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Over The Top Dog Wedding


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Whilst I agree, spending this amount of money on a dog wedding is outragrous, does it really matter? If they have so much money and this is what they choose to do with it, it shouldn't matter. :eek:

I don't know why someone with loads of money is made to feel guilty for not donating to charity. It's their money, and they can do with it as they please.

I'm not just referring to this particular display of extravagance, many more. Time and time again I hear people bad mouthing others for spending THEIR money on whatever they want, instead of donating it. If they want to donate, great, if not, they should be left alone.


I agree. People do self indulgent things with money every day of the week rather than donate to charity and goodluck to them - and who is to say she doesnt anyway? She might have given a million pounds to unicorn rescue - It just didnt make a story for that rag. A lot of people would have received income from her party so I'm sure they're not complaining.

Edited by raz
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whilst I think it is silly, i agree with others who have said it her money, she can spend it as she wishes.

I do object to the insinuation that the more money you spend on you dogs the better life they have.

I think dogs appreciate exercise, mental stimulation and appropriate health care rather than weddings....

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I know that everybody is entitled to spend their own money on whatever they choose but it in my opinion it is just ridiculous! So many other things to spend money on.... I also get the feeling that this was the lady in the news recently for the insane amount of money she'd been spending on her pooches over the years.. ??

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