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Does Your Dog Know It Did Wrong?


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I think its about the tone of your voice not the action. Clearly gidget didnt eat it (very cute dog btw) but because the owner thought gidget ate it she had her angry voice on.. therefore the dog realises that thats the angry voice and that they get punishment with the angry voice so they look guilty...

i dunno - i just think guilty looks r verrryyy cute!

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My dogs knows when I am unhappy. One of my dogs puts on the 'guilty' face when OH talks angrily to the TV or if I hurt myself and swear.

lol same. its just the tone of the voice - even if its not directed at them - they hear it and think 'yep im in trouble' lol

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My OH reckons he can always tell which dog destroyed something by picking up the object and looking at both of them. He reckons the dog that's guilty puts its ears down and tries to hide whereas the other one just stands there. I told him it doesn't work like that because they probably both did it, but he's adamant. :)

Edited by whiskedaway
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Erik has a "did I do good??" look when I get upset that he is chewing something to pieces he's not meant to have. He gets up and looks into my face and wags his tail slow and loose. No way does it look guilty, or upset, but you can see he knows something out of the ordinary is taking place. He looks to connect with me. I'm not sure if he's seeking reassurance or information or what, but if I don't give him attention he grows more and more anxious. It fascinates me that he gets like that. Kivi doesn't. Erik needs a cuddle when he's upset me, though. It's good for us both. Me in particular. I can't be angry with him if he's all like "I need cuddles". It doesn't serve anyone for me to be angry with him.

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When I still worked at Zanzebern (which has the dogs in my sig.) I would often feed dogs some food by hand and let them lick left-overs and juice off my hand to encourage gentle mouths.

I was feeding a great gal named Czenzi once, who was 5 years at the time and passed with bloat not too long ago, and I had her licking mince off my hand and when she got excited and bit down, quite hard. I didn't yell or screech, just a quick "ow" and she cowered down below me and looked up with the most apologetic look I've ever seen in an animal! There's no doubt that she was sorry for what she had just done.

So I kept feeding her and gave her a cuddle, poor Czenz was horrified.

Also, recently while visiting my sisters at their house we were playing with the family Aussie Bulldog, Tinkerbelle.

We were pulling the rug out from under her feet and she was jumping on the corners of the rug pushing it down and not letting us pick it up to drag her, fun game, hehe. But she quickly stopped, looked at me and then spewed on the floor infront of my feet. We all just looked at her and her face was absolutely adorable! She had sad, sorry eyes and just pleaded with us through her eyes not to get mad. It was hilarious. Classic Tink.

So yes, I do feel that some pets know when they've done wrong when they can understand the situation. I think some dogs are more intune with their carers.

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Erik has a "did I do good??" look when I get upset that he is chewing something to pieces he's not meant to have. He gets up and looks into my face and wags his tail slow and loose. No way does it look guilty, or upset, but you can see he knows something out of the ordinary is taking place. He looks to connect with me. I'm not sure if he's seeking reassurance or information or what, but if I don't give him attention he grows more and more anxious. It fascinates me that he gets like that. Kivi doesn't. Erik needs a cuddle when he's upset me, though. It's good for us both. Me in particular. I can't be angry with him if he's all like "I need cuddles". It doesn't serve anyone for me to be angry with him.

Thats cute!!! Max does this thing where (normally its with a bone) he has something in his mouth and he comes to show me - and he trots (or prances) over and looks at me and wags his tail and then walks around me in a circle and then runs off - he does that a few times as if saying 'look what I've got'. very cute.

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:) I like the video.

When Riley was younger, if he had dug a hole, we'd come home to him sitting backwards on the deck chair. He wouldn't look at you.

On the days he was good he'd be waiting at the door, tail wagging.

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Erik has a "did I do good??" look when I get upset that he is chewing something to pieces he's not meant to have.

My puppy does this look too:) Like when I walked in on him digging in the litter tray. It was clean, but there was kitty litter ALL over the bathroom floor, and none left in the actual tray. He looked up at me with the cutest innocent "did I do goo" look. I WAS angry when I walked in there, but with that look on his face I couldn't help but to instantly forgive him.

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I don't know if my boy has a guilty look because as soon as he thinks he has done something naughty he hides (and half the time we have to search around to figure out whats been done) and it takes a great deal of coaching to get him back near us.

My favourite is when he hides when one of the other dogs has done something wong.

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My favourite is when he hides when one of the other dogs has done something wong.

Which in itself is a pretty good indication that it's a response to things in the environment that predict trouble, and not "guilt".

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