Odin-Genie Posted April 8, 2011 Share Posted April 8, 2011 Totally understand. There are only a few family/friends' places that I can take my dogs and that's not all the time either. We work full time, so we prefer to spend time with our dogs during the weekend. If we are invited to places without our dogs, I can't really have a relaxed time and tend to leave early. I understand that we need to respect other people's rules in their household, but I think others also need to understand and not feel offended if we aren't keen on going somewhere without our dogs. Our dogs may not seem like family to others, but they definitely are to me and my OH, and that needs to be respected by anyone who wants to associate with me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wuffles Posted April 8, 2011 Share Posted April 8, 2011 poodlefan said: Sounds like its time to make some friends who share your interest.Join a dog training club. I think I'd go crazy without my dog training friends :p Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
poodlefan Posted April 8, 2011 Share Posted April 8, 2011 (edited) wuffles said: poodlefan said: Sounds like its time to make some friends who share your interest.Join a dog training club. I think I'd go crazy without my dog training friends :p It's happened by stealth but most of the folk I spend time with have dogs and do some kind of activity with them. There was a 20% off everything at Petbarn last night and the queue was like a who's who in dogs in Canberra. :p My dogs stay with folk I met through the club too! Edited April 8, 2011 by poodlefan Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bundyburger Posted April 8, 2011 Share Posted April 8, 2011 dee lee said: And the kids are very upset at the thought of Honey sleeping outside so maybe they can guilt my BIL into letting her in! She'll be fine if it's an enclosed verandah, that's where B sleeps at my mums when it's warmer. Mums partner is a 'dogs stay outside' person too. We compromised the first few times, and he slept crated in the laundry. Now he sleeps outside in his crate, with a bazillion blankets and a coat and stays nice and warm. We dont hear a peep until it's time to get up in the morning. It SUCKS and i hate having him outside all the time, but that's the rules... at my mums, and the inlaws.. we just make sure that the dogs are comfortable and warm, and I just try not to sulk! It would be really nice to not worry about it, but that's life, so you just have to adjust and find compromise. We'll either use a dog sitter, or get BIL to stay if we need to leave them, but as a rule they come with us and we respect that they can't come inside like they do at home. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaffy Magee Posted April 8, 2011 Share Posted April 8, 2011 (edited) You are not the only one. I have just moved interstate and know no one but prior to that I was in Vic. Not one of my friends or family, loved dogs. My parents di get used to them especially mum and sh would accompany me to dog shows and they could come in her house but she wasnt a "dog person". I made friends at dog shows but only saw them at dog shows :p Which was never often enough. I get sick of every one freaking out if the dogs come near them etc, so if people came to our house, the dogs were put away and I would never take my dogs to anyone else house because I know they wouldnt appreciate it. OH parents think I should get rid of the dogs, they are the type of people if the dog is not working for you or making you money you houldnt have it And since we have moved things have been tight money wise as I cant find work so of course "me getting rid of the dogs have been mentioned" . Not gonna happen. As for my Oh, we fight about the dogs all the time. He doesnt love them or get my passion for them. I had 2 dogs when we got together and didnt breed or show, but showing and breeding is now what I love, and so I have more dogs and it will never change. He is better than what he used to be but I am always worried about what the dogs are doing or if they go near him becasue he doesnt like to be "harrassed" by them. He wont go outside because they are out there and get happy to see him and I too always wanted to bring a dog with us whenever we went anywhere but got the sigh too, so then felt bad if I did bring one. AS I said things are better now, we've had some big discussions/arguments :p and I think he sees a little bit better what they mean to me and has said he will support me with me breeding etc but I know its hard for him and we still have those disagrements. If we ever went our separate ways, I think I would stay single,lol, then I can do what I like and spend what I like on my dogs. But I most definitely would never get with anyone else who didnt love dogs as much as I did. I see some husbands with their dogs at shows etc and I get jealous, I wish mine was like that. Edited April 8, 2011 by Kaffy Magee Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jacqui835 Posted April 8, 2011 Share Posted April 8, 2011 You're definitely not the only one. Fortunately, although it took a while, my OH now loves my dog as much as I do and calls him his 'fur child' but with everyone else it's an uphill battle. My family now know they can't expect us to be anywhere if we can't bring the dog - which is a big thing for them since they only like small dogs. Our dog is a very impressive and beautiful animal (red doberman), who also knows plenty of 'party tricks' - so he's been a popular attraction at all the parties I take him to. I do get permission first, but once they've seen him once, they're happy for him to come again, and now he even gets mentioned in the invitations. I think some of the people with little children are almost jealous, because no-one really notices the babies but they're all over the dog. We had facebook photos just put up for a recent housewarming party, and no kidding, more than half were of the dog and people interacting with the dog. Just stick to your guns, and make sure dog is a pleasure to be around - clean, well-trained etc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dandybrush Posted April 8, 2011 Share Posted April 8, 2011 i totally get how you feel there is no way i could go somewhere and take my inside sleeping dog and leave him outside nope... in your situation i would either a) put pup in a kennel, or find a sitter or b) find a motel close that allows dogs? maybe a stayz home? or c) if possible stay the day then go home (if not too far to travel) in my situation my mum has oodles and my sister has an oodle, now my sisters dog is allowed over and inside, my dog/s are not allowed over really but if they do go over they are not allowed inside (cause they mault) : for christmas etc, if its at my parents in laws, or my grand parents in laws all doggies are invited and welcome if its at my parents house doggies are not invited now call me crazy but i actually like to spend christmas with my puppy too, they are as much part of the family to me as our human family are Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dandybrush Posted April 8, 2011 Share Posted April 8, 2011 B-Q said: I feel for you. None of my friends are really dog people. but my family are, I'm the craziest one but my mum loves coming along to all Quinn's training, she reckons she gets a real blast out of watching us work together. And I'm so grateful I have people to vent about and talk dog issues with, BYBing, rescue, dog laws, BSL, training etc and we can all discuss it. I am looking forward to meeting some more people really into training though, people I can spend time with that enjoy dogs as much as I do. *puts up hand* im available plus raz and quin got on really well Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Leelaa17 Posted April 8, 2011 Share Posted April 8, 2011 fbaudry said: Nope, you aren't the only one...... I think Australia as a whole is not very dog-friendly (as in accepting dog in public places etc....) and that rubs off on the general public (or is that the other way around?) A lot of my friends don't understand why I would want to bring a dog along, or even have a dog living in the city (because you know, dogs are meant to live outside)... P.M. me if you need a baby sitter for Honey! (I am serious) I am also up for baby sitting if you need a helping hand. If you felt comfortable coming over with honey and testing the waters with our dogs first you are more than welcome - I know it is EXTREMELY difficult to trust a stranger with a dog but if you ever get completely stuck then im sure there are a lot of people who would be willing to help out! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aziah Posted April 8, 2011 Share Posted April 8, 2011 (edited) A FULLY ENCLOSED verandah is NOT OUTSIDE dandybrush!!! Edited April 8, 2011 by Aziah Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dee lee Posted April 8, 2011 Author Share Posted April 8, 2011 Thanks to you too Leelaa17! I just dont think i could do it. I'm too sooky about her!! Seriously, her quirks are difficult things for me to leave her with out fretting. Kaffy Magee said: As for my Oh, we fight about the dogs all the time. He doesnt love them or get my passion for them. I had 2 dogs when we got together and didnt breed or show, but showing and breeding is now what I love, and so I have more dogsand it will never change. He is better than what he used to be but I am always worried about what the dogs are doing or if they go near him becasue he doesnt like to be "harrassed" by them. He wont go outside because they are out there and get happy to see him and I too always wanted to bring a dog with us whenever we went anywhere but got the sigh too, so then felt bad if I did bring one. AS I said things are better now, we've had some big discussions/arguments and I think he sees a little bit better what they mean to me and has said he will support me with me breeding etc but I know its hard for him and we still have those disagrements. If we ever went our separate ways, I think I would stay single,lol, then I can do what I like and spend what I like on my dogs. But I most definitely would never get with anyone else who didnt love dogs as much as I did. I see some husbands with their dogs at shows etc and I get jealous, I wish mine was like that. My OH is pretty similar- I completely empathise! I feel the same way about if I was ever single. Its heartbreaking isnt it? We had coffee with an acquaintance yesterday who has a stafford. When she got Rose, her husband was as disinterested as mine. I mentioned this and she said that after 3 years he now loves her!!! My OH still just tolerates Honey and I don't expect that will ever change. (he does appreciate what a good dog she is though, which does help.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
poodlefan Posted April 8, 2011 Share Posted April 8, 2011 Aziah said: dee lee said: And the kids are very upset at the thought of Honey sleeping outside so maybe they can guilt my BIL into letting her in! An 'enclosed' verandah is hardly outside is it? If I'm on one side a closed door and my dogs are on the other, I think that's how they'd view it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wuffles Posted April 8, 2011 Share Posted April 8, 2011 poodlefan said: wuffles said: poodlefan said: Sounds like its time to make some friends who share your interest.Join a dog training club. I think I'd go crazy without my dog training friends It's happened by stealth but most of the folk I spend time with have dogs and do some kind of activity with them. There was a 20% off everything at Petbarn last night and the queue was like a who's who in dogs in Canberra. My dogs stay with folk I met through the club too! I also meet lots of people just walking my dogs. Usually they're the responsible ones walking their dogs every day before the sun rises, so I enjoy socialising with them I haven't made it to the who's who list yet either... maybe one day Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Katie P Posted April 8, 2011 Share Posted April 8, 2011 (edited) I am really lucky.......everyone is happy to have Chase over, as long as he follows their 'house rule' regarding dogs. I don't let him near the table at my grandma's, he is allowed inside but only if carried at my aunts and only allowed outside at my uncles- etc etc I take his crate and his pen and he has a ball plays with the kids and keeps them well occupied so everyone likes having him over! Also some of my relatives like their kids interacting with him (some kids are scared of animals/dogs). He is adored by my friends edit: Spelling Edited April 8, 2011 by Katie P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Rumour~ Posted April 8, 2011 Share Posted April 8, 2011 dandybrush said: for christmas etc, if its at my parents in laws, or my grand parents in laws all doggies are invited and welcome if its at my parents house doggies are not invited now call me crazy but i actually like to spend christmas with my puppy too, they are as much part of the family to me as our human family are I'm in the same boat as you Dandybrush. Although at my parents or grandparents house I get told off if I don't bring the dogs along especially on Christmas. My Grandparents actually buy them presents At my in-laws place if we brought the dogs we would probably have to stand in the front yard Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dee lee Posted April 8, 2011 Author Share Posted April 8, 2011 Aziah said: A FULLY ENCLOSED verandah is NOT OUTSIDE dandybrush!!! To be honest I'm not that bothered by her being out there, though I am a little concerned about the potential for barking. But we will see how that goes. As I have said several times, I'm just tired of such negativity regarding the dog. I wish everyone could be welcoming instead of feeling SO annoyed if the dog goes up to them for a pat. Jacqui835, I agree, I always try to make sure its pleasant to be around Honey. I've just had her bathed for maximum good smelling-ness. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dandybrush Posted April 8, 2011 Share Posted April 8, 2011 same diesel razzle gets pressies from the grandparents for xmas im sure willow will too Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Leelaa17 Posted April 8, 2011 Share Posted April 8, 2011 Kaffy Magee said: You are not the only one.I get sick of every one freaking out if the dogs come near them etc, so if people came to our house, the dogs were put away and I would never take my dogs to anyone else house because I know they wouldnt appreciate it. That is one thing I get at my own house. I recently moved back in with my dad and he has two VERY old dogs and my younger GSD DO harass them (we have atrainer coming to the house tonight to see how we can fix it)... But when I first moved in, my friend (who also lives with us) wouldnt go near them and would always yell at them - she's still a bit like that but she has gotten SOOOO much better. She actually pats them now and talks to them which she never used to do. (shes a reptile person - doesnt really like dogs) and she doesnt know how much I appreciate it because it makes it sooo much easier on me. My dad and his OH are also making the effort - even though they ARE dog people - they were really struggling with having two (ELEPHANT SIZED DOGS) ... they are trying and making an effort with getting used to Max and Jen but its still very difficult for me to NOT get offended when they sit there and just tell the dogs to 'go away' and dont pay any attention to them and shut the door in their faces. They are such loving dogs and I hate to think that they question why the people in the house dont love them you know? Everything is, although slowly, getting better every day. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dandybrush Posted April 8, 2011 Share Posted April 8, 2011 dee lee said: Aziah said: A FULLY ENCLOSED verandah is NOT OUTSIDE dandybrush!!! To be honest I'm not that bothered by her being out there, though I am a little concerned about the potential for barking. But we will see how that goes. As I have said several times, I'm just tired of such negativity regarding the dog. I wish everyone could be welcoming instead of feeling SO annoyed if the dog goes up to them for a pat. Jacqui835, I agree, I always try to make sure its pleasant to be around Honey. I've just had her bathed for maximum good smelling-ness. sorry, i didnt catch that part, however my spoiled pup is used to sleeping in my bedroom, so i dont really know how he would go out on the enclosed veranda, but if honey is ok with that then i really dont see it as a problem. however i do get your concerns for the negativity towards your dog and would prob just not put my pup in that position, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
koalathebear Posted April 8, 2011 Share Posted April 8, 2011 (edited) I sympathise but also see things from the other side as well. I could never bring my dogs to my brother's place - he's extremely allergic to dogs. Exposure to a cat can lead to hospitalisation but exposure to a dog can make him very sick as well. I'd be very distressed if someone tried to bring a cat to my house because I am extremely allergic to cats. Some people are also afraid of dogs and that's not something that's easy to overcome. Even with my dog friendly friends, I wouldn't necessarily bring my dogs over because some dogs might not like having other dogs, no matter how friendly coming into their territory and the dogs might have to be constantly supervised in the yard. We just make the relevant adjustments as necessary - with brother and the rest of the family, we meet up at their house without the dogs or go to a restaurant. Last year, when I was looking after my father for a few weeks, Elbie was allowed to go to dad's house, but he was confined to the non-carpeted family room and kitchen and outside and slept in a crate in the family room. With dog friendlies, we meet at dog parks/dog obedience club etc. I guess I'm lucky in that Canberra is a pretty dog-friendly place with parks and ovals that we can share and also dog parks. I actually wouldn't want it to be possible to bring dogs into shopping centres, on buses and into restaurants and cafes (outside area is fine) ... Some dogs might be clean and well-cared for but not all of them are. Some dogs might be well-behaved and socialised but not all are. I like to have a mix of friends with different interests - a lot of my friends are in the 'that's just a dog' category but I feel like I have enough dog-friendly friendlies to allow me to enjoy doggy interests. I really hope the visit goes all right. An enclosed veranda, especially combined with a comfy crate seems like it would be almost as good as being inside! Edited April 8, 2011 by koalathebear Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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