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Terrier Spanning


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Now this is breed dedication!

Tatoo, Spanning a terrier.


I had no idea about this practice and found it all very interesting.

I wonder how many breeders and owners care about the this and use this as part of the selection process to keep the breeds fit for function?

Had a little fantacy that breeders are going to tell me that the judge spans every terrier (on appropriate breeds) as part of the assessment, guess not?

Some links about spanning and fit for function.





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Breed dedication? Sheer practicality for rural areas.

The practice of spanning is now possibly an endangered skill. I shudder when I see broad chests and briskets on terrier breeds that are supposed to be bred to go to ground.

A terrier stuck in a fox hole or rabbit hole (which are often criss-crossed with gnarled underground tree roots that do not move; and where there are rocks that jut out at angles) is a terrier that needs to be dug out, and often the ground is hard and stony in the Australian bush, it is not soft loam that one might like the dog to be stuck in.

Dangerous for the dog, and no fun for the person who has to dig the dog out!

Underground is no place for a terrier with a broad chest and the old terrier people knew this.

Thank Evans for the Terrierman site and for interested people like yourself.


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Breed dedication? Sheer practicality for rural areas.

The practice of spanning is now possibly an endangered skill. I shudder when I see broad chests and briskets on terrier breeds that are supposed to be bred to go to ground.

A terrier stuck in a fox hole or rabbit hole (which are often criss-crossed with gnarled underground tree roots that do not move; and where there are rocks that jut out at angles) is a terrier that needs to be dug out, and often the ground is hard and stony in the Australian bush, it is not soft loam that one might like the dog to be stuck in.

Dangerous for the dog, and no fun for the person who has to dig the dog out!

Underground is no place for a terrier with a broad chest and the old terrier people knew this.

Thank Evans for the Terrierman site and for interested people like yourself.


Breed dedication meaning getting a tatoo of spanning a terrier on your forarm....LOL

I love his blog and read it every day.

I learn a lot about dogs, breeds, history and current events.

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Now this is breed dedication!

Tatoo, Spanning a terrier.


:shrug::rofl: :D

My terriers are spannable but no way on god's green earth would I do that

Not knowing a thing about Spanning, I saw the tatoo and thought,

'Oh how sweet some macho guy has had his dog tattooed on his arm, but what a funny way to hold it, he must not be much a dog person'....LOL

BTW if I ever decide to breed terriers, I am calling my kennel Spandex :laugh:

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'Oh how sweet some macho guy has had his dog tattooed on his arm, but what a funny way to hold it, he must not be much a dog person'....LOL

I dunno - dog looks pretty comfy. My terriers lie like that when they go to ground under the doona. God that would have hurt, though :laugh:

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spanning is only done on certain terrier breeds and imo should still be done in the ring more often..

of course every judges hand is different in size as well so you have to take that into account! lol

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