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Should I Ask Vet For Pain Killers


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My dog had surgery this morning to remove a growth from his gum. He was fine when he came home as he was still a little drowsy from the anaesthetic, but now that it has worn off he's very unhappy. he's started pawing at his mouth, and he's pacing up and down the lounge looking like he's lost. I'm wondering should i go to the vet in the morning and ask them for some sort of pain relief for him??

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IMO you want the dog to feel some small amount of pain so they understand that they are hurt and to take it a bit easier though not so much pain that they are stressing about it.

Edited by Merrirose
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When my dog had surgery to remove a tumour on her gum she was in significant pain the next morning. We were given Rimadyl but it wasn't doing much. The following morning we went back for a Temgesic shot. The vet prescribed Tramadol for her on an as needed basis and she felt much better.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, How is your dog going?

My Boxer girl has growth (polyps) removed from her mouth yearly- they grow back. The first time she had it done the vet forgot to give us painkillers to take home, Bondi was sore for about a day then was fine. The mouth heals quickly. Since then she has always had painkillers.

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If he still has mouth pain 13 days post surgery I would be concerned. I imagine he's quite comfortable at this stage.

Did you have a biopsy done to send off to pathology? I've been watching and hoping for an update from you.

I hope all is well with your boy.

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