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Spinal Problem?


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Hi all,

I was at the park the other day with my 18 month old longhair weimaraner and some random guy commented that his fur sat differently along his spine than the rest of his coat. He said it could indicate a spinal problem. I've noticed this myself, but put it down to his coat maturing or the changing seasons. Not sure if this is something I should mention next time I'm at the vet or just pass it off as some guy at the park not knowing what he's on about. Any suggestions?

Thanks. :cry:

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Do you have any pics of his coat? It sounds like a cow lick? Has he always had it or is it something that's only recently developed. Like you said it probably is his coat maturing/shedding. I'm not sure how a dogs coat would be associated with underlying structural faults.

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Hey Ange, it's something that comes and goes and being 18 months old means his coat has undergone some dramatic changes since being a pup. At the moment it looks like the hair is somewhat 'parting' down his spine. His breeder said this is around the time of his final juvenile coat, and we are heading into winter also. So, who knows at this stage. I'll see if I can find a photo.

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Not a lot of people are familiar with the concept and consequently I don't hear about it that much, but I too have heard the theory of a change in coat direction being indicative of something not right skeletally. I've forgotten who I heard it from initially (years ago), but I'm pretty sure it was a fairly renowned person of credible respect and knowledge. (I don't know why the name "Susan Clothier" springs to mind.) But it is about looking for changes in the coat, and not just unusual hair directions (such as in a cow-lick) that the dog is born with. I have seen the incidence of coat hair differences in a variety of dogs - not seen it on the spine, though. I've seen it over a hip (one side only) on a few occasions and also at a shoulder.

The unfortunate part is that I might have only seen these people in passing and not each one have I had opportunity to comment. And then those that I might have ..... I don't know them well enough for them to have come back to me, assuming they had it checked out. So I've had no chance to confirm the theory, first-hand.

I tend to believe it is possible. I mean, why not? Finger nails can change shape because of health issues in some other part of our body. Our eyes can indicate health issues in some other part of our body. Analysis of hair itself can show up health issues in the body as well. I don't think it is so far fetched as to think it possible that a change in hair/coat direction might indicate an issue immediately beneath it.

Edited by Erny
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I have seen cross breeds and greyhounds with a ridge or part ridge.

I think a ridge (change of hair direction along the spine ) is a genetic or congenital abnormality. A ridge is the mild abnormality (even desirable sometimes) at one end of the scale, a dermoid sinus is the serious abnormality when the genetic expression goes too far.

I wouldn't rule out the idea that the dog has an abnormality. But it sounds like it isn't a problem at all, and not really worth worrying about unless you plan to breed or show. While you could ask a vet about it, I would be much more inclined to talk to experienced long-haired weim owners about it, even if you have to send photos for people further afield to examine.

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I think a ridge (change of hair direction along the spine ) is a genetic or congenital abnormality.

Yes - it is connected to the condition "Spina Bifida". But a 'ridge' (in the true breed sense of the word) is present at birth. It doesn't develop.

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I recall reading something regarding T-touch that a patch of hair sticking up or roughened can indicate some underlying problem in a joint. I have no experience with this at all though. It may just be a change in coat and may be something relatively normal for a long haired weim. Keep in contact with your breeder but if your not happy with the way he's moving or he looks uncomfortable in some positions it might be worth getting him checked out.

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I do know that when duke put his spine out last year, the hair around the spine in that general area was different to the rest of his coat.

Once we'd figured out what was going on and had his back manipulated into place, the coat in that area matched the rest.

So the guy is not necessarily wrong. It's just that there are so many other possibilities too.


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Thanks for your insight guys! I think I'll keep an eye on it and mention it to the vet at our next visit. Couldn't hurt and I'll just see how his coat changes over the next few months.

Clyde - Duke was desexed at 6 months, so a full year ago.

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