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Ashes Into Gemstones For Beloved Pets?


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Hi All,

Does anyone know of a company in Australia that converts ashes into gemstones? I know a few businesses in the US that do, but I can't risk sending Bastian that far away from me ... so hoping someone can help me with a place here in Oz???

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I don't know about in Australia, or if you specifically mean gemstones, but there is a guy in NZ that makes glass blown sculptures with ashes for memorials. I found him through the bonnie babes foundation website after a friend lost one if their twins after they were born prematurely, but I spoke to the guy via email and he was very nice, I see no reason why he wouldn't do a memorial for an animal instead of a child. FYI they don't use all of the ashes, IIRC it's only about a teaspoon or maybe a table spoon. If you are talking specifically about gemstones, I've never seen that before at all.

I know how you feel about sending the ashes away, but I'd suggest you have a chat to the people who make the memorials before you decide against it. I felt a bit weird about the prospect of sending ashes to NZ but after talking to the guy, who assured me that the utmost care and respect is taken (and he seemed very genuine) I felt a lot more comfortable about the idea.

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I would contact the company and see how much they would need for the process. My husband's previous roommate/landlord is one of the co-founders of LifeGem , headquartered in Illinois in the US. They also have a location in England.

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Wow this is a fantastic idea! I've never heard of anything like this and it's a very tempting thing to contemplate. I've saved some of Poochie's ashes in two hollow urn-like pendants I bought from eBay (designed for vampire wannabes to store blood in) and wear them on a necklace but as they're made of glass, it's easy to see what's in there. These gemstones are a very subtle idea, however, I'd be concerned that they don't actually put the ashes in the gems and just dispose of them. How would you know?

Call me skeptic but I don't know if I'd trust someone with the small amount of Poochie I've kept.

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I have a white gold locket with some of Sophie's ashes in it but I would rather like a gemstone too. I don't wear it all the time because I'm afraid I'll break the chain and lose it. If I get a ring gemstone I could wear it all the time. Think I might contact them.

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These are really great, something I had never thought of, so thank you for posting.

I'm wondering though I've had all but one urn completly sealed, is there a way of opening the seal

without damaging or breaking the urn? I thought It was a good Idea at the time but now wishing I hadn't

Sorry for the OT question

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  • 3 weeks later...

These gemstones are a very subtle idea, however, I'd be concerned that they don't actually put the ashes in the gems and just dispose of them. How would you know?

The cremains are not put into the gem. Carbon is extracted from the cremains and the gem is formed from that. Apparently they need as little as 8oz. to do the process. They can also extract the carbon from hair too(not sure if fur works the same way though). If you go to the LifeGem website they have a section on the process.

ETA: LifeGem makes diamonds out of the carbon extracted from the cremains.

Edited by JD19
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