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Funny Welcome Home!


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Hi all,

I've been away for a bit. 7 weeks travelling around Africa. I tell you, if I didn't have the dogs I'd still be there.

But anyway, it was very funny seeing my girls again.

Beautiful Miss Emma was her usual casual self - oh, hi mum, you're home (lots of tail wagging and kisses), well now that we've said hi I'll just go sleep at the front door again.

Young Kenzie has never been away from me for such a long time, she was very funny. The night I got home (my parents brought me home from the airport) - mum, you're here (tail wag, quick kiss), oh grandma and grandpa it's sooooooo exciting to see you (after teh first 30 seconds they got the next 30 minutes of attention!!!). Next day when she woke up - oh, mum, you're here (lots of tail wags and kisses)!!!! Then after a nap - - oh, mum, you're here (lots of tail wags and kisses)!!!! For the next 2 days everytime I came home from being out or when we woke up in the morning (or after my jetlag naps!) - oh, mum, you're here (lots of tail wags and kisses)!!!! It was like every day it was a suprise that I was still there!!

Just wanted to share and see if anyone else has had funny welcome homes after being away from their pups for a while. I found it really amusing!!! :laugh:

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My corgi was always one for camping on my foot for the next 2 days after I came home. She wouldn't let any of the other household pets approach. She was a bit of a one person dog. I always worried about leaving her. She would mope for a couple of days after I left and then get terribly clingy when I came back, but she would cope all right in between.

When Kivi Tarro hasn't seen us for a few weeks we get a joyful bark and wooowooorowwroo! and then he tries to climb into your lap and gives you special Kivi kisses on your neck and jaw. He licks and gently mouths. The next day he'll get excited all over again when we get up and he realises we are there again, but then he gets used to it. It's so cute when they forget you're there and get excited all over again. :laugh:

Erik is just a cutie. He always greets with plenty of enthusiasm. :)

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My guys get the 'Oh my god its YOU!' thing happening, the big dog will wrap a paw around my leg and hold me still until he has finaished sniffing to see what/where/who I have been, the middle dog jumps up and stretches up as far and she could so she can get in first, the two little ones wait until I get inside and the th poodle will jump up for me to catch her, she then sucks on my ear lobe (which gives me delicious shivers). The new little one has just started to jump up for his cuddles as well, but he has short legs and I always joke that'he jumps like a brick'. But he will have a cuddle as well, then they both go and bring toys over for me to throw for them........ sigh,. Its nice to be missed, even if it is only because I am useful to them :D

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First time I left Charlie for more then a week, Charlie, my heart dog and i'm his heart person, who has been missing me terribly and sits by the door waiting and pining for me... sees when when I walk into the door, he is like 'oh you're back'... comes over with his whole body wagging, sit down in front of me, lick my shins, scratch his ear, and gives me a look as though 'hey mum' and then walks away. Then sleeps for 2 days straight because during the 2 weeks I was away, he never properly slept or rested. It was as though, Mum is home and everything is ok again.

Second time, he was busy hunting lizards to realise I was home. Third time, he was eating a pigs ear, looks up at me 'hey mum' and continue eating.

Emmy: She puts her heart and soul into everything she does. First time I was away from her for more than a week, I remember coming home thinking 'Emmy will be excited to see me' because by this stage, I knew how Charlie will act. I remember her running into the house from the backyard, she saw me and her eyes lit up 'Oh Hi Mum! You're home' and then runs back to the backyard to do whatever she was doing. About half hour later, she tears herself inside the house as though it hit her that I was home and launches herself in my arms.

Normal days, I come home from work.. Charlie will be excited to see me and gives me toy to tell me he is happy to see me. Emmy still launches in my arms.

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I went away for a few days and left my old Cattle Dog with a friend and his dog, dog and person my dog knew well and loved. Friend brought Chaucer to meet me when I arrived home and I got in the back seat with Chaucer all ready for a happy reunion. Chaucer gave me a long look, quite deliberately turned his head away from me and rested it on friend's shoulder with a very clear air of "you left me and now he is my only friend". Talk about getting the cold shoulder! :D

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Many years ago now when my husband was still living at home, they had an awesome beagle called George. I can remember walking in with my now MIL one night - she had been away for a week and I was there the day before. George totally ignored her and smoothered me with love and licks :D She was most put out that he had picked a favourite person :p

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I went away for a few days and left my old Cattle Dog with a friend and his dog, dog and person my dog knew well and loved. Friend brought Chaucer to meet me when I arrived home and I got in the back seat with Chaucer all ready for a happy reunion. Chaucer gave me a long look, quite deliberately turned his head away from me and rested it on friend's shoulder with a very clear air of "you left me and now he is my only friend". Talk about getting the cold shoulder! :D

Ouch! :p

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I went away for a few days and left my old Cattle Dog with a friend and his dog, dog and person my dog knew well and loved. Friend brought Chaucer to meet me when I arrived home and I got in the back seat with Chaucer all ready for a happy reunion. Chaucer gave me a long look, quite deliberately turned his head away from me and rested it on friend's shoulder with a very clear air of "you left me and now he is my only friend". Talk about getting the cold shoulder! :D

My old Aussie terrier was like that. I had to go away for school for a whole term, and when I got back, I was completely ignored. I swear it took him over a week to even acknowledge my presence! Our other Aussie was all over me but not my boy.

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I went away for a few days and left my old Cattle Dog with a friend and his dog, dog and person my dog knew well and loved. Friend brought Chaucer to meet me when I arrived home and I got in the back seat with Chaucer all ready for a happy reunion. Chaucer gave me a long look, quite deliberately turned his head away from me and rested it on friend's shoulder with a very clear air of "you left me and now he is my only friend". Talk about getting the cold shoulder! :D

Yep had Beagle that did exactly that everytime I came home from somewhere if I didnt take him.

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The first time I went away for a little while my Kelpie snubbed me completely when I got home. Absolutely refused to come and say hello ;) :D But then I fixed her... started making a big fuss of our other dog and she soon realised that she was missing out :p

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The longest I have been away from Max and Jenna was overnight... (it will be an entire long weekend coming up in July and I am dreading it because I will miss them so much).

But every day... and I mean every day, when I get home from work they act like that havet seen me in weeks... Jenna Launches herself into the air to get closest to my face (she is a 7month old 20kg GSD) and Max bends down and ALMOST launches himself (he is a close-to-2-yo 35kg GSD) then thinks better of it and just pushes into me. They lick and run around my legs and then go off and do what they were doing before... then about 10 mins later they come bolting inside and up to me and look at me with eyes that say 'mum I MISSED YOU!!!!' and they kiss and wag their tails!!

In the mornings when I get up to get ready for work I go out and say hi to them while I have a smoke and I sit on the ground and give them cuddles.. Max comes and stands long ways over my crossed legs and leans his side into my chest (if you can visualise that!) and then Jenna comes and whinges that Im not cuddling her.

Its so nice to be greeted like that every day. Makes each day worth it!

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How cute, I love how they were 'checking' up on you. :rofl:

I always get a kick out of the dog's reactions when one of us goes into another room or up the stairs and they great you as though they haven't seen you for months. It really is a lovely feeling that they can miss you so much.

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I remember one of my dogs escaping from the kennels at the sound of my car coming into the driveway. I opened the car door got out and a white blur flew in behind me and glued itself to the back seat. Very funny given the kennel staff thought that he'd done a runner on the same day as I was due to pick him up.

My sister's dog is part cat and if she spends even a night away she gets serious cold shoulder treatment for days afterwards. I think it's hilarious but then it's not my heart dog doing it to me! Mine are always very excited to see me when I get home from trips. Everyone crowds round like they are waiting to hear all about it and see what presents I bought!

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When I come back from being away my dog does this angry love thing. He wags his tail and cries, it's obvious he's so excited and happy but then he does this thing where he jumps up at my nose and sort of bites it a little bit and nose butts me. It's hard to explain but it's like he's saying "oh wow, I'm soooo happy you're home, I've missed you so much, but you really upset me and I want you to know that you've upset me!!"

ETA - the nose biting and butting don't hurt at all, it's so gentle, but he does get his message across.

Edited by Akay
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We went away and left ours for 3 weeks, the older one (1) pined but the younger one (9 months) was not fazed. When we came home, we hid in our bedroom as apparently they'd run in there every day looking for us, so my friend let them in and they ran into the bedroom...we were like "Hellloooo, we're home" and they both dropped to a crouch and started whining in a high pitched way with their tails wagging and the little ones whole body wriggling.

They slept on our bed that night and the younger one spent the entire night, sitting staring down at me in the dark :thumbsup: (needless to say, he slept the next day away).

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