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Is there anywhere in Brisbane (preferably northside) that does K9 nosework classes?

I also looked into tracking, so is the all breeds tracking club at Upper Mt Gravatt the only place in Brisbane that does tracking? And also, is there anywhere around Brisbane that does SAR style tracking?

Edited by fuzzy82
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Is there anywhere in Brisbane (preferably northside) that does K9 nosework classes?

I also looked into tracking, so is the all breeds tracking club at Upper Mt Gravatt the only place in Brisbane that does tracking? And also, is there anywhere around Brisbane that does SAR style tracking?

If you want to learn quality tracking try one of the IPO clubs.

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I found this when searchign SAR a couple of weeks ago. Wish I was closer, would love to get into it with Quinn.


I thoroughly recommend SARDA, if SAR is what you are interested in. If that is not what you are after there is also Craig Murray, not sure exactly where he is situated though, near Brisbane somewhere. I don't have a link but if you google Craig Murray you will find his web site.

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Different SAR groups probably have different rules, but we allow people to start training dogs that are up to about 2 years old. Any older, and by the time the dog has finished the training (which will probably take at least 18 months or 2 years), the dog has a very short working life span left (most SAR dogs will retire at 8 or 10, since it's quite hard work).

If you're just doing it for fun, I guess you could start whenever you wanted to start. :)

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when OH contacted SARDA they wanted under 12 month old dogs with no previous training (including tracking, obedience etc)

I have the requirement sheet it says

"sleeping on the furniture, chasing the cat, playing with the kids and eating table scraps is the 'good life' of a pet. None of these are allowed for Disaster Search Dogs. Consistent routine, strict diet and exercise program are all required.

A strict requirement of training a DSD is that he has NO TOYS at home or away from the search training criteria.

minimum age is 8 weeks, maximum is 12 months'

you also need to pass to Category 1 with SES/CFA to access rubble sites and provide all your own safety equipment for both you and dog.

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I have no idea, never looked any further into it as I'm too far away.

Why would it have to be started as puppies? Old dogs can learn new tricks.

as the others have said, I think because it takes so long to train them and is quite physical, they have a fairly short working life- so they really need the dogs to start as early as possible. Also, as Nekhbet said, they are not to be brought up as pets but as working dogs.

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Thanks for the replies, I forgot all about this post so didn't check back until just now:)

We would be doing just for fun, so if they are really strict about not toys and obedience etc I guess we will give it a miss. But will look into the names and links:)

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Is there anywhere in Brisbane (preferably northside) that does K9 nosework classes?

I also looked into tracking, so is the all breeds tracking club at Upper Mt Gravatt the only place in Brisbane that does tracking? And also, is there anywhere around Brisbane that does SAR style tracking?

If you want to learn quality tracking try one of the IPO clubs.

I looked into the IPO stuff, but it seems they only allow very few breeds to compete in this, so do they do training only for their tiny list of allowed breeds, or can anyone train with them for fun?

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Over here they allow all breeds to train & trial in the obedience & tracking portions of IPO, but not the protection phase. I don't know if the Aussie clubs have similar rules or not, hopefully someone local to you can help.

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Is there anywhere in Brisbane (preferably northside) that does K9 nosework classes?

I also looked into tracking, so is the all breeds tracking club at Upper Mt Gravatt the only place in Brisbane that does tracking? And also, is there anywhere around Brisbane that does SAR style tracking?

If you want to learn quality tracking try one of the IPO clubs.

I looked into the IPO stuff, but it seems they only allow very few breeds to compete in this, so do they do training only for their tiny list of allowed breeds, or can anyone train with them for fun?

Research the FCI IPO rules.

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Is there anywhere in Brisbane (preferably northside) that does K9 nosework classes?

I also looked into tracking, so is the all breeds tracking club at Upper Mt Gravatt the only place in Brisbane that does tracking? And also, is there anywhere around Brisbane that does SAR style tracking?

If you want to learn quality tracking try one of the IPO clubs.

I looked into the IPO stuff, but it seems they only allow very few breeds to compete in this, so do they do training only for their tiny list of allowed breeds, or can anyone train with them for fun?

I know the Metro sports dog club (not the metro obedience club) allows pretty much all breeds of dogs to train with them... and I was under the impression that the Gold Coast IPO club was the same.

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