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Pheromone Tablets - Good Or Bad?


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I went to training with my girl last night and she was going mental at these two different dogs that kept staring at her... the trainer suggested pheromone tablets for dogs.... well she said to get them at the chemist so I dont know whether they're dog specific or you can give them people ones?

Im unsure as to whether or not I want to give them to her though.. the trainer said shes used them and it just calms them a little... but I jkust dont know whether I want to use tablets for her behaviour - I mean she is psycho - very anxious all the time but she is a very happy dog (it seems)... I just dont know..

Help. :thumbsup:

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Are you sure she said pheromone tablets?

Pheromones work though a dog's nasal receptors. I don't see how swallowing them would work. :thumbsup:

I'd be starting with getting your dog to look at you,not other dogs.

Edited by poodlefan
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I THINK she said tablets but I'm not one hundred percent sure? :thumbsup:

The entire night I was making sure I stayed calm and made her focus on me - which worked 98% of the time... she got sooky but as soon as I got her attention I kept trying to hold it... I think I focus on training her to focus on me at all times and then I learn other stuff it would probably be better!

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I've never heard of pheromone tablets! Perhaps your trainer got the name wrong?

The closest thing I know of are the D.A.P spray or diffusers, which are a synthetic dog pheromone, but they're not available from the chemist, and IMO unlikely to fix your dog's issue all by themselves anyway.

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I'd see a behaviourist before I went down this route. Is this the one who doesn't like people approaching you if you are sitting?

yeah shes the one - i havent been sitting at the dog park anymore and she was starting to get much better... then I took her on the weekend and she went absolutely mental (dont know whether this is important but she just got her stitches out from getting desexed)... i refuse to take her back to a dog park now until I talk to Steve from k9 pro - im organising for him to give her an assessment when he has the time.

and true me - I wouldnt give her anything unless it was vital for her happiness.

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I think she might be confused between DAP (dog appeasing pheramone) diffusers/sprays/or collars and natural medications such as "Canine Calm". The two are completely different things.

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What is canine calm?

Dietary supplements designed to calm a dog. There are different versions of this style of supplement, each probably with a slight variation in one shape or form, but essentially they are based in the Vitamin B complexes, or more particularly Vitamin B3 (I think) and/or tryptophan. Anyway, the effects of these vitamins and tryptophan promote conversion to serotonin, which is a blood brain calming chemical.

Of course, they won't have any effect if the cause of the problem doesn't relate to serotonin deficiency anyway.

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I hope the trainer wasn't thinking of Phenergan! It certainly quietens me down - sound asleep! Not something I'd suggest for a reactive dog.

haha my adult dogs just got some down there throat for there bad allergies sound asleep as i type.

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I hope the trainer wasn't thinking of Phenergan! It certainly quietens me down - sound asleep! Not something I'd suggest for a reactive dog.

haha my adult dogs just got some down there throat for there bad allergies sound asleep as i type.

Phenergan has no effect on my Chihuahua he still functions normally but if I take one I am still zonked the next day.

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Phenergen is an antihistmine. It can make some dogs drowsy, others you can dose to the eyeballs and nothing. My rottie gets them and sleeps like a log :confused:

I find the best value dietary supplement is to use a horse calming paste for the dog. A GSD needs about 1-2ml per day. It's basically Magnesium, Tryphophan, Vit B and some add chamomile. I think it works very well, wont zonk them out but takes the edge off the stress :thumbsup:

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Phenergen is an antihistmine. It can make some dogs drowsy, others you can dose to the eyeballs and nothing. My rottie gets them and sleeps like a log :)

I find the best value dietary supplement is to use a horse calming paste for the dog. A GSD needs about 1-2ml per day. It's basically Magnesium, Tryphophan, Vit B and some add chamomile. I think it works very well, wont zonk them out but takes the edge off the stress :)

Slightly OT but I know of some kids/people where Phenergan actually hypes them up, literally bouncing off walls :)

I use the Petark Calm product at the moment.

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