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Guess Who Just Discovered Photoshop Actions?


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I've always wondered how to get that 'filter' effect on my photos that I was often seeing on professional photos. I thought that it could only be done in lightroom, but I discovered it can be done in photoshop too!

I know I know.. I'm extremely late to the party. Do you think that these photoshop actions enhance photography, or has it become overused? I'm having way too much fun with the actions I've downloaded so far.

Here is an example. The image at the top is before the actions are implemented, and the four photos afterwards are all different actions. Which do you like the best?


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PS actions are like LR presets. Some of the freebies are ok, but you have to adjust them and they won't work on every photo. They are fun to play with, but generally I think they look too OTT :) I prefer to make my own now.

I like the one on the bottom left :)

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I will definitely have to have a go at making my own once I understand the editing process a bit better. I'm not sure how you would get the same result with each action on different photos in different lights.

I like the bottom left too. It is the most subtle. Here are the ones I've downloaded so far.






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like everything, it is a matter of taste, and like most actions, is also best used in moderation. As Katie has said, the same one does not work on all shots, and generally you need to ask yourself before applying something like this, as to what it is bringing to the shot in telling the story of the photo - if it is just being applied willy nilly for the hell of it, then why bother - on the other hand, I have seen some great beach or sunset type shots, given a nice airy feel by a light filter, enhancing the golden light already present in the shot, not trying to add something that was not already there. A lot like doing black and white conversions, and then making some random spot in the photo colour - unless it is done with intent, and not just because you can, it rarely looks good. IMO I have genuinely only seen about 3 or 4 shots that actually really looked good with this applied - ones where the whole person for instance is B & W and the eyes are colour just look freaky wrong. Editing should be about adding to the shot, not about trying to correct mistakes made in camera - JMHO though

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Don't get me wrong, I won a set of B&W presets a while ago and I love them, I use them all the time. But I think the majority out there (while fun to play with) are just a bit much and like Linda said, not really bringing anything to the photo. But hey, we all go through different stages of processing, I can't even look at my early stuff :) Actually, I would go so far as to say you have to go through it, to come out the other side :) Oh and that isn't directed at you Naomi, just people in general.

Something that I really admire about my favourite photographers, is their ability to get such continuity throughout their images, whilst staying true to their processing style. Check out Jonas Peterson and Matt and Katie, I adore both their shooting style and lovely processing.

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Huga, I totally agree. With any creative process, your first idea is never your best. But you just have to process anyway to make way for better things.

Great links too. They both have their own styles. I might play around with some of the actions and try and figure out what makes them work.

One thing I am missing is some great B&W actions. I saw a set I really liked but they weren't free. Surely actions can't be that hard to make?

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No I can't afford it at the moment and photography is just a hobby so I can't justify spending money on it.

I have the design suite for work which includes photoshop, illustrator, indesign etc. Just no lightroom. :(

I have found either photoshop or bridge can do most of the stuff lightroom can do. But I can see how handy it would be for bulk editing.

Wow there are a lot on that site. I will have to go through them all and suss out which ones I want and don't want.

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Guest Tess32

I do use them sometimes, but like huga, I can barely look at my early work!

What I do now though, is use the action, then copy and paste it over the original photo and change the opacity of the layer.

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No I can't afford it at the moment and photography is just a hobby so I can't justify spending money on it.

I have the design suite for work which includes photoshop, illustrator, indesign etc. Just no lightroom. :o

I have found either photoshop or bridge can do most of the stuff lightroom can do. But I can see how handy it would be for bulk editing.

Wow there are a lot on that site. I will have to go through them all and suss out which ones I want and don't want.

Lightroom has a free 30 day trial. I've managed to have it for 3 months thanks to my 3 different emails :)

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