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Susan Garrett Recallers Course


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I'm doing the course too. While I'm loving it, it has brought up numerous issues I have to work through as well so it's well and truly taking more than 5 minutes a day.

Currently I'm quite behind because my dogs have been slower at catching on with some games (and of course those are the ones where other games are built on) but not too fazed. These are games that I can play with my dogs for the rest of their lives so it doesn't matter much. I just want to have played each game once by the time the course finishes so that if I have any questions I can ask them.

I'm doing it and a few others from my dog club are. And quite a few that when to the Susan Garrett seminar last November are as well. There is so much stuff.

Selling point is 5 minutes training a day - but I think I'm doing hours and hours of study to go with it. Sigh.

Mrs Rusty Bucket - I can't remember which exactly but a couple of days ago I saw a post from you and thought 'ah yes she must be a recaller' :hug:

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Don't forget your puppy is learning every waking moment even if you are not actively training! That's why you need to teach and manage so much when they are babies. I would try to get in the habit of having some treats in your pockets or in a dish next to you so that you can randomly call your puppies name and treat...she will soon associate that particular sound (her name) to good things. I just use kibble for that sort of incidental training as its dry and easy to have a few bits here and there.

For those who have done the course - does a dog need to know it's own name before starting? I ask because we have a 13 wk old JS puppy and recall is non-existent! But she doesn't answer to her name - even though we're doing name training at meal times.

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  • 1 month later...

She's made an announcement for an open to everyone webinar that will be shown in Oz around 10am Friday 24th june

on the facebook page. I suspect it will be about plugging the puppy training online course. I wish I'd known what I know now when my dog was a puppy, but if she had been easy to train I wouldn't have bothered trying to find out more.

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  • 4 months later...

It's helped me and my evil hound a lot. The course itself is very intense with a new training task every day and not many days off, and a few of the tasks involve stuff I don't have - like willing partners and long hallways that cookies won't get lost in when you chuck them down. So that can get a bit frustrating.

But there are lots of fun things to do with your dog and I've learned a lot and my dog is much better behaved as a result - but her recall could still be better. I think it's better as a result of the course than without it but for me - perhaps because of my own limitations - dog's recall is not always reliable. We failed to get her out of the coffee club and bikkie rewards this morning, and she won't recall off the treat lady or the bbq surrounded by abandoned fresh cooked sausage at the other oval. Those are big asks tho. She will recall off doggy play - which is good and she's stopped tracking possums (without permission) at club.

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I did the 2.0 version - to be honest I didn't get a huge amount out of it. From a context point of view - I already had a lot of the information that is repackaged into Recallers, my dogs already have pretty good recalls (call them off a rabbit in full chase kind of recalls) and I've always managed to play well with my dogs so don't necessarily need the structure that recallers provided to do that.

It is very full on, and straight up I was behind in the exercises because I was away for work, then trialling most weekends through April and May which made it impossible to catch up. So then you're missing out on the daily "buzz" that goes with each new exercise.

The foundation stuff is great, but you don't need to do recallers to work on that foundation - it was a good reminder to continue working on it and that most struggle with a lack of foundation, not too much. ;)

I am finding the Puppy Peaks far more interesting - the fine details, mechanics, what to do when xxx happens, the tiny snippets of "light globe" information that I've picked up along the way. And seeing that SG doesn't always have perfect training sessions :laugh:

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