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Why My Dog Is Smarter Than Me


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This morning I was sitting at the dining table eating my breakfast. Daisy walked in and saw me eating and then left he room and started barking at something.

I got up to see what she was barking at and to stop her but as soon as I got up and walked away from the table she ran back in and stole my toast :shrug: SHE TRICKED ME INTO LEAVING THE TABLE SO SHE COULD STEAL MY BREAKFAST!

And the worst part? She's done it before but this is the first time I realised she was tricking me :rofl::laugh:

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Lol ..... that's funny :laugh: . You should try to capture it on film and use it as a "Funniest Home Video" contestant. Would beat all those other ones that rely on people hurting their valuable bits for a laugh.

Edited by Erny
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That's very funny. Evil and smart, that dog is dangerous. I hate when my dogs are smarter than me.

I was recently conned by a nine week old puppy. Working on house training, I had been praising excessively every time she squatted and peed. At first it was hard to time it, but recently we have been extremely sucessful, with 100% completion rate every time I took her out. ! For some reason, I became suspicious on one occasion and felt the ground underneath her. It was dry.

So my puppy has learned that squatting gets praise, not the peeing outside gets praise. Sigh. Wasn't training what I thought I was.

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:laugh::shrug: ... gotta love the Evil Beagle

This is a game that my 2 often play with each other to steal each others things off each other. They've never tried in on the humans... yet.

Edited by CW EW
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A friend's dog used to do it to get the dog couch - run to door, bark wildly, duck back and grab the couch as the other dogs previously occupying the couch ran out to see what was happenning.

Smart dogs.

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There was a fellow on another list that had a Pharoah Hound who had this down to a fine art. He would even stare out the window with ears up and forward while he barked his alert bark for added effect. It was mostly used on the other Pharoah Hound but it was a tactic he was very practised with.

Meanwhile, I get the *barkbarkbark.... pause.... look expectantly at human* "Oh, good boy, nice shutting up and stuff. Here's a treat." I swear, Vallhunds should come with a warning about responding to them when your mind is not 100% on the job. The number of times he's used unwanted behaviour to create a window for me to reward him and I've walked blithely right into it... Along with my sticky notes on the monitor reminding me what to screen out of my written work should be sticky notes reminding me of the suspicious nature of brief periods of angelic behaviour in my dog.

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My dog does that to get the warm place on my bed.

She says - gotta get up, let me out, busting...

And so I open the door, let her out and I go to the loo, and she keeps my bed warm. I've learned to pull up the bed spread so she's not in my bed. And I've learned to check the back steps for wet paw prints ie if dry steps - dog needs to go out again and be supervised.

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:) Go Daisy!

Kei's latest trick is to slam my hand with his paw when I'm holding the clicker - clicker goes off, he looks at me to say "Oi you clicked. Gimme my treat".

That and kicking cones over during figure 8's because "if they're not there I don't have to do it right?" Wrong! Bloody dogs :laugh:

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