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Taping Ears


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what is the latest anyone has had success with taping ears? They need to be straight up but the outer edge of cartilage is pathetic hence the ears flop out to the sides flying nun style. When the pup is excited they stand straight up albeit a little shaky, but stay there.

Pup will be 6 months old on the 10th.

Edited by Nekhbet
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I tapped my boys at 4 months and had to contiue for about a month before they stayed up and even now they flop a little when he runs.

I think I caught his just in time too, any later and they would be down for life.

What breed of dog is it?

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It's a Malinois pup, her dad also has floppy ears but not as bad, mum and sister have straight ears

Missymoo what kind of glue do you use? I'm going to tape them like you suggest, I tried to make a 'brace' for them with some card but it kept coming off. Fold and tape it is, she's pretty good.

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It's a Malinois pup, her dad also has floppy ears but not as bad, mum and sister have straight ears

Missymoo what kind of glue do you use? I'm going to tape them like you suggest, I tried to make a 'brace' for them with some card but it kept coming off. Fold and tape it is, she's pretty good.

but for erect ears make your moleskin goes the entire height of the ear.
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The glue I was recommended for my GSD's ears is called Tear Mender (a fabric glue). I can't remember where I got it some show supply place. If you want, you can have the rest of my nearly full bottle. I left it way too late and I have a soft eared girl now.

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well the little shit thought ripping off the tape is a great idea. No pain threshold that dog. Going to have to use glue and make supports. I've never seen such bad ears in a Mal in all my life

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If you search on YouTube there's quite a few videos of ears being taped, both rose like a Staffords and straight up. You can get the glue from Sway - either Tear Mender or Cherry Knoll Ear Fix.

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just ordered glue from Sway. Having some problems with the internet at the moment I cant watch anything on YouTube because we're at dialup speed and below (it's killing me ...) but I know how to do straight tapes for shepherds.


this was her a couple of months ago. It's the weirdest flop I've seen, now they flop even more, almost in half out to the sides. Just worried about ear problems later on.

Bring on the glue!

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yeah pity she's not a Stafford or I'd have no worries :) her ear set has flopped to the sides too it's pretty bad so I have to try something. Never seen a shep with such crappy ears before we hope it's not something she passes down to her pups down the track.

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slight difference in size between a French Bulldog and a Shepherd but it was recommended to use a tampon for French Bulldogs when taping or glueing ears. Adjust to something accordingly for a bigger dog. Shaped peices of dowling maybe to hold the ears up

hhhmmm 6 months old. I wish you luck. Should of been done quite awhile ago.

Do you not think the cartledge might be set now.

Well there is always hope.

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I live in constant hope stonebridge :) if I had gotten the pup earlier I would have done it then but we only got her a week ago.

I'm going to try cutting out some thick shoe insole to the shape of the ear and glue it in. Mals ears can still be a bit shitty at this age on some dogs and end up setting OK so I have my fingers crossed.


this is miss shitty ears now :)

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Guest Clover

Awww but she is cute with floppy ears :p. Goodluck with them, sending sticky uppy vibes your way.

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I had success taping my youngest corgis ears at 7 months. I don't remember how long they stayed taped, I think it was a month or so with one removal for cleaning during that (tape taken off, everything clean, hair trimmed, tape reapplied).

Ears are up and stay up but they aren't super strong. They flop around when he runs and droop down if he's been swimming/washed and they are wet. If you feel them in comparison to my female, who has beautiful rock solid ears, you can feel the difference. He has very weak ear leather or "soft" ears and yes, it can be passed on to pups and run in certain lines.

This is how I taped his ears:



Cut out thin card (I used some from a cereal box) to match the shape of the ears. I just outlined his ears on the card. Tape it to the ear and bend to make the U shape and then secure with more tape. Do the same to the other ear and then tape them together so they are standing nicely.

I checked every day to make sure there was no rubbing or discomfort and the U shape allowed good air flow :p

Hope you get her ears up!

Edited by Mim
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yes I know a couple of dogs remotely related and they have softer ears, but not as bad as hers. Her sister has beautiful Malinois ears! *sigh* If the worst thing about her is that her ears are a bit soft then it's not going to be that big an issue if her health scores, temperament and nerve are stellar, her colour and shape are never going to be in the show ring anyway. It's more annoying me then anything else :rofl: OH loves her with floppers.

Mim did you use the human fabric/paper tape for bandages? I bought a bandage wrap (kelato?) and it kept peeling off, the glue was woeful. Only stuck to itself really which meant she could shake it off.

waiting by the post box for the glue to arrive ... then ... operation pin down ... she's such a wiggle worm this is going to be interesting ...

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That style of taping probably won't work for that current ear-set Nek...you want to strengthen that outer edge so make sure you don't roll it

We expect a pic of your glue job when you're done!


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Best to listen to Aziah as she knows way more than me. I just used masking tape :thumbsup: It worked and didn't pull too much hair off when it came off and didn't seem to cause Muddy any discomfort.

I look forward to pictures too :(

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