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Connecting With Your Dog


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Oh yeah, Echo is my dog and my sole responsibility, I would never give up on him and the thought never crossed my mind to rehome.

My biggest problem atm is gaining attention when the man and his dog down the road are in view. I get upset-frustrated every-time he gets excited when he sees the man down the road and refuses to even acknowledge me (it frustrates me to tears because this guy has no real idea about dog behaviour and will approach and start talking in a high pitched voice at echo in the weirdest excited manner causing echo to go from manageable to uncontrollable because he drives his excitement to the point he is uncontrollable and stupid and then he encourages it even more and then allows echo to jump on him and do whatever he wants while I am trying to regain control) I have tried avoiding this bloke, but he literally lives just down the road with his dog, its inevitable that he will come out deliberately with his dog offlead and try to get them to interact and play when I don't want Echo to play with his dog when we are walking. I dont know how to stop him seeking out this guy and his dog for attention and to start paying attention to me, I am at a loss.. I made the mistake of letting him play with this mans dog, and letting the guy give attention to echo the way he did, now I am having the hardest bloody time extinguishing the behaviour. I am at a loss. Everytime this happens I feel extremely disconnected and upset with Echo and upset that I have no solution, to the point I just want to sit in the bedroom and do absolutely nothing for the rest of my life.

My Oh walked echo today and he said that the guy drove past him and slowed and hung out the window doing his excited high pitched "oo echo come here echo! ohh yeah come on echo your a big cute boy!" which caused him to go absolutely nuts trying to get to the guy while he drove off in his car, much to my OH's frustration. Seriously, this is getting out of control..

As I said I really want to enjoy him, but I am having issues like the above which make me feel like there is no connection between us at all :rofl: I do let him do what he wants, to just be a dog and enjoy his antics like his crazy bone throwing dance in the yard and his zoomies, these i like to see him do.

Edited by kyliegirl
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Ok - so all (or most) other times are ok in training, save for when Echo sees other dogs and this bloke and dog in particular?

You just need a management technique and a training technique to get you through and past this hurdle. It isn't insurmountable, so take heart. There are all sorts of different ways of approaching this, but I don't know you nor your dog, which makes it really hard if not impossible to suggest over the internet. (Lol .... one of the things that would be great to teach Echo would be to turn to you and sit, when he hears that guy chanting - what an idiot he seems. This is not necessarily as impossible as it might sound.)

BUT, Steve (K9 Pro) is going back up to Queensland soon. Don't know what the 'deal' is but perhaps if you can arrange to get in to see him for a private lesson, he should be able to help you.

Refer this link : http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=217846 .

Once you have a technique that will help you manage and also know how to train for your goal, you are going to feel a tonne better about and for Echo. In the meantime, know that this is just a glitch on the radar - something of a challenge for you to work your way around and through and when you do, you'll understand Echo all the more for the experience :rofl:.

Edited by Erny
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Yes. Go see Steve!

In the meantime email him (contact details on his website) and ask about his "handbrake" technique. It's designed to solve exactly the problem you have described. He can possibly put you on a DLP too if it suits.

You need to tell this guy to back off. If you are not comfortable doing it yourself (or perhaps dont want to upset him?) have your partner approach and use the excuse of starting a new training regime to gain focus with your dog and tell him you would appreciate his support by ignoring Echo for the next few months at least. All part of the training you see :rofl:

People LOVE to feel important. And hell, this guy may be EXACTLY what you need for distraction trianing later down the track.

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Guest Panzer Attack!

It took me about 2 seconds to bond with Tucky. Then when I got Bambi she annoyed the hell out of me, was always sick, acted funny all the time (through no fault of her own) and I really felt like I should never have rescued her. After six months I was really sick in hospital, and when I got back home after a month she was the one that was my constant shadow. I instantly clicked with her and we fell in love. I think it made me realise that even though she wasn't going to be around for a long time, it didn't mean I couldn't love her like crazy for the amount of time she had.

Of course, when she went to the bridge (RIP baby :thumbsup:) and my ex took T with him when we stopped living together, it hardened my heart a lot. I've had my pup a week and as funny and awesome and adorable as he is, I absolutely do not 'love' him or anything like that. And he's been a really easy pup that has thus far given me no reason to feel 'meh' about him. But I did know that when I got him I was going to constantly compare him to them, and I'm sure we'll click in the future at some point. Right now I'm just enjoying him. :(

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You need to tell this guy to back off. If you are not comfortable doing it yourself (or perhaps dont want to upset him?) have your partner approach and use the excuse of starting a new training regime to gain focus with your dog and tell him you would appreciate his support by ignoring Echo for the next few months at least. All part of the training you see :thumbsup:


If the guy refuses to back off, either walk in the opposite direction if possible or drive Echo a block or two away and walk him from there. This has the double benefit of getting him used to short trips in the car. Mix it up a bit though so he doesn't always associate a drive with walks or he could become excitable in the car - not a desirable outcome. Sometimes walk the other way, sometimes drive a few blocks, park and walk, and maybe sometimes just go for a half hour drive with Echo, it will stimulate his mind rather than his body...fresh smells and sights!

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