inhibition is extremely good, it is very rarely she'll give a nip that actually hurts. I'll be glad when teething is over:). Any other suggestions about stopping nipping would be greatly appreciated.

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she's only 4 inches tall? she'll need to remain on 3 meals a day for at least a while longer she's miniscule :laugh: Sorry chances your pup came from a pedigree reputable breeder are slim to none being from a pet store - let me guess, pets paradise?

hang on if she's about 3 1/2 - 4 months old and you have had her for 10 weeks how old was she when you got her? That means you got her under 8 weeks if I can count?

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No, it wasn't Pets Paradise or Pet City, I have heard some horror stories about both of those franchise.,, it was a privately owned Pet Shop. I know that it is not the done thing to buy from a pet shop, but she had one of those faces that you could not resist. The Pet shop owner was very thorough, she had all the vaccination papers, as well as the name and address of the vet that had tended the pups. She also gave me information about the pups parents, though neither of them had papers (not that I was looking for a pup with papers). That was why I was swayed to purchase from her as she seemed to be more concerned about the pup than the dollar.

When I did the Math, she is actually 16 weeks old today (19 April), still making her 8 weeks old at point of sale. I have had her Vet checked, in fact we go to the Vet quite regularly as it is close to the small park that we go to, I am friendly with her Vet and she always likes to say hello if she's not busy. She (the Vet) also said that she is small for her breed, but as far as her health is concerned she has found nothing untoward. She always has bright eyes (they don't weep at all) and nice, pink gums, no heart murmur or respiratory problems, full of vim and wanting to play. So up to this point she seems very healthy.

On posters advice I stopped softening her biscuits, she turned her nose up at first and left them, so I picked them up about 10minutes. The next time at her meal time she got exactly the same food and this time when given the okay to eat she ate all of it straight away with no hesitation.

She is by no means overweight, I can still see and feel her rib cage when I run my hands down her body, and she has a bit of a waistline, if you know what I mean.

She's due a 16 week check up with the Vet, so I will ask her again about the feeding regime.

And yes, she has just started losing her milk teeth


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